Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef __LOUT_MISC_HH__
2 #define __LOUT_MISC_HH__
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <stdarg.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include <assert.h>
10 namespace lout {
17 namespace misc {
19 template <class T> inline T min (T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
20 template <class T> inline T max (T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
22 template <class T> inline T min (T a, T b, T c)
23 {
24  return (min (a, min (b, c)));
25 }
26 template <class T> inline T max (T a, T b, T c)
27 {
28  return (max (a, max (b, c)));
29 }
31 extern const char *prgName;
33 void init (int argc, char *argv[]);
35 inline void assertNotReached ()
36 {
37  fprintf (stderr, "*** [%s] This should not happen! ***\n", prgName);
38  abort ();
39 }
41 inline void assertNotReached (const char *fmt, ...)
42 {
43  va_list argp;
44  va_start(argp, fmt);
46  fprintf (stderr, "*** [%s] This should not happen: ", prgName);
47  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp);
48  fprintf (stderr, "! ***\n");
50  va_end(argp);
52  abort ();
53 }
55 inline void notImplemented (const char *name)
56 {
57  fprintf (stderr, "*** [%s] Not implemented: %s ***\n", prgName, name);
58  abort ();
59 }
61 inline int roundInt(double d)
62 {
63  return (int) ((d > 0) ? (d + 0.5) : (d - 0.5));
64 }
66 inline int AsciiTolower(char c)
67 {
68  return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c + 0x20 : c);
69 }
71 inline int AsciiToupper(char c)
72 {
73  return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c - 0x20 : c);
74 }
76 inline int AsciiStrcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
77 {
78  int ret = 0;
80  while ((*s1 || *s2) && !(ret = AsciiTolower(*s1) - AsciiTolower(*s2))) {
81  s1++;
82  s2++;
83  }
84  return ret;
85 }
87 inline const char *boolToStr (bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; }
93 template <class T> class SimpleVector
94 {
95 private:
96  T *array;
97  int num, numAlloc;
99  inline void resize ()
100  {
101  /* This algorithm was tuned for memory&speed with this huge page:
102  * http://downloads.mysql.com/docs/refman-6.0-en.html.tar.gz
103  */
104  if (array == NULL) {
105  this->numAlloc = 1;
106  this->array = (T*) malloc (sizeof (T));
107  }
108  if (this->numAlloc < this->num) {
109  this->numAlloc = (this->num < 100) ?
110  this->num : this->num + this->num/10;
111  this->array =
112  (T*) realloc(this->array, (this->numAlloc * sizeof (T)));
113  }
114  }
116 public:
117  inline SimpleVector (int initAlloc = 1)
118  {
119  this->num = 0;
120  this->numAlloc = initAlloc;
121  this->array = NULL;
122  }
124  inline SimpleVector (const SimpleVector &o) {
125  this->array = NULL;
126  this->num = o.num;
127  this->numAlloc = o.numAlloc;
128  resize ();
129  memcpy (this->array, o.array, sizeof (T) * num);
130  }
132  inline ~SimpleVector ()
133  {
134  if (this->array)
135  free (this->array);
136  }
141  inline int size() const { return this->num; }
143  inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
145  inline T* getArray() const { return array; }
147  inline T* detachArray() {
148  T* arr = array;
149  array = NULL;
150  numAlloc = 0;
151  num = 0;
152  return arr;
153  }
160  inline void increase() { setSize(this->num + 1); }
167  inline void setSize(int newSize) {
168  assert (newSize >= 0);
169  this->num = newSize;
170  this->resize ();
171  }
178  inline void setSize (int newSize, T t) {
179  int oldSize = this->num;
180  setSize (newSize);
181  for (int i = oldSize; i < newSize; i++)
182  set (i, t);
183  }
190  inline T* getRef (int i) const {
191  assert (i >= 0 && this->num - i > 0);
192  return array + i;
193  }
201  inline T get (int i) const {
202  assert (i >= 0 && this->num - i > 0);
203  return this->array[i];
204  }
209  inline T* getFirstRef () const {
210  assert (this->num > 0);
211  return this->array;
212  }
217  inline T getFirst () const {
218  assert (this->num > 0);
219  return this->array[0];
220  }
225  inline T* getLastRef () const {
226  assert (this->num > 0);
227  return this->array + this->num - 1;
228  }
233  inline T getLast () const {
234  assert (this->num > 0);
235  return this->array[this->num - 1];
236  }
246  inline void set (int i, T t) {
247  assert (i >= 0 && this->num - i > 0);
248  this->array[i] = t;
249  }
254  inline void setLast (T t) {
255  assert (this->num > 0);
256  this->array[this->num - 1] = t;
257  }
266  inline void copyTo(SimpleVector<T> *dest, int thisStart = 0,
267  int thisLast = -1, int destStart = 0) {
268  assert (dest != this);
269  if (thisLast == -1)
270  thisLast = this->size () - 1;
271  for (int i = thisStart; i <= thisLast; i++)
272  dest->set (i - thisStart + destStart, get (i));
273  }
274 };
310 template <class T> class NotSoSimpleVector
311 {
312 private:
316  inline void resizeMain ()
317  {
318  /* This algorithm was tuned for memory&speed with this huge page:
319  * http://downloads.mysql.com/docs/refman-6.0-en.html.tar.gz
320  */
321  if (arrayMain == NULL) {
322  this->numAllocMain = 1;
323  this->arrayMain = (T*) malloc (sizeof (T));
324  }
325  if (this->numAllocMain < this->numMain) {
326  this->numAllocMain = (this->numMain < 100) ?
327  this->numMain : this->numMain + this->numMain/10;
328  this->arrayMain =
329  (T*) realloc(this->arrayMain, (this->numAllocMain * sizeof (T)));
330  }
331  }
333  inline void resizeExtra ()
334  {
335  /* This algorithm was tuned for memory&speed with this huge page:
336  * http://downloads.mysql.com/docs/refman-6.0-en.html.tar.gz
337  */
338  if (arrayExtra1 == NULL) {
339  this->numAllocExtra = 1;
340  this->arrayExtra1 = (T*) malloc (sizeof (T));
341  this->arrayExtra2 = (T*) malloc (sizeof (T));
342  }
343  if (this->numAllocExtra < this->numExtra) {
344  this->numAllocExtra = (this->numExtra < 100) ?
345  this->numExtra : this->numExtra + this->numExtra/10;
346  this->arrayExtra1 =
347  (T*) realloc(this->arrayExtra1, (this->numAllocExtra * sizeof (T)));
348  this->arrayExtra2 =
349  (T*) realloc(this->arrayExtra2, (this->numAllocExtra * sizeof (T)));
350  }
351  }
353  void consolidate ()
354  {
355  if (startExtra != -1) {
356  numMain += numExtra;
357  resizeMain ();
358  memmove (arrayMain + startExtra + numExtra, arrayMain + startExtra,
359  (numMain - (startExtra + numExtra)) * sizeof (T));
360  memmove (arrayMain + startExtra, arrayExtra1, numExtra * sizeof (T));
361  startExtra = -1;
362  numExtra = 0;
363  }
364  }
366 public:
367  inline NotSoSimpleVector (int initAlloc)
368  {
369  this->numMain = this->numExtra = 0;
370  this->numAllocMain = initAlloc;
371  this->numAllocExtra = initAlloc;
372  this->arrayMain = this->arrayExtra1 = this->arrayExtra2 = NULL;
373  this->startExtra = -1;
374  }
377  {
378  this->arrayMain = NULL;
379  this->numMain = o.numMain;
380  this->numAllocMain = o.numAllocMain;
381  resizeMain ();
382  memcpy (this->arrayMain, o.arrayMain, sizeof (T) * numMain);
384  this->arrayExtra = NULL;
385  this->numExtra = o.numExtra;
386  this->numAllocExtra = o.numAllocExtra;
387  resizeExtra ();
388  memcpy (this->arrayExtra, o.arrayExtra, sizeof (T) * numExtra);
390  this->startExtra = o.startExtra;
391  }
394  {
395  if (this->arrayMain)
396  free (this->arrayMain);
397  if (this->arrayExtra1)
398  free (this->arrayExtra1);
399  if (this->arrayExtra2)
400  free (this->arrayExtra2);
401  }
403  inline int size() const { return this->numMain + this->numExtra; }
405  inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
407  inline void increase() { setSize(size() + 1); }
409  inline void setSize(int newSize)
410  {
411  assert (newSize >= 0);
412  this->numMain = newSize - numExtra;
413  this->resizeMain ();
414  }
416  void insert (int index, int numInsert)
417  {
418  assert (numInsert >= 0);
420  // The following lines are a simple (but inefficient) replacement.
421  //setSize (numMain + numInsert);
422  //memmove (arrayMain + index + numInsert, arrayMain + index,
423  // (numMain - index - numInsert) * sizeof (T));
424  //return;
426  if (this->startExtra == -1) {
427  // simple case
428  this->numExtra = numInsert;
429  this->startExtra = index;
430  resizeExtra ();
431  } else {
432  if (index < startExtra) {
433  consolidate ();
434  insert (index, numInsert);
435  } else if (index < startExtra + numExtra) {
436  int oldNumExtra = numExtra;
437  numExtra += numInsert;
438  resizeExtra ();
440  int toMove = startExtra + oldNumExtra - index;
441  memmove (arrayExtra1 + numExtra - toMove,
442  arrayExtra1 + index - startExtra,
443  toMove * sizeof (T));
444  } else {
445  int oldNumExtra = numExtra;
446  numExtra += numInsert;
447  resizeExtra ();
449  // Note: index refers to the *logical* adress, not to the
450  // *physical* one.
451  int diff = index - this->startExtra - oldNumExtra;
452  T *arrayMainI = arrayMain + this->startExtra;
453  for (int i = diff + oldNumExtra - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
454  T *src = i < oldNumExtra ?
455  this->arrayExtra1 + i : arrayMainI + (i - oldNumExtra);
456  T *dest = i < diff ?
457  arrayMainI + i : arrayExtra2 + (i - diff);
458  *dest = *src;
459  }
461  memcpy (arrayExtra1, arrayExtra2, sizeof (T) * oldNumExtra);
462  startExtra = index - oldNumExtra;
463  }
464  }
465  }
472  inline T* getRef (int i) const
473  {
474  if (this->startExtra == -1) {
475  assert (i >= 0 && i < this->numMain);
476  return this->arrayMain + i;
477  } else {
478  if (i < this->startExtra) {
479  assert (i >= 0);
480  return this->arrayMain + i;
481  } else if (i >= this->startExtra + this->numExtra) {
482  // The original assertion
484  // "assert (i < this->numMain + this->numExtra)"
485  //
486  // causes this warnung in dw::Textblock::breakAdded:
487  //
488  // "assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that
489  // (X - c) > X is always false [-Wstrict-overflow]"
490  //
491  // Subtracting numExtra from both sides solves this,
492  // interrestingly.
494  assert (i - this->numExtra < this->numMain);
495  return this->arrayMain + i - this->numExtra;
496  } else
497  return this->arrayExtra1 + i - this->startExtra;
498  }
499  }
507  inline T get (int i) const
508  {
509  return *(this->getRef(i));
510  }
515  inline T* getFirstRef () const {
516  assert (size () > 0);
517  return this->getRef(0);
518  }
523  inline T getFirst () const {
524  return *(this->getFirstRef());
525  }
530  inline T* getLastRef () const {
531  assert (size () > 0);
532  return this->getRef(size () - 1);
533  }
538  inline T getLast () const {
539  return *(this->getLastRef());
540  }
550  inline void set (int i, T t) {
551  *(this->getRef(i)) = t;
552  }
557  inline void setLast (T t) {
558  *(this->getLastRef()) = t;
559  }
560 };
566 {
567 private:
568  struct Node
569  {
570  char *data;
572  };
575  int numChars;
576  char *str;
577  bool strValid;
579 public:
580  StringBuffer();
581  ~StringBuffer();
589  inline void append(const char *str) { appendNoCopy(strdup(str)); }
590  inline void appendInt(int n)
591  { char buf[32]; sprintf (buf, "%d", n); append (buf); }
592  inline void appendPointer(void *p)
593  { char buf[32]; sprintf (buf, "%p", p); append (buf); }
594  inline void appendBool(bool b) { append (b ? "true" : "false"); }
595  void appendNoCopy(char *str);
596  const char *getChars();
597  void clear ();
598 };
604 class BitSet
605 {
606 private:
607  unsigned char *bits;
610  inline int bytesForBits(int bits) { return bits == 0 ? 1 : (bits + 7) / 8; }
612 public:
613  BitSet(int initBits);
614  ~BitSet();
616  bool get(int i) const;
617  void set(int i, bool val);
618  void clear();
619 };
627 {
628 private:
633 public:
634  ZoneAllocator (size_t poolSize) {
635  this->poolSize = poolSize;
636  this->poolLimit = poolSize / 4;
637  this->freeIdx = poolSize;
638  this->pools = new SimpleVector <char*> (1);
639  this->bulk = new SimpleVector <char*> (1);
640  };
643  zoneFree ();
644  delete pools;
645  delete bulk;
646  }
648  inline void * zoneAlloc (size_t t) {
649  void *ret;
651  if (t > poolLimit) {
652  bulk->increase ();
653  bulk->set (bulk->size () - 1, (char*) malloc (t));
654  return bulk->get (bulk->size () - 1);
655  }
657  if (t > poolSize - freeIdx) {
658  pools->increase ();
659  pools->set (pools->size () - 1, (char*) malloc (poolSize));
660  freeIdx = 0;
661  }
663  ret = pools->get (pools->size () - 1) + freeIdx;
664  freeIdx += t;
665  return ret;
666  }
668  inline void zoneFree () {
669  for (int i = 0; i < pools->size (); i++)
670  free (pools->get (i));
671  pools->setSize (0);
672  for (int i = 0; i < bulk->size (); i++)
673  free (bulk->get (i));
674  bulk->setSize (0);
675  freeIdx = poolSize;
676  }
678  inline const char *strndup (const char *str, size_t t) {
679  char *new_str = (char *) zoneAlloc (t + 1);
680  memcpy (new_str, str, t);
681  new_str[t] = '\0';
682  return new_str;
683  }
685  inline const char *strdup (const char *str) {
686  return strndup (str, strlen (str));
687  }
688 };
690 } // namespace misc
692 } // namespace lout
694 #endif // __LOUT_MISC_HH__
Definition: misc.cc:142
T * getRef(int i) const
Return the reference of one element.
Definition: misc.hh:190
void setSize(int newSize, T t)
Set the size explicitly and initialize new values.
Definition: misc.hh:178
int numChars
Definition: misc.hh:575
void set(int i, T t)
Store an object in the vector.
Definition: misc.hh:550
void resizeMain()
Definition: misc.hh:316
int numExtra
Definition: misc.hh:314
void set(int i, T t)
Store an object in the vector.
Definition: misc.hh:246
bool strValid
Definition: misc.hh:577
void increase()
Definition: misc.hh:407
SimpleVector(int initAlloc=1)
Definition: misc.hh:117
A class for fast concatenation of a large number of strings.
Definition: misc.hh:565
void set(int i, bool val)
Definition: misc.cc:163
T * getArray() const
Definition: misc.hh:145
SimpleVector(const SimpleVector &o)
Definition: misc.hh:124
T getFirst() const
Return the first element, explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:523
void intoStringBuffer(misc::StringBuffer *sb)
Definition: misc.cc:147
void appendNoCopy(char *str)
Append a NUL-terminated string to the buffer, without copying.
Definition: misc.cc:68
Definition: misc.cc:54
void resizeExtra()
Definition: misc.hh:333
void copyTo(SimpleVector< T > *dest, int thisStart=0, int thisLast=-1, int destStart=0)
Copies some elements into another vector of the same type.
Definition: misc.hh:266
void assertNotReached()
Definition: misc.hh:35
void append(const char *str)
Append a NUL-terminated string to the buffer, with copying.
Definition: misc.hh:589
int AsciiToupper(char c)
Definition: misc.hh:71
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: misc.hh:19
void setSize(int newSize)
Definition: misc.hh:409
Definition: misc.hh:393
A simple allocator optimized to handle many small chunks of memory. The chunks can not be free'd indi...
Definition: misc.hh:626
int size() const
Return the number of elements put into this vector.
Definition: misc.hh:141
char * data
Definition: misc.hh:570
char * str
Definition: misc.hh:576
void clear()
Remove all strings appended to the string buffer.
Definition: misc.cc:116
int numBytes
Definition: misc.hh:608
T * getLastRef() const
Return the reference of the last element (convenience method).
Definition: misc.hh:530
ZoneAllocator(size_t poolSize)
Definition: misc.hh:634
int bytesForBits(int bits)
Definition: misc.hh:610
T * array
Definition: misc.hh:96
void setLast(T t)
Store an object at the end of the vector.
Definition: misc.hh:254
const char * boolToStr(bool b)
Definition: misc.hh:87
int numBits
Definition: misc.hh:608
T * arrayExtra2
Definition: misc.hh:313
T * arrayExtra1
Definition: misc.hh:313
SimpleVector< char * > * pools
Definition: misc.hh:630
const char * prgName
Definition: misc.cc:33
T getLast() const
Return the last element, explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:233
SimpleVector< char * > * bulk
Definition: misc.hh:631
const char * strdup(const char *str)
Definition: misc.hh:685
const char * getChars()
Return a NUL-terminated strings containing all appended strings.
Definition: misc.cc:92
Node * lastNode
Definition: misc.hh:574
BitSet(int initBits)
Definition: misc.cc:134
T max(T a, T b)
Definition: misc.hh:20
Simple (simpler than container::untyped::Vector and container::typed::Vector) template based vector...
Definition: misc.hh:93
Definition: container.cc:27
size_t poolSize
Definition: misc.hh:629
Definition: misc.hh:642
int numMain
Definition: misc.hh:314
int numAlloc
Definition: misc.hh:97
T * getFirstRef() const
Return the reference of the first element (convenience method).
Definition: misc.hh:209
T get(int i) const
Return the one element, explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:201
int num
Definition: misc.hh:97
bool empty() const
Definition: misc.hh:143
void notImplemented(const char *name)
Definition: misc.hh:55
Node * next
Definition: misc.hh:571
T * arrayMain
Definition: misc.hh:313
int size() const
Definition: misc.hh:403
void setSize(int newSize)
Set the size explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:167
void increase()
Increase the vector size by one.
Definition: misc.hh:160
T * getRef(int i) const
Return the reference of one element.
Definition: misc.hh:472
const char * strndup(const char *str, size_t t)
Definition: misc.hh:678
void zoneFree()
Definition: misc.hh:668
T * detachArray()
Definition: misc.hh:147
int numAllocExtra
Definition: misc.hh:314
Definition: misc.cc:46
size_t poolLimit
Definition: misc.hh:629
void resize()
Definition: misc.hh:99
T * getLastRef() const
Return the reference of the last element (convenience method).
Definition: misc.hh:225
void init(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: misc.cc:35
Definition: misc.hh:568
int roundInt(double d)
Definition: misc.hh:61
Container similar to lout::misc::SimpleVector, but some cases of insertion optimized (used for hyphen...
Definition: misc.hh:310
void clear()
Definition: misc.cc:184
void appendPointer(void *p)
Definition: misc.hh:592
NotSoSimpleVector(int initAlloc)
Definition: misc.hh:367
int AsciiTolower(char c)
Definition: misc.hh:66
int startExtra
Definition: misc.hh:314
A bit set, which automatically reallocates when needed.
Definition: misc.hh:604
unsigned char * bits
Definition: misc.hh:607
Node * firstNode
Definition: misc.hh:574
int AsciiStrcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
Definition: misc.hh:76
void setLast(T t)
Store an object at the end of the vector.
Definition: misc.hh:557
size_t freeIdx
Definition: misc.hh:629
T getFirst() const
Return the first element, explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:217
Definition: misc.hh:132
T * getFirstRef() const
Return the reference of the first element (convenience method).
Definition: misc.hh:515
T getLast() const
Return the last element, explicitly.
Definition: misc.hh:538
void appendInt(int n)
Definition: misc.hh:590
void consolidate()
Definition: misc.hh:353
void insert(int index, int numInsert)
Definition: misc.hh:416
int numAllocMain
Definition: misc.hh:314
void * zoneAlloc(size_t t)
Definition: misc.hh:648
void appendBool(bool b)
Definition: misc.hh:594
NotSoSimpleVector(const NotSoSimpleVector &o)
Definition: misc.hh:376
bool empty() const
Definition: misc.hh:405