[Dillo-dev]Dw details From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-31 15:04 Hi! Some details on my Dw design. Implementation is far enough to make be beleive that this design should work quite well. In detail: - DwWidget: set_width and set_height are currently not used, instead, this feature is currently implemented otherwise. Will be changed next. The implementation of a_widget_queue_resize is currently very simple and inefficient, but works; changes should not effect the other code. - DwContainer: There won't be much implementation, anyway. - Interaction between Gtk and Dw: GtkLayout does a good job ;-). Embedding of Gtk+ widgets by DwEmbedGtk works mainly. (BTW, focus works very nice now.) DwWidget -------- My goal for the new design was mainly to make dillo's widgets more similar to Gtk+ widgets. struct _DwWidget { GtkObject object; /* some more members, will change */ }; struct _DwWidgetClass { GtkObjectClass parent_class; void (*size_request) (DwWidget *widget, DwRequisition *requisition); void (*size_allocate) (DwWidget *widget, DwAllocation *allocation); void (*set_width) (DwWidget *widget, guint32 width); void (*set_height) (DwWidget *widget, guint32 height); void (*draw) (DwWidget *widget, DwRectangle *area, GdkEventExpose *); /* further methods for events */ }; size_request and size_allocate work quite exactly as in GtkWidget. I added two methods, set_width and set_height, which may (but need not) have an effect on the behaviour of size_request. (Probably, set_height will not be used anyway, but it is there for symmetry.) Most widgets in dillo will use size_request much more often that size_allocate. There is a function a_dw_widget_queue_resize, which a widget must call when its desired change has changed (e.g. if a word is added to a page). The implementation is based on the size_request and size_allocate methods, similar to gtk_widget_queue_resize), so a widget must not implement anything like idle functions etc. (BTW, a_dw_widget_queue_resize as well as gtk_widget_queue_resize do work with idle functions.) Since DwWidget's are windowless "per se", there is no need for distinguishing between a draw and an expose method. However, if the draw function is called because of an expose event, the method will receive it as third argument (otherwise NULL), in case, if the widget is interested in further details. DwContainer ----------- Quite similar to GtkContainer. Interaction between Gtk and Dw ------------------------------ The top level Dw widget is handled by a Gtk+ widget GtkDwViewport, derived from GtkLayout. GtkDwViewport is responsible for all events for Dw widgets, the underlying GtkLayout for events for embedded Gtk+ widgets. There is still a widget DwEmbedGtk for embedding Gtk+ widgets into a DwWidget. Some "events" (like destroy or size_request) of those widgets have to be caught by signals, since Gtk+ does not regard the DwEmbedGtk as the parent of the Gtk+ widget. (I first tried another approach, without GtkLayout, which made the design simpler, but had severe problems with the Gtk+ widgets. So I decided to use GtkLayout, which does a good job for this.) Sebastian RE: [Dillo-dev]Progress From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry - 2000-10-30 00:36 During some recent plane trips I have mostly finished my work on dillo and rendering of font modifying tags. font tab itself is supported, it does not yet support the face attribute. The sub and super tags need attention, they are the only major things not working yet. I intend to add a flag to dillo's configuration to ignore all font modifying tags in the html, or only specific ones. I have even pondered saying it is ok if font color= is set, but not font face=. Jorge, I know how much you hate not being able to control what html authors do and I would like to give our users a rich set of control over this. Personally, I like to see pages the way the author intended, but I know not everyone does. Comments on implementation of user prefs welcome. Need just a little cleanup of the code and I can submit a patch. Jorge, would you like for this to happen after Sebastian's Dw changes? Sorry for not being very talkative lately, this is the first time this machine has been on in a week. [Dillo-dev]Dw progress From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-28 10:43 Hi! Another good news: Dw is working quite nice already. Embedding Gtk+ widgets is now (nearly) perfect, there are no expose problems anymore, even resize queueing of Gtk+ widgets are recognized. After making some changes and fixing some bugs, I'll soon start re-intigreating it into dillo. A note to bug #86: tabbing between widgets works automatically (done by the base class GtkLayout or somewhere else), but the toplevel Gtk+ widget (GtkDwViewport) isn't focussable yet, so e.g. the arrow keys don't work. Making GtkDwViewport focussable will cause some other problems, since you may not focus children of focussable containers by pressing the tab key (but you may by clicking on them). I'll work on it (and make an entry in the bug tracking engine). Images: I'll first deactivate images, and then take a look at Jorge's changes. Sebastian [Dillo-dev]Dillo-plugins first release From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-27 16:07 Hi guys, As I promised, I just made available all the Dillo-plugins stuff I've been working on at: http://www.rti-zone.org/dillo/ Feel free to send me any comments about this. It's stable and almost complete, so you can try and do your own Dillo-plugins right now. I'm still working on the patch, and I'll finish it hopefully soon enough to be reviewed by Jorge and integrated in Dillo v0.3. A usable Bookmarks Dillo-plugin will be available soon too, but its developement will be disconnected of Dillo. (I'm not forking Dillo ! The purpose of plugins is to be external programs). The internal bookmarks menu won't be removed until Jorge decides so. Ciao ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 28-Oct-2000 a 00:55:24 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]Progress From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-10-27 12:40 Hi! A few days ago I finally devised a way to simplify the complex alternative design; it was a major task with lots of changes that I hope to document in the future. The good news is that I have a running prototype of dillo-0.3.0 with it! The prototype runs very good and only requires some polishing before being adopted as the basis for our new release. In brief: - The imgsink stuff was completely removed. - The dicache was rewritten from scratch and integrated into the normal cache. - A single client queue is being used for both caches. - The file descriptors were replaced by cache keys that serve as connection handlers. - The image data structure and related sources got changed. - Every decoder (png, gif, jpeg) was adapted to the new scheme. The current prototype already solves the file caching problem (and the severe memory leaks related). Now, I'll try to fix BUGs using the tools that this new design provide. When I finish that, it will be time to move the patch queue... But before I start patching, I'll upload the prototype to the CVS server so it can be tested. I only hope this design succeeds to provide what we need... Jorge.- [Dillo-dev]Dillo Weekly News From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-24 14:53 I've just posted the latest Dillo weekly news, this was meant to be done on Sunday so I'm sorry it's so late but I had a uni deadline to make (just). Anyway you can find it at http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/news/news221000.html Allan Clark allan@al... shark@bl... Re: [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-24 12:39 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames" de Eric GAUDET, le 24-Oct-2000 : >>> Don't render frames embeding DwPages in DwPages, but >>> create an actual browser page for each frame of the >>> frameset, with the correct width and height. The >>> user can then place the frames as he wants without >>> being bugged with having to read a page in a tiny >>> window. >> >> As I think about this, this sounds like a neat >> approach for re-sizable frames. But bear in mind that >> not all frames are re-sizable. We'll need to handle >> both re-sizable AND non-re-sizable frames, IMHO. >> > > While we could probably intercept resizing messages, I'm not sure > this > would be a good idea. I want to keep control over sites designed for > large screens (I "only" have a 800x600 laptop). I don't see where in > html concepts the user is denied to customised his browser's > behavior. > More precisely on attributes : - NORESIZE should be used to allow the browser window to be resized without the DwPage renegotiation its dimensions. (only useful with sizes in %) - SCROLLING should always be auto : there's no point to deny scrolling in such a frame implementation. - FRAMEBORDER, MARGINWIDTH, MARGINHEIGHT : ignored. I agree there will be a problem here with complex pages using frames for showing fancy displays, mostly for java applets and video streaming (none of which we plan to support anytime soon). Those pages should be built with tables anyway, and I don't care if we can't render "correctly" poorly designed pages. This multi-window implementation for frames is allowed by HTML4 specs : (quoted from W3C site) "16.1 Introduction to frames HTML frames allow authors to present documents in multiple views, which may be independent windows or subwindows. Multiple views offer designers a way to keep certain information visible, while other views are scrolled or replaced." The "subwindows" is the way most browsers render frames, but not the only one ;-) PS: I didn't came with this idea to make frames implementation simpler, but because I think this could be convenient for users. ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 24-Oct-2000 a 21:21:30 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-24 08:57 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames" de Daniel Roberts, le 24-Oct-2000 : > --- Eric GAUDET wrote: >> Don't render frames embeding DwPages in DwPages, but >> create an actual browser page for each frame of the >> frameset, with the correct width and height. The >> user can then place the frames as he wants without >> being bugged with having to read a page in a tiny >> window. > > As I think about this, this sounds like a neat > approach for re-sizable frames. But bear in mind that > not all frames are re-sizable. We'll need to handle > both re-sizable AND non-re-sizable frames, IMHO. > While we could probably intercept resizing messages, I'm not sure this would be a good idea. I want to keep control over sites designed for large screens (I "only" have a 800x600 laptop). I don't see where in html concepts the user is denied to customised his browser's behavior. >> We'll also need to add an identifier for the >> frameset (say a hash of the url ?), in case the same >> target names are used in different framesets. That >> doesn't seem pose any problem. > > Actually, would it not be easier if we simply embedded > the DwPages within some master widget that contained > the master URL and the master frameset? > That's the current design "to-be" with Sebastian's new Dw widgets. > Also, another problem will surface in the course of > this: How on earth do we plan to handle bookmarking, > and back/forward buttons for frames? Last time I > checked, the W3C HTML specs generally seemed to admit > that this was a very messy situation in HTML. In > Netscape, they had a HECK of a time with this. > Bookmarking was impossible, and back/forward had to be > given an ugly hack to handle frames, originally. > For bookmarking, we can bookmark only the frameset's URL. For back/forward button, I don't see any problem : each browser window already has its own history. > In this course of thought, yet another thought has > occured to me: With so many different > languages/protocols (http, ftp, html, xml, xslt, css, > JavaScript, etc.), why not make Dillo more generic and > modular by breaking the HTML support out into a > plugin? > Plugins plan do handle all this (both protocols and languages). However, we'll need a final rendering language, and IMHO html is not worth than any other, and likely better designed than anything we can design for scratch for our own use. And plugins have a drawback, which was already addressed (in Dillo-plugins protocol, to be plublished soon) about make a http plugin: "While it is possible to override "http:", this unlikely to be a good idea : doing that will cause Dillo to fork a Dillo-plugin for each http request. While Dillo's main purpose is being an http client, it would be much better to patch Dillo's http layer (instead of doing a Dillo-plugin for that) if you want to modify/fix/enhance Dillo's http behavior." Same for html : Dillo was designed for fast html rendering, we should keep html inside Dillo as THE low-level language for pages rendering. > Speaking of which, BTW, whatever became of the FTP plugin? It's cooking, be patient. More on Dillo-plugins by friday. (protocol and design draft documentation, patch, sample plugin and usable bookmark plugin) ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 24-Oct-2000 a 17:39:29 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-24 01:53 --- Eric GAUDET wrote: > Don't render frames embeding DwPages in DwPages, but > create an actual browser page for each frame of the > frameset, with the correct width and height. The > user can then place the frames as he wants without > being bugged with having to read a page in a tiny > window. As I think about this, this sounds like a neat approach for re-sizable frames. But bear in mind that not all frames are re-sizable. We'll need to handle both re-sizable AND non-re-sizable frames, IMHO. > We'll also need to add an identifier for the > frameset (say a hash of the url ?), in case the same > target names are used in different framesets. That > doesn't seem pose any problem. Actually, would it not be easier if we simply embedded the DwPages within some master widget that contained the master URL and the master frameset? Also, another problem will surface in the course of this: How on earth do we plan to handle bookmarking, and back/forward buttons for frames? Last time I checked, the W3C HTML specs generally seemed to admit that this was a very messy situation in HTML. In Netscape, they had a HECK of a time with this. Bookmarking was impossible, and back/forward had to be given an ugly hack to handle frames, originally. In this course of thought, yet another thought has occured to me: With so many different languages/protocols (http, ftp, html, xml, xslt, css, JavaScript, etc.), why not make Dillo more generic and modular by breaking the HTML support out into a plugin? Speaking of which, BTW, whatever became of the FTP plugin? ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ [Dillo-dev]Wild idea : frames From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-24 01:23 The list is so sleepy, let me share with you an idea I had for framesets rendering : (not inline frame, not tables) Don't render frames embeding DwPages in DwPages, but create an actual browser page for each frame of the frameset, with the correct width and height. The user can then place the frames as he wants without being bugged with having to read a page in a tiny window. To make that working, we'll have to add in DwPage a target attribute : I already did that in my href page. We'll also need to add an identifier for the frameset (say a hash of the url ?), in case the same target names are used in different framesets. That doesn't seem pose any problem. We can also render the frameset window showing a scalled-down version of the frame map : gtk containers with buttons named after the frames titles should fo the trick. A window-manager "pager" sort of thing. Any comment ? If you like the idea, I'll probably give it a try when next Dillo version comes out. ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 24-Oct-2000 a 10:12:56 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]BSD ports From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-18 17:46 Jorge Arellano Cid wrote: > Sammy, > > > On the DNS scheme concerns. That's the expected behaviour: one > solving thread per request (Tested with more than a hundred > simoultaneous requests crowding 4 server channels). > > It seems the problem is highly related to BSD's threads > implementation; but please note that FreeBSD 3.5 does the trick. it's the expected behaviour of gethostbyname() actually (that it garbles up it's internal data when called simultaneously in threads). i think the thing here is that glibc might automatically use a multithread capable gethostbyname (which isn't one of the *_r functions specified by posix). i did a little research today and found out that most unices have a gethostbyname_r function, but apparently BSD hasn't (because the function isn't standardized yet). dillo runs fine when i put the max number of server channels to 1, so i'll use that for now :) > > Hope this helps > Jorge.- > > _______________________________________________ > Dillo-dev mailing list > Dillo-dev@li... > http://lists.so....net/mailman/listinfo/dillo-dev [Dillo-dev]BSD ports From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-10-18 12:30 Sammy, Kurt Lidl reported no problems using dillo with his BSD/OS 4.0.1 i386system . Ryan Oberlin got it running on FreeBSD (with some changes that I haven't got). tjs17@co... reported no problems with a a 32bit machine, gcc and FreeBSD 3.5 (with -pthread instead of -lpthread). Jeremy C. Reed has reported some problems trying to run dillo on NetBSD (I'm sure he'll appreciate any helping information). Feel free to contact and ask them (please tell them I gave you the addresses). --- On the DNS scheme concerns. That's the expected behaviour: one solving thread per request (Tested with more than a hundred simoultaneous requests crowding 4 server channels). It seems the problem is highly related to BSD's threads implementation; but please note that FreeBSD 3.5 does the trick. Hope this helps Jorge.- Re: [Dillo-dev]bug with dns or .. ? From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-17 21:20 Allan Clark wrote: > Just tried it and it worked fine for me. > > i have found what the problem is. apparently we are doing something quite dangerous here :) in Dns_server we call gethostbyname() from manpage gethostbyname These functions use static data storage; if the data is needed for future use, it should be copied before any subsequent calls overwrite it. but what we do is: we run Dns_Servers (several of them) in threads. so it is quite possible that one query starts while another one is busy and it will garble up gethostbyname's internal data (which is what's happening) when i disable threading for dns i have no problems. the debug output i get is for example : a_Cache_open_url: http://images.freshmeat.net/FreshMeat/Core/pc.gif?/index.php3,971817463 a_Cache_open_url: http://phoenix-adrunner.mycomputer.com/b/ar/freshmeat1/1 Dns_server: starting... channel: 0 Dns_server: starting... channel: 1 a_Cache_open_url: http://ads.freshmeat.net/egra5006en.gif?971817463 etc ... etc .. from this point no single gethostbyname function will return !! note that we had two requests very fast after eachother. RE: [Dillo-dev]bug with dns or .. ? From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-17 20:34 Just tried it and it worked fine for me. > -----Original Message----- > From: dillo-dev-admin@li... > [mailto:dillo-dev-admin@li...]On Behalf Of Sammy > Mannaert > Sent: 17 October 2000 21:14 > To: Dillo-dev@li... > Subject: [Dillo-dev]bug with dns or .. ? > > > hi, > > as i don't know if this is a bug or not, i want to ask some of you who > run dillo on linux: > > - go to http://www.freshmeat.net (or freshmeat.net) > - try to click any of the links above (linux.com, slashdot, etc ..) > - you will only see DNS resolving and that's it .. > > as i am running dillo on freebsd, i'm aware this might be a freebsd > specific > thingie, so i'd like to see if it's also happening on a linux platform. > > > > _______________________________________________ > Dillo-dev mailing list > Dillo-dev@li... > http://lists.so....net/mailman/listinfo/dillo-dev [Dillo-dev]bug with dns or .. ? From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-17 20:25 hi, as i don't know if this is a bug or not, i want to ask some of you who run dillo on linux: - go to http://www.freshmeat.net (or freshmeat.net) - try to click any of the links above (linux.com, slashdot, etc ..) - you will only see DNS resolving and that's it .. as i am running dillo on freebsd, i'm aware this might be a freebsd specific thingie, so i'd like to see if it's also happening on a linux platform. [Dillo-dev]Find text (quite long sorry) From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-17 16:10 Hi, First of all I am having trouble with my network, I seem to be able to send and recieve mail and that is about it, anyway that is why this is not a patch but I have just included the text, there isn't much anyway and is all in one function but sorry about that. The code below cleans up the findtext implemented by Sam, it uses a pretty fast algorithm which will also work if we ever choose to use unicode characters. You should be able to follow the algorithm fairly easily but essentially it pre-computes a prefix function for the find string this it does in linear time according to the length of the find string and only depends on the search string and not the page's text, it then searches through the text of the page which can also be done in linear time, and so it is pretty fast. This will find text that is span over one or more lines, but there is one slight known problem, this concerns moving the scroller to the correct position, currently if the occurence of the find string is in one line then the correct thing happens, if it spans two lines then again the correct thing happens and the scroller is positioned as if it were only contained in the top of the two lines, but if it spans more than two lines the scroller is placed as if the occurence started at the second last line the the occurence spans. Other points to note is that I have included code to enable the user to either match the case or not, I haven't updated the rest of the code as I realised because of my strange network problem I wouldn't be able to patch so I wanted to keep my changes limited to one function. Also the foundAt variable gives us a little more information than it needs but I left it the way it is as it will make it easier to highlight the text when we add support for that. Okay so if you're still with me, apply Sam's patch http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/patches/findtext.diff.gz then Sebastian's patch http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/patches/findtext2.diff and then open up dw_page.c, scroll to the bottom where you will find the a_Dw_page_find_text(DwPage *page, char *find) function and replace it with the one below /* * Find the text in the page. */ void a_Dw_page_find_text(DwPage *page, char *find) { GString *stext; GtkDwScroller *scroller; DwContainer *container; gint m; gint *prefix; gboolean matchCase; gint k = 0; gint q = 1; gint line_num = 0; gint foundAt = -1; gint ii = 0; gint t = 0; gint s = 0; gint fromPrevious = 0; matchCase = FALSE; /* Not yet implemented */ if ( !(container = a_Dw_find_container(&page->dw)) ){ g_print("BUG: Dw container not found\n"); return; } m = strlen(find); if (!m) return; prefix = (gint*) g_malloc (m * sizeof(gint)); stext = g_string_sized_new(64); /* First compute a static prefix function * this can be done in linear time and * based solely on the search string */ prefix[0] = 0; /*Must be this reguardless of the string */ if (!matchCase) g_strdown (find); for (q = 1; q < m; q++) { while (k > 0 && find[k] != find[q]) k = prefix[k - 1]; if (find[k] == find[q]) k++; prefix[q] = k; } /*Go in loop searching each line until we find the search string */ for (line_num = 0; line_num < page->num_lines; line_num++) { /* this allows us to find strings that span over two or more lines */ if (stext->len > m) stext = g_string_erase(stext, 0, stext->len - m); fromPrevious = stext->len; /*might not be as long as m */ /* Now we get the next block of text */ for(s = 0; s < page->lines[line_num].num_words; s++) { if (page->lines[line_num].words[s].content_type != DW_PAGE_CONTENT_TEXT) continue; stext = g_string_append(stext, page->lines[line_num].words[s].content.text); stext = g_string_append(stext, " "); } if (stext->len < m) continue; /* Now we search the stext for the search string */ if(!matchCase) stext = g_string_down(stext); foundAt = -1; ii = 0; t = 0; while (stext->str[ii]) { while (t > 0 && (find[t] != stext->str[ii])) t = prefix[t - 1]; if (find[t] == stext->str[ii]) t++; ii++; if (t == m) { foundAt = ii - m; break; } } /* Now if we have found it then highlight the line */ if (foundAt != -1) { scroller = GTK_DW_SCROLLER (container->widget->parent); if (foundAt < fromPrevious && line_num > 0) /*line_num <= 0 shouldn't ever happen if foundAt < fromPrevious*/ a_Dw_gtk_scroller_jump_pos (scroller, page->lines[line_num - 1].y_top); else a_Dw_gtk_scroller_jump_pos (scroller, page->lines[line_num].y_top); break; } } g_string_free(stext, TRUE); g_free (prefix); } Re: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-17 12:23 Eric GAUDET wrote: > I've already included in most of the pages I made if dillo v0.2.4's behavior is > correct or not, and sometime what it should be. I planned to update this when > next version (not cvs) will be available. > It's an HTML-rendering testsuite only. I won't build any testsuite for cache > behavior, http requests and other things a browser is supposed to do. > I understood there's a bedtest for Sebastian's new Dw : I can include that. It's simply a main-function of 20 lines, which creates some widgets and then calls gtk_main. It helps me testing all functions and finding bugs. (Furthermore, most widgets aren't ported yet, although they are mostly simple ones, like DwBullet.) This could perhaps done also for other modules, i.e. separating the module's code and calling all of its functions "by hand". Another way could be to use the existing possibilities of a server. E.g., I already used php pages with included "" to simulate slow connections (this could also be done by a simple cgi script), or you may create specific http headers etc. > It's the very first version : no one has reacted on it yet. I expect to receive > your own pages, comments and (grammar :-/) corrections so it can be improved. > (actually I was waiting for Jorge's green light and corrections before > publishing it, but you guys may want to know what's happening ;-) I have written some test pages. I'll download your suite and look what I might send you. Sebastian Re: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-17 01:41 Jorge Arellano Cid writes: > > Hi! > > The minimal consideration I expect from newcomers, is to read > the home page before posting to this mailing list. If they don't > or even worse, they do but decide to force their ways into this > project, we have a bad start... > > Rules are there for a reason, and I want to thank Eric for > pointing them out to the mailing list. > Ok, sorry. I didn't mean to break all your "rules" and cause any confusion. I was just trying to contribute, and not "forcing" my way into the project. I did read the home page, and read a bunch of previous mails from the archive list, but it wasn't clear to me that we weren't suppossed to post patches and stuff in the mailing list. Now it's very clear, sorry. (...) > > Sorry if I seemed annoyed, but I not. It just not nice to have > > people effort thrown away in vain, when they could be producing lots > > if things were a little bit more organized. > > Please don't blame on us the results of you not following our > rules. You could have known that in advance. As a matter of fact, > you knew I was working some of the bugs you tried to fix. Wow, I wasn't blaming anyone of anything, I was just stating my opinion about how the project was organized. But since am a newcomer, and don't nothing about it, you can just ignore my remarks ;-). > > If you read the mailing list archives, you'll find an > "Activity" post (by me); there you'll find a list of things that > your patch doesn't solve, and maybe then it will become clear why > patches are reviewed before inclusion. I agree with this, all patches should be reviewed. I was just exposing an idea I had about the problem (not a total fix). I sent the patch to show to everyone the idea I had, and wanted some feed back about the *idea*, I know that the patch didn't solve all the problems, and I don't expect it to be included in Dillo's next version. I'm REALLY sorry that I caused all this commotion, I did not mean to have a "bad start". Jorge, what should I do to "redeem" my situation? best regards, -- Livio Re: [Dillo-dev]how i compiled under freebsd (4.1) From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-17 00:10 Sammy Mannaert wrote: > i'm not a freebsd expert by far, but i think this explenation offers > more detail than > the readme in the tarball .. (for example it doesn't add the problem of > -D_THREAD_SAFE, > if you forget it, dillo will only load the first url you go to, the > other ones will only > display "resolving DNS" or something alike in the statusbar) > it seems as if this isn't really fixed yet (though i used correct compiling options ..) sometimes (quite a lot really) i get DNS solving and nothing else ... weird ... > > _______________________________________________ > Dillo-dev mailing list > Dillo-dev@li... > http://lists.so....net/mailman/listinfo/dillo-dev [Dillo-dev]how i compiled under freebsd (4.1) From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-16 23:38 hi, i've succesfully compiled and tested dillo on freebsd (the platform i run now) in order to be able to compile, i had to do quite a few things which i will explain here. i'm not sure if i took the "correct" freebsd way of doing things however .. first step: freebsd uses -pthread and -D_THREAD_SAFE instead of -lpthread and -D_REENTRANT : type export CFLAGS="-pthread -D_THREAD_SAFE" or setenv CFLAGS "-pthread -D_THREAD_SAFE" (depending on shell) second step: freebsd uses gtk12-config instead of gtk-config : do ln /usr/X11R6/bin/gtk12-config /usr/X11R6/bin/gtk-config (as root ofcourse) third step: do ./configure --with-gtk-prefix=/usr/X11R6 --with-gtk-exec-prefix=/usr/X11R6 now here is when a problem emerges. it seems our configure script doesn't really support the option to set the jpeg include lib directories ? (for the record: freebsd has jpeglib.h etc .. in /usr/local/include) .. anyways, i couldn't get it to work :) what i did: in configure.in i outcommented following part: if test "$jpeg_ok" = yes; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(jpeglib.h jconfig.h jerror.h jmorecfg.h, jpeg_ok=yes, jpeg_ok=no) fi it then worked as suspected. (do we really need this part ? can't we assume that the jpeglib is correctly installed after we did the first test in configure ? checking for jpeg_destroy_decompress in -ljpeg (<- this one)) i'm not a freebsd expert by far, but i think this explenation offers more detail than the readme in the tarball .. (for example it doesn't add the problem of -D_THREAD_SAFE, if you forget it, dillo will only load the first url you go to, the other ones will only display "resolving DNS" or something alike in the statusbar) [Dillo-dev]help needed: sigsuspend with new glibc From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 16:49 Hi all, I've updated my glibc to 2.1.3-5mdk a few days ago, and now I'm catching a lot of sigsuspend in gdb (I hadn't a single one before) : on sigsuspend every pthread_create (one for each image on a page). That's really bugging me. What can I do to avoid this ? Does this have anything to do with that message : (gdb) run Starting program: /home/eric/src/dillo-0.2.4.orig/src/./dillo warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. dillo_dns_init: Here we go! Can anyone help me on this ? ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 17-Oct-2000 a 01:43:21 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- RE: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 16:34 -- En reponse de "RE: [Dillo-dev]Patches" de Daniel Roberts, le 16-Oct-2000 : >> It's an HTML-rendering testsuite only. I won't build ... > [extra deleted for brevity...] > > I just took a look at it. At the moment, it does look > to me like a reasonable subset of HTML tests, given > Dillo's current status/capabilities. When > tables/frames support is complete, I am guessing that > tables/frames tests will be the next thing to be > added. :-) > Sure, but Jorge already urged me *not* to bother with table testing pages, as the first line of code for it is not even written. But that's the next big step all right. > BTW, Mozilla has a *HUGE* test suite, with tests > scattered all over the place. I suggest we might want > to consider using some of these tests. I'd be willing > to bring them over here and adapt them for Dillo's > use, if you'd like to add them to your testsuite. That would be nice. Just focus on dillo's current/likely next capabilities for now. > When the time comes, Mozilla also has XML, CSS, and > JavaScript tests as well. They are good and complete, > what's more. > Forget it, we won't need them soon. > I think however that we *DO* also need things like > http requests, cache behavior, and other things a > browser should do. That's not easy to publish this as a test suite : who here has an http server running on his machine ? Who wants to patch, say boa, for faking altered http responses to see how dillo's handling the problem, and maintain such a malformed monster ? How helping would it be : everyone having the same behaviour in a tight controlled environment and make sure dillo's working ok ? What can be done, though, is one (or some) of us publish some results. But the most likely guy doing that is the feature-coder himself, with his own tests. And I'm sure he won't submit a non-fully tested patch. I'm not sure there's a point doing a test suite for this now. When dillo reach v1.0 and everyone will be willing to add nigty feature, then we'll want to make sure we won't break anything. For now, I mainly want to test what I'm adding, relying on others to do the same for what they're doing. > For example, how about the > bookmark bug that someone pointed out was fixed THREE > times? A regression test on this should have helped > point this out earlier. :-) The bookmark thing was always alpha code. It's a quick hack nobody wants to fix because : 1) there's a lot to do elsewhere 2) there's a bookmark as pluggin planned since day one, better, easier to fix, external to dillo, hopefully making obsolete the current fishy code. > However, since I actually > probably know HTML and CSS better than I do XML or C, > I will probably be able to do these most readily. > [2nd post] > I would definitely be willing to perform the tests, > given the links Eric just posted. If you want to maintain the Html testsuite thing, help yourself. You can take what I made and mix it with whatever you think is relevant. Or we can both update it. > Also, with Gzilla/Armadillo, I used to post Insure++ > memory leak reports sometimes. I can do the same for > Dillo if it helps. That would be great ! ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 17-Oct-2000 a 01:11:01 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-16 15:20 --- Jorge Arellano Cid wrote: > I've read Daniel's posts on the subject and if > he's willing to perform the tests (or any one > else), please contact Eric and start working from his > test-suite. I would definitely be willing to perform the tests, given the links Eric just posted. Also, with Gzilla/Armadillo, I used to post Insure++ memory leak reports sometimes. I can do the same for Dillo if it helps. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ RE: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-16 15:17 --- Eric GAUDET wrote: > It's an HTML-rendering testsuite only. I won't build > any testsuite for cache behavior, http requests and > other things a browser is supposed to do. > I understood there's a bedtest for Sebastian's new > Dw : I can include that. > It's the very first version : no one has reacted on > it yet. I expect to receive your own pages, comments > and (grammar :-/) > corrections so it can be improved. [extra deleted for brevity...] I just took a look at it. At the moment, it does look to me like a reasonable subset of HTML tests, given Dillo's current status/capabilities. When tables/frames support is complete, I am guessing that tables/frames tests will be the next thing to be added. :-) BTW, Mozilla has a *HUGE* test suite, with tests scattered all over the place. I suggest we might want to consider using some of these tests. I'd be willing to bring them over here and adapt them for Dillo's use, if you'd like to add them to your testsuite. When the time comes, Mozilla also has XML, CSS, and JavaScript tests as well. They are good and complete, what's more. I think however that we *DO* also need things like http requests, cache behavior, and other things a browser should do. For example, how about the bookmark bug that someone pointed out was fixed THREE times? A regression test on this should have helped point this out earlier. :-) However, since I actually probably know HTML and CSS better than I do XML or C, I will probably be able to do these most readily. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ RE: [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 12:34 -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev]Patches" de Jorge Arellano Cid, le 16-Oct-2000 : > Regression tests: > ----------------- > > Some time ago Eric commited to compiling a test-suite for dillo > (we discussed several topics and its ready). I've had no time to > test it, nor to include it in official plans (due to lack of > time, --I sincerely apologize Eric). > No problem : I much prefer you working on dillo's next version ;-) > I've read Daniel's posts on the subject and if he's willing to > perform the tests (or any one else), please contact Eric and > start working from his test-suite. > I've already included in most of the pages I made if dillo v0.2.4's behavior is correct or not, and sometime what it should be. I planned to update this when next version (not cvs) will be available. It's an HTML-rendering testsuite only. I won't build any testsuite for cache behavior, http requests and other things a browser is supposed to do. I understood there's a bedtest for Sebastian's new Dw : I can include that. It's the very first version : no one has reacted on it yet. I expect to receive your own pages, comments and (grammar :-/) corrections so it can be improved. (actually I was waiting for Jorge's green light and corrections before publishing it, but you guys may want to know what's happening ;-) Here's a link where anyone can visite : http://www.rti-zone.org/dillo/Html.testsuite/ Here's where you can download the whole suite : http://www.rti-zone.org/dillo/Html.testsuite.tar.gz ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 16-Oct-2000 a 21:19:43 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]Patches From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-10-16 11:49 Hi! The minimal consideration I expect from newcomers, is to read the home page before posting to this mailing list. If they don't or even worse, they do but decide to force their ways into this project, we have a bad start... Rules are there for a reason, and I want to thank Eric for pointing them out to the mailing list. > It would be really nice if we had an updated CVS version to patch > to, or if someone (one of the olders guys with the project) released a > 0.2.5 or 0.2.4-1 or something like that, with all the "pending" > patches included, cause frankly it seems too confusing and I have no > idea where to start programming so my works are all wasted/outdated. The CVS version is the most current (official). Developers can patch 0.2.4 (or CVS). > Sorry if I seemed annoyed, but I not. It just not nice to have > people effort thrown away in vain, when they could be producing lots > if things were a little bit more organized. Please don't blame on us the results of you not following our rules. You could have known that in advance. As a matter of fact, you knew I was working some of the bugs you tried to fix. If you read the mailing list archives, you'll find an "Activity" post (by me); there you'll find a list of things that your patch doesn't solve, and maybe then it will become clear why patches are reviewed before inclusion. Finally, I'll keep my schedule exactly as described in the "Activity" post. --- Bug track engine: ---------------- I see one source of confussion (and a solution) here. I'll use the word "done" to signal a CVS commited patch. Developers, please only use comments or a percentage. Example: MrX@so... 70% <- The guy is making some progress MrX@so... 100% <- The guy is finished his work and the patch is expecting a review. MrX@so... 100% done <- The patch was reviewed (fixed) and commited to the CVS. ---- Regression tests: ----------------- Some time ago Eric commited to compiling a test-suite for dillo (we discussed several topics and its ready). I've had no time to test it, nor to include it in official plans (due to lack of time, --I sincerely apologize Eric). I've read Daniel's posts on the subject and if he's willing to perform the tests (or any one else), please contact Eric and start working from his test-suite. ---- News: ----- I want to thank Allan for his excellent work with dillo weekly News. Sincerely Jorge.- Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 11:12 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch" de Livio Baldini Soares, le 16-Oct-2000 : >> Looks nice. I can't really test it, because my cable modem loads pages too >> fast >> and I can barely see the watch ;-) I wanted to see if one can scroll in a >> partially loaded page, but I can tell really. >> However, it seems not to wait until all images on a page are loaded, is it >> the expected behavior ? > > Err, it's suppossed to do that. The watch serves so one can control > when the lock was ON or OFF, not when/while all the page was > loading. I did that cause sometimes the lock would go ON and wouldn't > go off like it should (like when a page is not found or some other > error, which currently the lock system isn't implemented to work > on). So if the cursor continued to be the watch for no reason, just > hit the STOP button, and everything should go back to normal. > I'm asking because it seems to segfault too when clicking a link (or the button "back") on a page where all images are not loaded yet. Wasn't it supposed to protect from that too ? >> I experienced some segfaults too. I can't reproduce them each time, but it >> seems to occur when closing a window where a page (an image ?) is still >> loading. >> > > Yeah, I get that too, but as Sebastian said, closing windows are not > that simple... there's a need for a little bit of cleaning up, or else > pending requests don't have a place to go, then they get sad and crash > Dillo ;-) > Ok, makes sens. So, is the windows closing code going to be your next patch ? ;-)) ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 16-Oct-2000 a 20:07:27 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-16 09:28 Eric GAUDET writes: > -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and > watch " de Livio Baldini Soares, le 16-Oct-2000 : > ... > Looks nice. I can't really test it, because my cable modem loads pages too fast > and I can barely see the watch ;-) I wanted to see if one can scroll in a > partially loaded page, but I can tell really. > However, it seems not to wait until all images on a page are loaded, is it the > expected behavior ? Err, it's suppossed to do that. The watch serves so one can control when the lock was ON or OFF, not when/while all the page was loading. I did that cause sometimes the lock would go ON and wouldn't go off like it should (like when a page is not found or some other error, which currently the lock system isn't implemented to work on). So if the cursor continued to be the watch for no reason, just hit the STOP button, and everything should go back to normal. > I experienced some segfaults too. I can't reproduce them each time, but it > seems to occur when closing a window where a page (an image ?) is still loading. > Yeah, I get that too, but as Sebastian said, closing windows are not that simple... there's a need for a little bit of cleaning up, or else pending requests don't have a place to go, then they get sad and crash Dillo ;-) > > please don't include the whole old messages. Oops, :-o forgot to cut it, sorry. bye, -- Livio Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 09:11 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch " de Livio Baldini Soares, le 16-Oct-2000 : > Hi yall, > > I've been working on my patch, to better it. First thing I wanted to > make the cursor change into a watch or something while the lock (which > I mention below) was on. To do is I started messing more with the code > and realized that the lock system which I created was starting to turn > into a headache. So what I did was, I encapsulated the system into > basically two calls (which I included into nav.c): > ... Looks nice. I can't really test it, because my cable modem loads pages too fast and I can barely see the watch ;-) I wanted to see if one can scroll in a partially loaded page, but I can tell really. However, it seems not to wait until all images on a page are loaded, is it the expected behavior ? I experienced some segfaults too. I can't reproduce them each time, but it seems to occur when closing a window where a page (an image ?) is still loading. > > Attached is the gzipped patch, which should deprecate the previous I > sent. I don't know if this will help in the future, maybe Jorge will > sanitate all our problems with his new misterious Dw ;-). But until > then, I think this is a nice working patch. What do guys think? > anyway that's a nice patch : I can't speak for Jorge, and I'm not so much in page-loading/caching stuff, but the concept seems good. > bye, > > Livio. > > Livio Baldini Soares writes: >> Hi (again), >> ... please don't include the whole old messages. bye ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 16-Oct-2000 a 18:00:54 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]File baseurl resolving behaviour From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-16 05:15 Hi guys, again browsing in Dillo I tried to do the following; I wanted to check the contents of my /tmp directory, so I typed in: /tmp/ on the "New Url", instead of file:/tmp/. Dillo assumed that it was a http request and tried to resolve http://tmp/. Im my opinion, this shouldn't happen. I think that if a user enters an URL starting with a '/' then he wants a file not a http. What do you guys think? Anyway, I've already made the patch (its really small), and am sending along with the message. bye, -- Livio --- dillo.orig/src/interface.c Sat Sep 9 21:08:36 2000 +++ dillo.my/src/interface.c Mon Oct 16 03:06:12 2000 @@ -654,7 +656,7 @@ Interface_openfile_ok_callback(GtkWidget */ void a_Interface_entry_open_url(GtkWidget *widget, BrowserWindow *bw) { - gchar *url; + gchar *url, *BaseUrl; GtkEntry *entry; /* Find which entry to get the URL from. This is a bit of a hack. */ @@ -666,7 +668,13 @@ void a_Interface_entry_open_url(GtkWidge #ifdef VERBOSE g_print(ëntry_open_url %s\n", gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); #endif - url = a_Url_resolve_relative("http:/", gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); + if ( (gtk_entry_get_text(entry))[0] == '/') /* if the first char is a slash, */ + BaseUrl = "file:"; /* the user wants a file. */ + else + BaseUrl = "http:/"; + + url = a_Url_resolve_relative(BaseUrl, gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); + if ( url ) { a_Nav_push(bw, url); g_free(url); Re: [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 (better program and watch cursor feature) From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-16 03:02 Attachments: seg_fault2.diff.gz Hi yall, I've been working on my patch, to better it. First thing I wanted to make the cursor change into a watch or something while the lock (which I mention below) was on. To do is I started messing more with the code and realized that the lock system which I created was starting to turn into a headache. So what I did was, I encapsulated the system into basically two calls (which I included into nav.c): a_Nav_lock_acquire a_Nav_locl_release And except for some early BrowserWindow initilization, these are what you should call, and never access bw->nav_lock directly (like a private in C++). This way the code looks much better, and easier to understand and expand. With this done I was able to successfully implement the little "loading watch" which I wanted (it was getting on my nerves not knowing what Dillo was doing, if it was loading the page or not, etc. with this watch cursor a now the lock is acquire threfore *should* be indicating that it's loading a root-Url). Attached is the gzipped patch, which should deprecate the previous I sent. I don't know if this will help in the future, maybe Jorge will sanitate all our problems with his new misterious Dw ;-). But until then, I think this is a nice working patch. What do guys think? bye, Livio. Livio Baldini Soares writes: > Hi (again), > > I know that Jorge is working on these bugs, but I *think* I've found > a good solution to the problems (actually I'm not really sure...). It > seems to me that the problem comes from a type of "concurrency" > problem within the IO and html/cache modules. The http requests in > Dillo, from what I understand, are all asynchronous, but I've seen no > concurrency controls in the modules. I think this lack of control is > generating the problem. > > For example, if I press the "Achieved Goals" link in Dillo's home > page, don't wait for it to load and press the "Changelog" link (or any > other, even the "Acheived Goals" repeatelly), Dillo will request ALL > the "clicked" links pages. Up to this part everything should be ok > (actually no, but I'll get to that later), the problem comes in when > the requests arrive. Many requests start coming in and Dillo gets > "confused" and can't handle them all. > > What I've done is prevented various (root) Url requests at the same > time. This is what Netscape does, when you click a link on a page, the > cursos turns into a watch and all the other links become > "un-clickable" until the new page gets loaded. I think this is a > "correct" behaviour and not a restriction to the user. > > I did this in Dillo by placing a type of LOCK in the BrowserWindow > (browser.h) structure. Its a gboolean `nav_lock`. When someone tries > to load a root-url, by using the `a_Nav_push` I set the nav_lock to > TRUE. By doing this I disabled any type of user navigation. The only > two places where `nav_lock` comes FALSE again is by pressing STOP (in > the `a_Commands_stop_callback) and in the `a_Nav_expect_done` > function, because here we can assume that the root url has changed > (bw->nav_stack[nav_stack_ptr]) and therefore we can allow the user to > navigate savely again. > > When I got this working I would still (very seldomly) get > seg. faults. Studying the problem I found out that if, for example, > you click on a link, then wait until it get "unlocked" (when the > `a_expect_done` is called), then press BACK before the entire page > loaded (pics and all), a few pending requests for that page are still > coming in. With that in mind, I tought of two choices: > > 1) Everytime the user requested for an URL, Dillo should cancel all > the pending requests for old URLs, so that the requests wouldn't > arrive later "unexpectedly". > > 2) Don't cancel the requests since Dillo has already made then; I > think it would be a wast of data. Instead just ignore the few pending > requests. > > I chose option 2. I did this similar to what Sam Dennis did a while > ago (when he send the patch). From what I can see applying these two > ideas (the lock and Sam's patch) we have a pretty much clean fix to > the problem. Of course I could be wrong and missing the "root" of the > problem. Does anybody see any flaws in what I've described above? > > This lock system, if it's conceptually correct, should fix this > bug. But what I've implemented is NOT the complete lock system, it's > just a preview on how I tought to fix this problem. If you guys like > the idea, I'll have to finish up the exception handling (so if there's > an error while downloading a page, navigation doesn't become forever > disabled, erroneously locked). > > I'm sending the patch that should implement this fix, included is > Sam's patch (html_loading.diff) and the cache patch (cache_patch), so > there's no need to apply those patches, only this one. This patch > should be applyed against the CVS version. > > hope this helps, bye, > > -- > Livio RE: [Dillo-dev]Where's bug #80 fix? From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 01:59 -- En reponse de "RE: [Dillo-dev]Where's bug #80 fix?" de Eric GAUDET, le 16-Oct-2000 : > If you want to test all my patches, here's an (temporary, don't rely on it) > address where you can download all of them with a txt file of explanations : > Sorry, here's the address : http://www.rti-zone.org/dillo/ ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 16-Oct-2000 a 10:58:42 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- RE: [Dillo-dev]Where's bug #80 fix? From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-16 01:28 -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev]Where's bug #80 fix?" de Livio Baldini Soares, le 15-Oct-2000 : > Hello, > > I saw in the Bug Engine that bug #80 (seg. fault, when right > clicking in a text/plain page) was taken cared of. If I recall > correctly it stated that Eric fixed it, but I can't seem to find > anything about it in the mail archive, nor any of Allan's patches > contain a solution for it. Anybody know how's the fix? Eric? > > bye, > I always send my patches t directly to Jorge, not to the mailing list, because that's what Jorge asked. If you want to test all my patches, here's an (temporary, don't rely on it) address where you can download all of them with a txt file of explanations : ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 16-Oct-2000 a 10:20:19 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]Where's bug #80 fix? From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-15 20:17 Hello, I saw in the Bug Engine that bug #80 (seg. fault, when right clicking in a text/plain page) was taken cared of. If I recall correctly it stated that Eric fixed it, but I can't seem to find anything about it in the mail archive, nor any of Allan's patches contain a solution for it. Anybody know how's the fix? Eric? bye, -- Livio Re: [Dillo-dev]Close Window command From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-15 20:07 Sebastian Geerken writes: > Livio Baldini Soares wrote: (...) > > There is a function a_Interface_new_browser_window, so there should > probably also be a function a_Interface_destroy_browser_window, which > will do a bit more that destroying the widget. Merely destroying the > widget could even cause crashes (AFAIK dillo), since the still active > IO stuff could try to add text into the nonexisting page widget. Oops, guess your right... sorry. So we don't "forget" to do this, I inserted this as a Bug in the Bug Engine, it's bug #87. bye, -- Livio Re: [Dillo-dev]Old CVS From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-15 19:56 --- Sam Dennis wrote: > Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an out of date > cvs version an oxymoron? > > It seems like it's extremely difficult to avoid > repeating work currently > because patches have been made but the cvs version > hasn't changed. I agree. Question is, why are the patches not being committed to CVS? I would think the thing to do it have them checked in, after undergoing a code review. Then we wouldn't have this problem. Besides, if a change is found later to cause problems, it can be backed out. Again, some kind of automated regression testing infrastructure would make this part easier, too. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ [Dillo-dev]Old CVS From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-15 19:32 Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an out of date cvs version an oxymoron? It seems like it's extremely difficult to avoid repeating work currently because patches have been made but the cvs version hasn't changed. -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." [Dillo-dev]Dillo Weekly News From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-15 11:43 This weeks Dillo Weekly News has been posted you can find it here http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/news/news151000.html Allan Clark allan@al... shark@bl... Re: [Dillo-dev]Close Window command From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-15 10:29 Livio Baldini Soares wrote: > > Hi all, > > messing with Dillo, I tried to do the `Close Window` function > (Crtl-W or Menu select `File -> Close Window`), well nothing > happenned. I looked at commands.c, and all I found was the empty stub: > > void a_Commands_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) > { > } > > Below it I also saw the exit_callback and in it a commentary: > /* There should be a close command that does this: */ > /* gtk_widget_destroy (bw->main_window); */ > > So, that's exactly what I did, now close_callback looks like: > > void a_Commands_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) > { > gtk_widget_destroy(((BrowserWindow *) client_data)->main_window); > } > > What gives? Am I missing something? Why wasn't this already done? I > tried it out and it's working fine. Including when your in the last > window (only one left) and when you `close` it (not `exit`), dillo > exits normally. > > I guess I've probably missed some previous discussion... Just in case, > I'm sending the "patch". There is a function a_Interface_new_browser_window, so there should probably also be a function a_Interface_destroy_browser_window, which will do a bit more that destroying the widget. Merely destroying the widget could even cause crashes (AFAIK dillo), since the still active IO stuff could try to add text into the nonexisting page widget. Sebastian [Dillo-dev]About bugs #74 and #69 From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-15 08:49 Attachments: seg_fault.diff Hi (again), I know that Jorge is working on these bugs, but I *think* I've found a good solution to the problems (actually I'm not really sure...). It seems to me that the problem comes from a type of "concurrency" problem within the IO and html/cache modules. The http requests in Dillo, from what I understand, are all asynchronous, but I've seen no concurrency controls in the modules. I think this lack of control is generating the problem. For example, if I press the "Achieved Goals" link in Dillo's home page, don't wait for it to load and press the "Changelog" link (or any other, even the "Acheived Goals" repeatelly), Dillo will request ALL the "clicked" links pages. Up to this part everything should be ok (actually no, but I'll get to that later), the problem comes in when the requests arrive. Many requests start coming in and Dillo gets "confused" and can't handle them all. What I've done is prevented various (root) Url requests at the same time. This is what Netscape does, when you click a link on a page, the cursos turns into a watch and all the other links become "un-clickable" until the new page gets loaded. I think this is a "correct" behaviour and not a restriction to the user. I did this in Dillo by placing a type of LOCK in the BrowserWindow (browser.h) structure. Its a gboolean `nav_lock`. When someone tries to load a root-url, by using the `a_Nav_push` I set the nav_lock to TRUE. By doing this I disabled any type of user navigation. The only two places where `nav_lock` comes FALSE again is by pressing STOP (in the `a_Commands_stop_callback) and in the `a_Nav_expect_done` function, because here we can assume that the root url has changed (bw->nav_stack[nav_stack_ptr]) and therefore we can allow the user to navigate savely again. When I got this working I would still (very seldomly) get seg. faults. Studying the problem I found out that if, for example, you click on a link, then wait until it get "unlocked" (when the `a_expect_done` is called), then press BACK before the entire page loaded (pics and all), a few pending requests for that page are still coming in. With that in mind, I tought of two choices: 1) Everytime the user requested for an URL, Dillo should cancel all the pending requests for old URLs, so that the requests wouldn't arrive later "unexpectedly". 2) Don't cancel the requests since Dillo has already made then; I think it would be a wast of data. Instead just ignore the few pending requests. I chose option 2. I did this similar to what Sam Dennis did a while ago (when he send the patch). From what I can see applying these two ideas (the lock and Sam's patch) we have a pretty much clean fix to the problem. Of course I could be wrong and missing the "root" of the problem. Does anybody see any flaws in what I've described above? This lock system, if it's conceptually correct, should fix this bug. But what I've implemented is NOT the complete lock system, it's just a preview on how I tought to fix this problem. If you guys like the idea, I'll have to finish up the exception handling (so if there's an error while downloading a page, navigation doesn't become forever disabled, erroneously locked). I'm sending the patch that should implement this fix, included is Sam's patch (html_loading.diff) and the cache patch (cache_patch), so there's no need to apply those patches, only this one. This patch should be applyed against the CVS version. hope this helps, bye, -- Livio [Dillo-dev]Close Window command From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-15 06:24 Hi all, messing with Dillo, I tried to do the `Close Window` function (Crtl-W or Menu select `File -> Close Window`), well nothing happenned. I looked at commands.c, and all I found was the empty stub: void a_Commands_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { } Below it I also saw the exit_callback and in it a commentary: /* There should be a close command that does this: */ /* gtk_widget_destroy (bw->main_window); */ So, that's exactly what I did, now close_callback looks like: void a_Commands_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { gtk_widget_destroy(((BrowserWindow *) client_data)->main_window); } What gives? Am I missing something? Why wasn't this already done? I tried it out and it's working fine. Including when your in the last window (only one left) and when you `close` it (not `exit`), dillo exits normally. I guess I've probably missed some previous discussion... Just in case, I'm sending the "patch". bye, -- Livio --- dillo.orig/src/commands.c Mon Aug 28 22:25:45 2000 +++ dillo.my/src/commands.c Sun Oct 15 04:17:31 2000 @@ -63,10 +63,11 @@ void a_Commands_prefs_callback(GtkWidget } /* - * ? + * Close only the selected Window */ void a_Commands_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { + gtk_widget_destroy(((BrowserWindow *) client_data)->main_window); } /* Re: [Dillo-dev]Archiving patches From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-15 06:21 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]Archiving patches" de Livio Baldini Soares, le 15-Oct-2000 : > > With all these patches I'm starting to get a little confused... I'm > trying to solve bug 74# (and others that arise due to the same > problem), I believe I've found the problem and have a "clean"and > simple fix, but I'm supposed to build it on top of what version? > 0.2.4? CVS? CVS with all the patches applyed? > You should not bother with published patches unless you want to test one (and only one at time : it's very unlikely you can apply all without reworking most of the diffs, which will be done by Jorge for next version) You want to patch against v0.2.4, (or CVS version, which claims to be v0.2.5). It's also possible you need/find handy to patch a patched version. If you don't patch against vanilla v0.2.4, list all patches needed before yours. > I'm asking cause some of these changes will affect other code we > build on top. Plus there seems to be a new Dw beeing made, and a > testbed(?). > We're not sure of what the new Dw will look like. Sebastian hasn't finished it yet. > It would be really nice if we had an updated CVS version to patch > to, or if someone (one of the olders guys with the project) released a > 0.2.5 or 0.2.4-1 or something like that, with all the "pending" > patches included, cause frankly it seems too confusing and I have no > idea where to start programming so my works are all wastedøutdated. > Only jorge can decide if a submitted patch will be included in the official dillo version. It's not a good thing to have a fully patched version. For us patchers, there's only one developper version, the lastest : 0.2.4. CVS is to be considered experimental. > By the way, is the `Bug Track System` being used? More precisely is it > valid and not outdated? > The bug track system is the most up-to-date informations you'll have, because it's automated and updated by everybody (actually I think Jorge is kind of moderating it, but the delay is not noticably larger than one day). Use it to report bugs you've found and things you want fixed by somebody else. Use it to tell everybody what you are working on (to avoid duplicate efforts). ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 15-Oct-2000 a 13:07:20 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]Archiving patches From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-15 03:15 Allan Clark writes: > Just to let everyone know I have started to archive most of the patches that > get sent to the list, it was prompted by Sammy's post about looking for the > first find text patch, anyway you can find a sort of index at > http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/patches.html I say sort of as it makes > no attempt to explain the patches merely provides links to them. > This is really helpfull! I got all the patches (ps. seems like html_loading.diff and html_loading1.diff are the same. Anything wrong with that?). With all these patches I'm starting to get a little confused... I'm trying to solve bug 74# (and others that arise due to the same problem), I believe I've found the problem and have a "clean"and simple fix, but I'm supposed to build it on top of what version? 0.2.4? CVS? CVS with all the patches applyed? I'm asking cause some of these changes will affect other code we build on top. Plus there seems to be a new Dw beeing made, and a testbed(?). It would be really nice if we had an updated CVS version to patch to, or if someone (one of the olders guys with the project) released a 0.2.5 or 0.2.4-1 or something like that, with all the "pending" patches included, cause frankly it seems too confusing and I have no idea where to start programming so my works are all wastedøutdated. Sorry if I seemed annoyed, but I'm not. It's just not nice to have people's effort thrown away in vain, when they could be producing lots if things were a little bit more organized. By the way, is the `Bug Track System` being used? More precisely is it valid and not outdated? bye and sorry for bugging yall ;-) -- Livio [Dillo-dev]Archiving patches From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-14 18:25 Just to let everyone know I have started to archive most of the patches that get sent to the list, it was prompted by Sammy's post about looking for the first find text patch, anyway you can find a sort of index at http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/patches.html I say sort of as it makes no attempt to explain the patches merely provides links to them. Allan Clark allan@al... shark@bl... Re: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-14 18:20 --- Daniel Roberts wrote: > That's why one does QA/regression tests. :-) > Perhaps this is a sign that Dillo needs some kind of > QA/regression testing framework? BTW, this also is reason to think about open-source philosophy... I am not ordinarily that philosophical, but it has occured to me that ESR said in "The Cathedral and the Bazaar," that "given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow." However, seeing this bug which has regressed THREE times now, I think, proves ESR wrong on this point. His approach seems rather like the classic "monkeys at typewriters" approach to Shakespeare--that is, given enough 1000's of monkeys at enough 1000's of typewriters, one of them somewhere will type "to be or not to be." I do believe however, this proves why one needs to think of open-source as merely the LICENSING framework for a project, and not a specification on how the development efforts are coordinated and managed... Case in point: the GCC Steering Committee does automated regression tests. I think Dillo could benefit from this, too. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ Re: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-14 17:10 --- Sammy Mannaert wrote: > this is a bug i once fixed ... i know the bookmarks > have been rewritten so the old mistake might have > come back for the THIRD time :) (it was originally in > gzilla/armadillo, where i fixed it, then dillo came > into existance, where i fixed it again (i think), and > now again) > any predictions on how much it will show up again ? That's why one does QA/regression tests. :-) Perhaps this is a sign that Dillo needs some kind of QA/regression testing framework? ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. http://im.yahoo.com/ Re: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-14 15:42 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix" de Sammy Mannaert, le 14-Oct-2000 > > strange ... > > this is a bug i once fixed ... i know the bookmarks have been rewritten > so the old mistake might have come back for the THIRD time :) (it was > originally in gzilla/armadillo, where i fixed it, then dillo came into > existance, where i fixed it again (i think), and now again) > > any predictions on how much it will show up again ? :) > When the bookmark plugin I'm coding will be integrated, it won't anymore : there will be *new* bugs ;-) > sammy > > PS: i've been pretty inactive lately (though i have been following the > mailing list), i'll try doing a few patches in the coming month ... > me too :-/ ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 15-Oct-2000 a 00:39:28 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Sammy Mannaert - 2000-10-14 15:13 Livio Baldini Soares wrote: > Hi again, > > first let me thank Eric for taking the time in answering me. I found > out what the problem was with my glib (I had 2 glib's installed, one > in /usr/ and the other in /usr/local, I guess they were conflicting, > since their versions didn't match). > > Messing around with Dillo I wanted to bookmark Dillo's home page > (dillo.so....net) and then Seg. Fault! > > I looked at the code, and I guess I got a patch working (actually just > an tiny change, just a NULL check). Latter I found out at the Bug > Track page that this was bug #85. Hope this helps, here's the patch. > > bye, > > PS: I read in the mail archive that someone made a patch for the `Find > Text...' function, where can I find it? The only thing I found was > another patch to be used afterwards so the use of anchors wouldn't be > needed. > > -- > Livio > > $ diff -pru dillo/src/bookmark.c dillo.my/src/bookmark.c > > --- dillo/src/bookmark.c Mon Aug 28 22:43:47 2000 > +++ dillo.my/src/bookmark.c Fri Oct 13 21:25:41 2000 > @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void a_Bookmarks_add(GtkWidget *widget, > return; > > /* If the page has no title, lets use the URL */ > - if (strcmp (title, ¨) == 0) > + if ( !title || (strcmp (title, ¨) == 0)) > title = url; > > #ifdef TITLE39 > _______________________________________________ > Dillo-dev mailing list > Dillo-dev@li... > http://lists.so....net/mailman/listinfo/dillo-dev strange ... this is a bug i once fixed ... i know the bookmarks have been rewritten so the old mistake might have come back for the THIRD time :) (it was originally in gzilla/armadillo, where i fixed it, then dillo came into existance, where i fixed it again (i think), and now again) any predictions on how much it will show up again ? :) sammy PS: i've been pretty inactive lately (though i have been following the mailing list), i'll try doing a few patches in the coming month ... RE: [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-14 08:47 You should find the original message in the archives here http://www.geocrawler.com/lists/3/SourceForge/702/0/4469704/ also I put it on the site I use for the dillo news although I don't link to it, I do that with most of the pathces just for safe keeping you can find it here http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/findtext.diff.gz > PS: I read in the mail archive that someone made a patch for the `Find > Text...' function, where can I find it? The only thing I found was > another patch to be used afterwards so the use of anchors wouldn't be > needed. [Dillo-dev]Bug #85 fix From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-13 23:52 Hi again, first let me thank Eric for taking the time in answering me. I found out what the problem was with my glib (I had 2 glib's installed, one in /usr/ and the other in /usr/local, I guess they were conflicting, since their versions didn't match). Messing around with Dillo I wanted to bookmark Dillo's home page (dillo.so....net) and then Seg. Fault! I looked at the code, and I guess I got a patch working (actually just an tiny change, just a NULL check). Latter I found out at the Bug Track page that this was bug #85. Hope this helps, here's the patch. bye, PS: I read in the mail archive that someone made a patch for the `Find Text...' function, where can I find it? The only thing I found was another patch to be used afterwards so the use of anchors wouldn't be needed. -- Livio $ diff -pru dillo/src/bookmark.c dillo.my/src/bookmark.c --- dillo/src/bookmark.c Mon Aug 28 22:43:47 2000 +++ dillo.my/src/bookmark.c Fri Oct 13 21:25:41 2000 @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void a_Bookmarks_add(GtkWidget *widget, return; /* If the page has no title, lets use the URL */ - if (strcmp (title, ¨) == 0) + if ( !title || (strcmp (title, ¨) == 0)) title = url; #ifdef TITLE39 RE: [Dillo-dev]Newbie questions From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-13 11:14 -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev]Newbie questions" de Livio Baldini Soares, le 13-Oct-2000 : > Hi guys, > > I was looking around in Sourceforge for a new browser in constrution > (or finished), 'cause I'm goddam sick of Netscape exiting for no > reason at all. I found that Dillo was the best project and looks like > it has future. I liked the project so I've decided to try to > contribute in any way way I can. The problem is I'm still a newbie in > Linux and Unix programming, so if I'm being out of hand or something, > please let me know. > Welcome. > Where are the latest versions/patches? I saw somewhere on your webpage > (dillo.so....net/Dname.html) that there are MIME/ and URL/ > directories undeer the src/, but when I got the 0.2.4 version, I found > no such directories. > Lastest version is 0.2.4. You can patch against it. mime and url directories, as well as the Dname.html page look like old stuff (gzilla era), you can safely ignore them. > I downloaded the cvs files by doing: > > $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cv...:/cvsroot/dillo co > dillo > > like indicated on the Sourceforge CVS page. And then couldn't compile > it. The problem was with the `g_print()'. I don't know, but there must > be something wrong with my system (I use Debian 2.1, aka potato, and > have installed: libglib1.2(-dev) -- 1.2.7-2). I try to compile a > simple program like: > > ----------------------- >#include > > int main(void){ > > g_print("Testing...\n"); > > return 0; > } > ----------------------- > And compile it: > $ gcc test.c -o test -lglib -I/usr/lib/glib/include/ > $ ./test > Segmentation fault > Did you try to trace the program ? (I use xxgdb, which is an athena front-end to gdb, crude but efficient : "xxgdb ./test", then run, then stack ) > Someone knows what's going on? > > What I did to "overcome" this problem is switched to plain `printf()' > function: > > $ cd src/ > $ for i in `find . -name "*.c"`; do ./chg $i g_print printf; done > > And THEN it compiled. I'm running it fine and enjoying it! Congrats on > the great work guys. > If you want your patches included in dillo, you'll have to fix this glib problem. > PS: Sorry about the stupid questions, and the long mail. We're here to help, you can ask. > PS1: Sorry for the bad english..., I'm Brazilian. > No problem : most of us are not native english speaker and we won't even notice a thing ;-) ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 13-Oct-2000 a 20:02:55 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]Newbie questions From: Livio Baldini Soares - 2000-10-13 04:56 Hi guys, I was looking around in Sourceforge for a new browser in constrution (or finished), 'cause I'm goddam sick of Netscape exiting for no reason at all. I found that Dillo was the best project and looks like it has future. I liked the project so I've decided to try to contribute in any way way I can. The problem is I'm still a newbie in Linux and Unix programming, so if I'm being out of hand or something, please let me know. Where are the latest versions/patches? I saw somewhere on your webpage (dillo.so....net/Dname.html) that there are MIME/ and URL/ directories undeer the src/, but when I got the 0.2.4 version, I found no such directories. I downloaded the cvs files by doing: $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cv...:/cvsroot/dillo co dillo like indicated on the Sourceforge CVS page. And then couldn't compile it. The problem was with the `g_print()'. I don't know, but there must be something wrong with my system (I use Debian 2.1, aka potato, and have installed: libglib1.2(-dev) -- 1.2.7-2). I try to compile a simple program like: ----------------------- #include int main(void){ g_print("Testing...\n"); return 0; } ----------------------- And compile it: $ gcc test.c -o test -lglib -I/usr/lib/glib/include/ $ ./test Segmentation fault Someone knows what's going on? What I did to "overcome" this problem is switched to plain `printf()' function: $ cd src/ $ for i in `find . -name "*.c"`; do ./chg $i g_print printf; done And THEN it compiled. I'm running it fine and enjoying it! Congrats on the great work guys. PS: Sorry about the stupid questions, and the long mail. PS1: Sorry for the bad english..., I'm Brazilian. thanks for the attention, -- Livio [Dillo-dev]Patch to support font-loading on the iPaq handheld. From: Eric Christianson - 2000-10-12 17:15 This patch allows one of the default fonts on the compaq iPaq linux distribution to work. (www.handhelds.org) 1098,1103d1097 < < if (font->font == NULL) { < /* Can't load the font - try another platform font that should be available. (iPaq) */ < font->font = gdk_font_load("-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1"); < } < Eric Christianson RidgeRun, Inc. http://www.ridgerun.com Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text patch From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-11 20:03 Sam Dennis wrote: > I did think of doing something like that, but I presumed that the functions > already in place would have been exported if that was desirable. I wrote all these functions (from Dw_gtk_scroller_adjustment_value_changed to the end) for anchors, and exported only those which were necessary for them. If some functions are useful for other purposes, they may be exported, too. Sebastian Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text bugs From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-10 17:24 On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 01:25:42AM +0000, Sam Dennis wrote: > Er, it does segfault sometimes, I have to admit, but I'm almost certain that > it's not my fault... I think that most of the crashes are happening in the html rendering, actually. Although I have had one or two of them inside a perfectly valid call to realloc. Since then I've tried to test it by searching around a nice long court transcript and it didn't crash once. This and a number of other things makes me begin to suspect my libc instead... -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text patch From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-10 17:19 On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 04:43:17PM +0200, Sebastian Geerken wrote: > Sam Dennis wrote: > > > > I've implemented a find text command for the first instance of the string > > (it shouldn't be too difficult to extend it to finding multiple instances, > > probably just starting by looking from the line after the last instance was > > found). > > > > I'm sorry about the anchor, but it seemed like the only sane way to scroll > > to the line we found. > > This patch doesn't use anchors. Apply it after Sam's patch. > > Sebastian I did think of doing something like that, but I presumed that the functions already in place would have been exported if that was desirable. -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text patch From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-10 13:08 Attachments: findtext2.diff Sam Dennis wrote: > > I've implemented a find text command for the first instance of the string > (it shouldn't be too difficult to extend it to finding multiple instances, > probably just starting by looking from the line after the last instance was > found). > > I'm sorry about the anchor, but it seemed like the only sane way to scroll > to the line we found. This patch doesn't use anchors. Apply it after Sam's patch. Sebastian [Dillo-dev]Find text bugs From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-10 00:22 Er, it does segfault sometimes, I have to admit, but I'm almost certain that it's not my fault... -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." [Dillo-dev]Find text patch From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-10 00:10 Attachments: findtext.diff.gz I've implemented a find text command for the first instance of the string (it shouldn't be too difficult to extend it to finding multiple instances, probably just starting by looking from the line after the last instance was found). I'm sorry about the anchor, but it seemed like the only sane way to scroll to the line we found. It doesn't highlight the string found in any way, partially because I don't think that any mechanism for this is currently in place. -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-09 20:15 On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 10:54:32PM +0200, Sebastian Geerken wrote: > ... > scroller = GTK_DW_SCROLLER (bw->docwin); > view = GTK_DW_VIEW (dw_scroller->viewport); > border = (DwBorder*) (view->dw); > page = (DwPage*) (border->child); Er, a little convoluted, isn't it? > > I think border is sometimes NULL, so you may add some checks. -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-09 19:21 Sam Dennis wrote: > > I've been looking at implementing the find text function and had got half > way through mentally coding a solution (because of the DwPage{Line,Word}) > before I realised that all the callback has is the browser window, and I > could see no way of getting at a DwPage from that, which is essential for > searching. > > Am I missing something obvious? BrowserWindow *bw; GtkDwScroller *scroller; GtkDwView *view; DwBorder *border; DwPage *page; scroller = GTK_DW_SCROLLER (bw->docwin); view = GTK_DW_VIEW (dw_scroller->viewport); border = (DwBorder*) (view->dw); page = (DwPage*) (border->child); I think border is sometimes NULL, so you may add some checks. Sebastian [Dillo-dev]Small idea for caching From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-09 17:22 I've just discovered a note I made to myself a while ago about dillo's caching system. There is currently a complex system of callbacks necessary, but couldn't a lot of that be thrown away with a simple pipe between the caching system (server) and the dillo widget (client)? -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." [Dillo-dev]Activity From: Jorge Arellano Cid - 2000-10-09 17:07 Hi there! Just as before, silence periods on the mailing list, signal high activity on the background! (Well, my email box seldom stops its flow). I'm very pleased for the "parallel" working the code is getting (Several improvement and fixing patches, design on the widget side and design on the Networking and middle layers by my side). Currently I have a lengthy queue of patches waiting to be processed (from Jörgen, Eric, Agustín, Marcos, ...). And I keep trying to solve the design issues of Networking/Middle-Layers that result in a lot of related bugs. I think this is the highest priority (for me to work on); Look this: - BUGs 74, 84, 64 and 69 are related to it. - File images being decoded every time (not fed by the dicache) - Fine reload functionality can't be done without it. - The problem asked by Sean MacLennan - Sudden crashes - Slow downloads (it may happen) - General browser stability. - etc. I'll keep working on it all October; If I don't succeed, I'll start reviewing/integrating every patch and make a new release based on 0.2.4. The good news is that finally I got into a design model that handles all the necessary stuff. The bad new is that it's too complex (and we all know that maintaining such things becomes a nightmare). So, it will be done when I devise a way to simplify it one or two "degrees". Jorge.- Ps: Marcos has sent me a patch with basic authentication support! ------------------------- ooOOoo ----------------------------- Some answers: > I am try to add Mosaic style remote access to dillo. From a unix signal > handler I want to push an url. The command a_Nav_push works *once*, then > fails from then on. Yes, I know. That's the right way to do it though. I mean: a_Nav_push should not crash; that's a BUG. > I have a patch below that shows a very simple > example of this, plus an attempt to set the text in the location widget. > I can set the text correctly, but I do not know how to then signal gtk > to process the line. That is part of a_Nav_push's work. You should not worry doing it "by hand". It seems to me that you'll have to wait until the design concerns that eliminate "the BUG" are done. (The only thing you need to worry about is not calling a_Nav_push from an interrupt handler, but to generate an event that triggers it from GTK's main loop). ------------------------------------- > I've been looking at implementing the find text function and had got half > way through mentally coding a solution (because of the DwPage{Line,Word}) > before I realised that all the callback has is the browser window, and I > could see no way of getting at a DwPage from that, which is essential for > searching. > > Am I missing something obvious? Obvious? I don't think so! The top 'dw' is set by a_Dw_gtk_scroller_set_dw (you can follow the chain from there). In brief: bw->docwin is a GtkDwScroller bw->docwin->viewport->dw is a DwBorder bw->docwin->viewport->dw->child is a DwPage or a DwImage so, something like this will get you going: GtkDwScroller *scroller = bw->docwin; DwBorder *border = scroller->viewport->dw; DwPage *page = border->child; Notes: you have to add type checks and things like that. I haven't tested this but it should be very close. Hope this helps. Re: [Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-09 16:43 On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 10:26:07AM +0900, Eric GAUDET wrote: > -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems" de Sam Dennis, > le 08-Oct-2000 : > > I've been looking at implementing the find text function and had got half > > way through mentally coding a solution (because of the DwPage{Line,Word}) > > before I realised that all the callback has is the browser window, and I > > could see no way of getting at a DwPage from that, which is essential for > > searching. > > > > Am I missing something obvious? > > > > You'll have to create a new external function in DwPage (a_Dwpage_findtext ?). > That way you can either register it as a callback, or call it yourself from > whatever other source (command.c ?). > Even if I do that, I still need a pointer to a DwPage, and I see no way of getting it. There is also the issue of frames and (possibly) tables here, as both are separate pages, how do we know which to search even if we can get pointers to them? -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." RE: [Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-09 01:26 -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems" de Sam Dennis, le 08-Oct-2000 : > I've been looking at implementing the find text function and had got half > way through mentally coding a solution (because of the DwPage{Line,Word}) > before I realised that all the callback has is the browser window, and I > could see no way of getting at a DwPage from that, which is essential for > searching. > > Am I missing something obvious? > You'll have to create a new external function in DwPage (a_Dwpage_findtext ?). That way you can either register it as a callback, or call it yourself from whatever other source (command.c ?). ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 09-Oct-2000 a 10:23:31 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- [Dillo-dev]Find text implementation problems From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-08 22:41 I've been looking at implementing the find text function and had got half way through mentally coding a solution (because of the DwPage{Line,Word}) before I realised that all the callback has is the browser window, and I could see no way of getting at a DwPage from that, which is essential for searching. Am I missing something obvious? -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-08 17:03 --- Sebastian Geerken wrote: > DwPage doesn't bother about its parent widget > (either at toplevel, or in a DwTable, or, as inline > frame, in a DwPage?). It will just paint itself where > the parent wants it to do, and report size changes > (incremental rendering!) to its parent. (BTW: Vice > versa, DwTable will not bother about its children, it > only regards at them as DwWidget's.) This sounds like a VERY nice thing! I believe Incremental reflow is what the Mozilla people call this in Gecko, BTW. This should make Dillo better than Netscape 4.x was at table rendering! Incidently, Netscape's table rendering was VERY slow, inefficient, and memory-hogging. It sized things dynamically during multiple attempts, storing every attempt in memory. This meant (if I understand them correctly) that say, for tables of 10 columns by 10 rows, it would store 100 attempted and failed trials in memory before getting it right. Since Netscape never implemented incremental layout of page sections, the document state was split up and most of it used to simulate a cell as a nested HTML document. This allowed them to use the existing layout code to simulate the layout of that cell multiple times until the size was right. It was slow and wasteful of memory. To make matters worse, their attempts to optimize and streamline made the code difficult to read and never really solved the problem of less than optimal memory use and speed. For details, and mistakes to avoid that Netscape made, I find this document VERY interesting reading: http://www.mozilla.org/classic/layodesc.html > This is very nice in Gtk+: all widgets have a very > special purpose, a button is something where you can > click on, but how it looks is determined by *its > child*. You can even nest buttons, which is > admittedly quite silly, but who knows. (In early > versions of gnome, the panel menu entries had > submenus on the right side.) This results sometimes > in a horrible widget hierarchy, but is still > efficient enough, and much easier to extend than if > you have buttons with a label, buttons with a pixmap, > buttons with a pixmap and a label below the pixmap, > buttons with a pixmap and a label right of the pixmap > etc. Interesting. So does this mean that you could have say 3 distinct buttons inside each other, each performing different actions, like so: ------------------------ | Button 1 | | | | |---------| |------| | | |Button 2 | |Btn. 3| | | | | | | | | ----------- -------- | | | ------------------------ ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/ Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-08 15:03 Eric GAUDET wrote: > > As I say, I'll need to learn from the ground up on more basic > > things first, however. :-) But I do want to see what I can do. > > > > What I did for that is choose easy bugs in the bug-track engine (or some of my > own ideas) and try to make a patch, as a skill training. You'll find most of > the code clean and easy to understand. Some areas are still obscure to me > (attrs ? cache ?). Even if the patches are rejected, this is still a great way > to learn before trying hardcore table/frame coding ;-). > May I suggest : > - PNG transparency (bug #60) > - GIF animations support > - form widget jumping with tab/shift+tab (bug #86) This depends heavily on the Dw structure (in both cases, either if you let Gtk+ (GtkWindow) do the work, or -- which I would prefer -- let it do by GtkDwViewport). > - X clipboard support (bug #59) > - adding "copy this link" to the popup menu > - adding "save this image" to the popup menu > - fix the status bar informations disapearing > - implement "find text" > - implement basic httpauth (see with Sean if he's not doing it already) > - implement SUP and SUB tags > - fix corrupted PNG segfault. Or: - When jumping to an #anchor in the same page, the url should be pushed on the navigation stack. See Nav_open_url and struct _BrowserWindow. - A menu of the last visited urls, like the one you get when you hold the "Back" button pressed for a while in Netscape, or click on the small button right on the "Back" button in MSIE. - Implement the tag, and e.g. add an menu "Related pages" or so, with some accelerators, so the user must only press N for the next page etc. (I hope, some authors still use this tag.) Sebastian Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-08 15:03 Eric GAUDET wrote: > I'm thinking of 3 reasons why table and frames are different. > [...] 4) Tables are 2-dimensional, while frames are only aligned in one direction, i.e. you must nest framesets to get a grid of frames. 5) The size of a table cell is (in most cases) calculated by the browser, the frame's size is determined by the web author. > [...] > Perhaps we can come with a common page structure (ex DwPage ?), that would have > the ability to be both a full html page (part of a frameset) or a table cell. DwPage doesn't bother about its parent widget (either at toplevel, or in a DwTable, or, as inline frame, in a DwPage?). It will just paint itself where the parent wants it to do, and report size changes (incremental rendering!) to its parent. (BTW: Vice versa, DwTable will not bother about its children, it only regards at them as DwWidget's.) This is very nice in Gtk+: all widgets have a very special purpose, a button is something where you can click on, but how it looks is determined by *its child*. You can even nest buttons, which is admittedly quite silly, but who knows. (In early versions of gnome, the panel menu entries had submenus on the right side.) This results sometimes in a horrible widget hierarchy, but is still efficient enough, and much easier to extend than if you have buttons with a label, buttons with a pixmap, buttons with a pixmap and a label below the pixmap, buttons with a pixmap and a label right of the pixmap etc. > I'm not sure this will be the best way : most table cells contain only an image > or a text paragraph. Building a whole html page for that will be a big waste > (think about those >1000k tables ;-). (gdb) print sizeof (DwPage) $1 = 184 (I admit that it will take a bit more after initialization.) Memory is not the problem, but perhaps time, since size negotiation could happen to often. But currently it works very fast for normal pages, and so I think we should look how it will work for tables, and then eventually optimize it in detail. > I'd prefer to split the current DwPage in two widgets : one for the html > rendering only (say DwRenderedHtml) which would do what the current DwPage do > with lines, words ; one just like DwPage, but without what's done by > DwRender : only links, gc, attrs, anchors, ... This DwPage would of course > point to a DwRenderedHtml I'll bother about this, when Dw is complete. ;-) Sebastian [Dillo-dev]Dillo News From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-08 14:36 Hi all, the Dillo Weekly News is up and the url is http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/news081000.html Allan Clark allan@al... shark@bl... [Dillo-dev]Minor view source change From: Sam Dennis - 2000-10-08 13:27 Attachments: viewsource.diff View source shouldn't get the url from the location widget as that isn't necessarily the url of the page that is shown. -- Sam Dennis "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack." Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-08 06:52 -- En reponse de "Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?)" de Daniel Roberts, le 08-Oct-2000 : >> To make frames look like this, you'll have to do >> much more complicated things. > > Ah, but what about inline frames? > right, iframes are like a single table cell embeding a separate page (URL). No span tough. And you still can show the same structure as a complex table with it. It's kind of new too (HTML4 ?) : even my nestcape 4.72 can't render them. Anyway, all suggestions I heard about table/frames handling can quite easily be extended to iframe (once we've decided how to embed a page in a page). Not a big deal. > > All in all, it looks to me like tables/frames are THE > next big thing to concentrate on in Dillo. Right again ! > As I say, I'll need to learn from the ground up on more basic > things first, however. :-) But I do want to see what I can do. > What I did for that is choose easy bugs in the bug-track engine (or some of my own ideas) and try to make a patch, as a skill training. You'll find most of the code clean and easy to understand. Some areas are still obscure to me (attrs ? cache ?). Even if the patches are rejected, this is still a great way to learn before trying hardcore table/frame coding ;-). May I suggest : - PNG transparency (bug #60) - GIF animations support - form widget jumping with tab/shift+tab (bug #86) - X clipboard support (bug #59) - adding "copy this link" to the popup menu - adding "save this image" to the popup menu - fix the status bar informations disapearing - implement "find text" - implement basic httpauth (see with Sean if he's not doing it already) - implement SUP and SUB tags - fix corrupted PNG segfault. As you can see, there's some big code planned (table/frames, IO engine, unified alignment), but there's also a lot of small things to do you can choose to improve both your skills and dillo :-) > BTW, I am also curious now about cross-platform > plans... Is the plan just to support Unices, or > others like BeOS, Mac, or Windows? I am thinking > since it is GTK+-based, Unices would be relatively > easy... Windows support could be added too, since > GTK+ supports Windows, but I can see a new > networking/IO layer being needed... Same for BeOS, > since GTK+ supports BeOS, too. Mac I would think > would be even harder though. > AFAIR there was a big effort to make dillo compile under libc5, and I heard somebody tryied it on BSD with some success (a little less stable than on linux ?). I don't know about windos and beos, but I'm sure the folks here would welcome any volunteer. ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 08-Oct-2000 a 15:02:53 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- Re: [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-08 04:54 --- Eric GAUDET wrote: > I'm thinking of 3 reasons why table and frames are > different. These all do seem like valid reasons, too. > To make frames look like this, you'll have to do > much more complicated things. Ah, but what about inline frames? All in all, it looks to me like tables/frames are THE next big thing to concentrate on in Dillo. As I say, I'll need to learn from the ground up on more basic things first, however. :-) But I do want to see what I can do. BTW, I am also curious now about cross-platform plans... Is the plan just to support Unices, or others like BeOS, Mac, or Windows? I am thinking since it is GTK+-based, Unices would be relatively easy... Windows support could be added too, since GTK+ supports Windows, but I can see a new networking/IO layer being needed... Same for BeOS, since GTK+ supports BeOS, too. Mac I would think would be even harder though. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/ [Dillo-dev]RE: table/frames (was:What can I do?) From: Eric GAUDET - 2000-10-08 02:31 -- En reponse de "RE: [Dillo-dev]What can I do?" de Allan Clark, le 07-Oct-2000 : > >> How are tables that different? Netscape/Mozilla used >> to render tables as complete HTML documents within a >> larger one. After all, tables can also have images, >> text, and everything else a complete HTML document >> has. > That's the exact point that I made, I don't see how tables and frames are > really any different. I'm thinking of 3 reasons why table and frames are different. 1) Table cell can span on several row or colomns, frames don't. Example :
should be rendered like : +---+-------+ | | b | | a +---+---+ | | c | d | +---+---+---+ | e | f | g | +---+---+---+ To make frames look like this, you'll have to do much more complicated things. 2) Frames can have sliders and be resized, tables don't. 3) Table cells embedding an htlm page is only a convenient way of rendering tables, but there is no actual html page (eg: file) as such. Framesets _are_ separate html (or not) pages (in the cache) that have to be loaded. That's why frames are not a subset of tables, and tables are not a subset of frame. IMHO frames and table have a very different behavior, both the way they look and their underlying implementation. Perhaps we can come with a common page structure (ex DwPage ?), that would have the ability to be both a full html page (part of a frameset) or a table cell. I'm not sure this will be the best way : most table cells contain only an image or a text paragraph. Building a whole html page for that will be a big waste (think about those >1000k tables ;-). I'd prefer to split the current DwPage in two widgets : one for the html rendering only (say DwRenderedHtml) which would do what the current DwPage do with lines, words ; one just like DwPage, but without what's done by DwRender : only links, gc, attrs, anchors, ... This DwPage would of course point to a DwRenderedHtml For frames, we use GtkContainers with DwPages. For tables, a new widget DwTable would contain the structure of the table and pointers to DwRenderedHtml widgets, one for each cell. DwTable would be a word widget, just like an image is now. ... that's it ;-) (and we should wait for Sebastian's new Dw widgets) ----------------------------------- Eric GAUDET Le 08-Oct-2000 a 11:00:26 "Le verbe inexister ... inexiste !" ----------------------------------- RE: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-07 21:24 > How are tables that different? Netscape/Mozilla used > to render tables as complete HTML documents within a > larger one. After all, tables can also have images, > text, and everything else a complete HTML document > has. That's the exact point that I made, I don't see how tables and frames are really any different. Re: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-07 21:15 --- Sebastian Geerken wrote: > Gzw was written (afaik) mainly because of the size > limitation for X windows (and so Gtk+ widgets), > otherwise pure Gtk+ widgets could be used. It can > embed Gtk+ widgets, but that does not work perfectly, > so there had been some discussion on eleminating Dw, > but that will make dealing with the size limitation > quite complicated. (This is my personal opinion. > Jorge did not decide yet, what will be used in > future, so I tried to implement and test my ideas.) Mozilla faced the same problem, both in the Motif and the GTK+ ports. They ended up using a GTKLayout widget instead of a GTKDrawingArea for the page layout area, IIRC. Problem with this however, was that they then had a constant battle to fight with the GTKLayout widget's want to do its own layout things... So they wrote this whole new library/widget (with the help of Owen Tayler of GTK+ fame) set called GTKSuperWin. Could we perhaps use this, BTW? > Dw embeds Dw already now, e.g. bullets and images > are Dw widgets embedded in a DwPage. Embedding a > DwPage in a DwPage is also possible, and if they > share the same html document (as in tables), the html > parser has to be extended, e.g . by a stack. I did > already hack something like that which worked > halfway, it should not be too hard. Sounds good. > Tables and frames are quite different, the only > thing they have in common is, that they contain text, > so IMO the simplest way should be to write them as > containers for pages. How are tables that different? Netscape/Mozilla used to render tables as complete HTML documents within a larger one. After all, tables can also have images, text, and everything else a complete HTML document has. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/ Re: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-07 12:01 Daniel Roberts wrote: > Okay. Well, for starters, does the UI need anything? > I'd like to experiment with GTK+ a bit if I can... I > am trying to learn GTK+, so if anyone can give some > pointers on using it (other than the tutorial, which I > am already actively reading), I would appreciate it. > Translation: I might need to ask lots of questions, if > nobody minds. (Boy I wish a class were taught on GTK+ > somewhere.) There is also a reference and some mailing lists at http://www.gtk.org. A good "tutorial" for using Gtk+ are the sources of Gimp, a good way of learning how to write new widgets is reading the sources of Gtk+ itself. Sebastian Re: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-07 12:01 Hi, Daniel Roberts wrote: > It is also interesting that dw (formerly gzw, I > assume) is being re-writeen from scratch. Seems like > this is rather what Mozilla did with Gecko. Dw is not completely rewritten, since the other widgets (mainly DwPage) will ported to the new Dw. Gzw was written (afaik) mainly because of the size limitation for X windows (and so Gtk+ widgets), otherwise pure Gtk+ widgets could be used. It can embed Gtk+ widgets, but that does not work perfectly, so there had been some discussion on eleminating Dw, but that will make dealing with the size limitation quite complicated. (This is my personal opinion. Jorge did not decide yet, what will be used in future, so I tried to implement and test my ideas.) > As to tables/frames, how is it going to be done? I > recall some discussions with Armadillo about possibly > doing it by embedding dw within dw. Tables are > admittedly a little bit different from frames, but I > do think they are almost like flip sides of the same > coin. Dw embeds Dw already now, e.g. bullets and images are Dw widgets embedded in a DwPage. Embedding a DwPage in a DwPage is also possible, and if they share the same html document (as in tables), the html parser has to be extended, e.g . by a stack. I did already hack something like that which worked halfway, it should not be too hard. Tables and frames are quite different, the only thing they have in common is, that they contain text, so IMO the simplest way should be to write them as containers for pages. Sebastian RE: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-06 19:44 --- Allan Clark wrote: > Glad to hear from you, the above is kind of the > implementation I had in mind for tables and frames, > my suggestion is that we should have a page being > either a list of horizontal subpages, a list of > vertical subpages or a page as they are just now > implemented with lines, and then each "leaf" page can > take care of drawing (alignment etc) by itself and > all the parent pages need to do is tell all their > children to re-draw, re-size etc. Interesting. But where I can see this getting tricky is things like tables nested within tables, or with things like inline frames (not to mention re-sizable frames). How will this scheme handle those things? For huge tables (like >1000k), won't it get a little slow? Yes, there ARE tables >1000k. Mozilla had a bug filed on such tables being slow to render. :-) > As for what you can do, well pick something you > think dillo needs and just do it (I hope I won't get > into trouble for nicking nike's slogan) I think > the main thing is to get Sebastians port of dw > working correctly, so if you can help with that it > would be great but it is your time so do whatever you > enjoy the most. Okay. Well, for starters, does the UI need anything? I'd like to experiment with GTK+ a bit if I can... I am trying to learn GTK+, so if anyone can give some pointers on using it (other than the tutorial, which I am already actively reading), I would appreciate it. Translation: I might need to ask lots of questions, if nobody minds. (Boy I wish a class were taught on GTK+ somewhere.) ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/ RE: [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-06 15:42 > Hello all! > As to tables/frames, how is it going to be done? I > recall some discussions with Armadillo about possibly > doing it by embedding dw within dw. Tables are > admittedly a little bit different from frames, but I > do think they are almost like flip sides of the same > coin. > Glad to hear from you, the above is kind of the implementation I had in mind for tables and frames, my suggestion is that we should have a page being either a list of horizontal subpages, a list of vertical subpages or a page as they are just now implemented with lines, and then each "leaf" page can take care of drawing (alignment etc) by itself and all the parent pages need to do is tell all their children to re-draw, re-size etc. As for what you can do, well pick something you think dillo needs and just do it (I hope I won't get into trouble for nicking nike's slogan) I think the main thing is to get Sebastians port of dw working correctly, so if you can help with that it would be great but it is your time so do whatever you enjoy the most. Note to Sebastian: would you like me to put up the sources of your dw on the web page I'm using to do the dillo news, that way you wouldn't have to mail it to everyone who asks? I can also update it pretty much when needed. [Dillo-dev]What can I do? From: Daniel Roberts - 2000-10-06 15:26 Hello all! I am checking this out because Christopher Reid Palmer has effectively admitted that Dillo will probably become the real successor to Armadillo, and that Armadillo is effectively dead, since he hasn't enough time to dedicate to it. Dillo, IMHO, has definitely already surpassed both of its predecessors (Gzilla and Armadillo) in almost every aspect. I am hoping it is well on its way to competing with the likes of KDE's Konquerer, or maybe even Mozilla. Lord knows I worked on Mozilla for quite a while (and still use it for everyday browsing, cause there ain't any real alternative for GNOME folks like me), but I still find Mozilla to be painfully bloated, inefficient, slow, and memory-hogging, even after their wonderful ground-up re-write based on Gecko. Bottom line is, I have come to the same conclusion that JWZ did--that is, all the open source in the world cannot save Mozilla at this point. Mozilla is pretty much hopeless. I think Mozilla's biggest problem was XUL. After having seen what a cross-platform front-end interface like Mozilla's XUL could be like, I am now convinced that a native GTK+ interface would definitely be the way to go. XUL is too bloated and far to slow for my tastes. Anyway, I am happy to see some progress being made on Dillo, and what's more, in the areas that really need it the most, like Networking, I/O, and implementing tables/frames. It is also interesting that dw (formerly gzw, I assume) is being re-writeen from scratch. Seems like this is rather what Mozilla did with Gecko. As to tables/frames, how is it going to be done? I recall some discussions with Armadillo about possibly doing it by embedding dw within dw. Tables are admittedly a little bit different from frames, but I do think they are almost like flip sides of the same coin. Anyway, I unfortunately don't know too much about Dillo internals, C/C++, or GTK+. So would somebody like to point me to something I can do to help with Dillo? I'd like to help if I can. ===== Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5? Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html Sincerely, Daniel e-mail: zuperdee@pe... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/ [Dillo-dev]New Dw From: Sebastian Geerken - 2000-10-06 13:53 Hi! I've been working on a new Dw, mainly written from scratch. I've given up the idea of making all elements GtkWidget's, since any attempt to work around the window size limit would be far to complicated, but designed and begun to implement a new Dw, which mainly follows the goal to be more similar to Gtk, because (i) the design of Gtk+ is quite nice and proven to be usable, (ii) that will make embedding Gtk widgets simpler, and (iii) it will be simpler to understand for someone who knows Gtk. It's mainly a simple copy of the Gtk structures: there is a DwWidget (sorry for the doubled "widget"), derived from GtkObject and with similar methods as GtkWidget, a DwContainer, and structures like DwRectangle, DwAllocation etc. with 32 bit sizes. Furthermore there is a Gtk+ widget GtkDwViewport, which embeds a DwWidget (more directly than the old GtkDwView), and is, from the view of Gtk+, parent of all Gtk+ widgets that are embedded in the DwWidgets. DwContainers will simply have to report all their children (DwWidget's as well as GtkWidget's), and GtkDwViewport will recursively sort out the GtkWidget's (by the GTK_IS_WIDGET macro), so implementing a DwContainer is not more complicated than implementing a GtkContainer. Currently, there are still many bugs, especially severe expose problems for embedded Gtk+ widgets, and DwWidget is still quite incomplete. After fixing the most severe bugs, I'll try to integrate the new Dw (which currently runs in a testbed) into dillo soon, trying to complete it in dillo itself. There is already a halfway working DwPage (a port of my Gtk+ port of the old DwPage, to the new Dw). I'll send the sources to anyone who is interested, and I would be glad about help from someone else who knows Gtk+ good. Sebastian [Dillo-dev]remote url access From: Sean MacLennan - 2000-10-02 15:49 Attachments: out Hi, I am try to add Mosaic style remote access to dillo. From a unix signal handler I want to push an url. The command a_Nav_push works *once*, then fails from then on. I have a patch below that shows a very simple example of this, plus an attempt to set the text in the location widget. I can set the text correctly, but I do not know how to then signal gtk to process the line. Any help at all would be appreciated, Sean [Dillo-dev]Dillo Weekly News From: Allan Clark - 2000-10-02 00:17 The latest weekly news has been posted, a little light on content this week due to the lack of activity on the list and the fact that the first one was a little late and hence this week's only has two days worth of news. The url is http://www.shark.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/news021000.html Allan Clark allan@al... shark@bl...