# dillorc # Sample dillo initialization file. # Copy this file to ~/.dillo/dillorc and edit to your taste. # Lines that start with a '#' are comments. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIRST SECTION :) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the desired initial browser size geometry=640x550 # Dicache is where the Decompressed Images are cached (not the original ones). # If you have a lot of memory and a slow CPU, use YES, otherwise use NO use_dicache=NO #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RENDERING SECTION #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fontname for variable width rendering (most of the text). # - some fonts may slow down rendering, some others not! # - try to tune a fontname/font_factor combination. # Ex. {helvetica, lucida, times, "new century schoolbook", utopia, ...} vw_fontname=helvetica # Fontname for fixed width rendering (mainly
 quoted text)

# All fontsizes are scaled by this value (default is 1.0)

# If you prefer oblique over italic fonts, uncoment next line

# Show tooltip popup for images?
# Note: We use the "title" attribute and not "alt".
#       More info at: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25537

# Set this to YES, if you want to limit the word wrap width to the vieport
# width (may be useful for iPAQ)

#                            PARSING SECTION

# If you prefer more accurate HTML bug diagnose, over better rendering
# (page authors and webmasters) set the following to "NO".

#                            NETWORK SECTION

# Set the start page.
# Uncomment if you want to override the default start page.

# Set the home location

# Set search url to use with the search dialog.
# %s is replaced with urlencoded keywords, and %% by '%'.

# Set the proxy information for http

# if you need to provide a  user/password pair for the proxy,
# set the proxy user name here and Dillo will ask for the password later.

# When using a proxy, this sets the domains to access without proxy.
# (separated with a single space -- see examples below)
#no_proxy = ".mynet.com"
#no_proxy = ".mynet.com .other.net .foo.bar.org"

#                            COLORS SECTION

# Here we can use the HTML (standard and extended) or C syntax.

# Set the background color
# bg_color=gray
# bg_color=0xd6d6c0

# Set the text color

# Set the link color

# If your eyes suffer with white backgrounds, or you have headaches after
# lengthy computer sessions, and you don't need high contrast to see sharply,
# uncomment next line (it'll use 'bg_color' instead).   -- It works!

# Use the same colors with all documents?

# When set to YES, visited links will always have a contrasting color,
# independent of the page author's setting.

#                        USER INTERFACE SECTION

# Size of dillo panel (used to enlarge the browsing area)
# tiny   :  recommended for iPAQ (with small_icons)
# small  :  very nice! (it's "medium" without icon titles)
# medium :  nice!
# large  :  Traditional

# Here you can choose to hide some widgets of the dillo panel...

# Start dillo windows with a hidden panel?

# Enabling this will restrain OpenUrl and FindText, but may be required
# for the ION window manager.

# When filling forms, our default behaviour is to submit on enterpress,
# but only when there's a single text entry (to avoid incomplete submits).
# OTOH, if you have to fill the same form lots of times, you may find
# useful to keep away from the mouse by forcing enter to submit.

# Some forms lack a submit button, and dillo can generate a custom one
# internally. Unfortunately there's no guarantee for it to work. :(
# (my experience is that forms that lack a submit rely on Javascript)

#                        DEBUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Generic messsages (mainly for debugging specific parts)
# Uncomment the following line to disable them.

# Soon we'll add the "show_debug_messages=NO" option...

#                        HTML BUG MESSAGES SECTION

# Accepted by the W3C validator but "strongly discouraged" by the SPEC.
# (As "TAB character inside 

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# dillorc ends here.