[Dillo-dev]Developer release From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-03-30 22:50 Hi everyone! Today dillo-0.1.0.tar.gz is ready for download. It will be our first public developer release! When James finish setting it to on the sourceforge ftp server, I'll add a download link to the home page, announce it to the gtk devel mailing list, and it will be public! Comments are welcomed. Jorge.- Pd: Haven't got any feedback on the former release yet :-| [Dillo-dev]Activity From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-03-15 16:16 Hi, Has anyone downloaded dillo-0.0.6? (Haven't received a single comment yet...) Jorge.- [Dillo-dev]New release From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-03-09 17:58 Hi! Finally, dillo-0.0.6.tar.gz is out! Several bug fixes, feature additions and docs had been added. Please check it carefully and send me comments about the documentation. Beware: - The Image progress bar is not working properly, it needs further work. - Sometimes the IP transfer blocks the browser. I'm working on that... - Sometimes images are rendered as a white rectangle. Any clues? Finally, Luca added preferences that are to be set using a readable config file. I included a sample one within the tarball (dillorc). Copy it to your .dillo/ directory and adjust to your taste! Ah, I also updated the web site. Check it out! Jorge.- [Dillo-dev]Lots of news! From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-03-03 19:03 Hi guys! Although mailing list activity had been dead, my email box has showed some traffic. A lot of things are happening now, and I wish to share the with all of you. dillo-0.0.6 is almost ready for release (less than a week more) and I want dillo-0.0.7 to be our first developer's release; Let's work toward that goal! I've been working ironing some bugs (check the bug track) and writing DOCUMENTATION!!! All that stuff will be inside the next tarball in the doc/ dir. Please check it carefully and send me some feedback about it. What did you like? What you want extended? --things like that. If you feel confident enough to send me your extensions, please do so. The other part (the one that has taken most of my time) is the table and frames extensions to dillo parser. There were several alternatives, among them I found: 1.- gtk-xmhtml 2.- xml (Entity engine) 3.- xhtml 4.- gtkhtml 5.- mMosaic source code The main point was to find a HTML-rendering library or some code that can be adapted to dillo. Briefly: 1.- Is deprecated. (Dead, as Miguel de Icaza told me) 2.- This is very interesting and consists on writing a new HTML parser but having all the rendering done by the Entity engine. Entity is a new project by Ian Main (he also worked in gzilla a long time ago). Entity is an XML parsing engine, written in C that can be used to develop apps. specified as XML with functionality implemented in another language. (Interesting, but I need more time to evaluate it. --Spent three and a half hours on IRC with Ian talking about it...) If you want to investigate, go to: http://entity.evilplan.org 3.- XHTML is a family of current and future document types and modules that reproduce, subset and extend HTML 4. XHTML family doc. types are XML based, and ultimately are designed to work in conjunction with XML-based user agents. What does it means? That if we implement an XHTML parser, we should be able to handle that, some more and, with some little magic, HTML 4.0 4.- gtkhtml is the html library that will superseed gtk-xmhtml in the gnome project. I tryed to try it :) as Miguel suggested, but id depended on several other gnome-libs (gnome-xml, glibwww, gnome-print, gtkhtml...) I gave up. It was impressively big, and the meaning of having a light weight browser is absolutely lost. 5.- mMosaic claims to support TABLES and one level of frames. Maybe we can look there. (Zero research :( ) Well, it seems we'll continue extending dillo widget to support tables and frames until we found a better way to do the job. Opinions&suggestions are welcome. ------ Sammy, I included all your patches in dillo-0.0.6 > it compiled like a breeze over here (running slackware 7 with newest > version of glib & gtk) Good! (I plan to install Slk 7 soon) > i still notice that sometimes dillo starts taking a lot of cpu power > (it doesn't appear to be doing anything though). I've noticed this with > other versions of dillo too. This worries me from time to time. I've never been able to reproduce the bug, and the only thing I can think of, is a surviving thread (maybe the scheduling one) from a KILL signal. Pleas check it. 'ps aux | grep dillo' When you first run dillo, there should be one process. After the first DNS query, there should be 2. And from then and on, those two threads remain but when resolving a query, one more thread per query is temporarily added. > congratulations on fixing the image code .. i could now surf to > http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/ and > see all jpgs and png's :) Thanks a lot. Finally: Are you working on the reload button? ------ James: I've been working the progress bars code. Finally moved them to the upper part and at least the text one is working reasonably well. I have to put further work with the image one though. I hope to improve those a bit before releasin dillo-0.0.6. Ah, I need my sourceforge account to have admin permissions! Currently it recognizes me as a user (No uploads, FTP, HTML site...) If you're stuck with bug #5, you'll find some good info in the docs I wrote (wait next release or send me an email request) ----- Luca, I hope to have answered some of your questions with the first part of this book :) > What's about gtk-app-devel-list@re... (gtk mailing list) and the > so....net' news? The suggestions you gave to my gtk-oriented-announce-place request, seem OK to me. Lets keep it that way, unless a better one pops-up. Sincerely Jorge.-