14-Oct-2008 Release coverage of dillo-2.0 in Desktop Linux http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS6922044112.html 19-Feb-2004 Linux for Devices coverage of dillo-0.8.0 release. http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Embeddable-browser-project-hits-milestone-release-seeks-funding/ Jun-2002 Matthias Arndt at Linux Gazette has written an article which introduces Dillo to possible new users. http://linuxgazette.net/issue79/arndt.html 15-Sep-2002 Paul Tatham from the Montreal Linux Users Group makes an interesting review of Dillo. http://www.mlug.ca/static/35.htm 01-Sep-2002 Marcel Gagne describes how to build a lightweight Linux. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6169 26-Feb-2002 Ralph Krause at Linux Journal has made a review of Dillo 0.6.4. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5847 18-Jan-2003 Freshmeat has an article "Lightweight Web Browsers", of course, with a section about dillo. http://freshmeat.net/articles/lightweight-web-browsers 22-Mar-2002 Damien Gallop at MacWrite.com has mentioned Dillo in his review of browsers for the Mac OS X. http://www.macwrite.com/critical-mass/mac-os-x-internet-browsers 24-Jun-2002 Michael J. Jordan from Linux Online has made a review of various Linux web browsers out there. In the article there is a nice and small mention of Dillo. http://www.linux.org/apps/reviews/browsers0602_6.html 01-Feb-2002 The people over at www.ntk.net have written a little blurt about Dillo. Short review from H4ck3r's perspective. It's notably how they had been the only ones able to make a point of dillo's networking performance (not only rendering). That's soothing to me, since I've worked very hard on it (two papers and presentations at the SCCC 2000, that were not understood at all! :-) http://www.ntk.net/2002/02/01/#TRACKING