Length | dw::core::style::createAbsLength (int n) |
| Returns a length of n pixels. More...
Length | dw::core::style::createPerLength (double v) |
| Returns a percentage, v is relative to 1, not to 100. More...
Length | dw::core::style::createRelLength (double v) |
| Returns a relative length. More...
bool | dw::core::style::isAbsLength (Length l) |
| Returns true if l is an absolute length. More...
bool | dw::core::style::isPerLength (Length l) |
| Returns true if l is a percentage. More...
bool | dw::core::style::isRelLength (Length l) |
| Returns true if l is a relative length. More...
int | dw::core::style::absLengthVal (Length l) |
| Returns the value of a length in pixels, as an integer. More...
double | dw::core::style::perLengthVal_useThisOnlyForDebugging (Length l) |
| Returns the value of a percentage, relative to 1, as a double. More...
double | dw::core::style::relLengthVal (Length l) |
| Returns the value of a relative length, as a float. More...
int | dw::core::style::multiplyWithPerLength (int x, Length l) |
| Multiply an int with a percentage length, returning int. More...
int | dw::core::style::multiplyWithPerLengthRounded (int x, Length l) |
| Like multiplyWithPerLength, but rounds to nearest integer instead of down. More...
int | dw::core::style::multiplyWithRelLength (int x, Length l) |
void | dw::core::style::drawBorder (View *view, Layout *layout, Rectangle *area, int x, int y, int width, int height, Style *style, bool inverse) |
| Draw the border of a region in window, according to style. More...
void | dw::core::style::drawBackground (View *view, Layout *layout, Rectangle *area, int x, int y, int width, int height, int xRef, int yRef, int widthRef, int heightRef, Style *style, Color *bgColor, bool inverse, bool atTop) |
| Draw the background (content plus padding) of a region in window, according to style. More...
void | dw::core::style::drawBackgroundImage (View *view, StyleImage *backgroundImage, BackgroundRepeat backgroundRepeat, BackgroundAttachment backgroundAttachment, Length backgroundPositionX, Length backgroundPositionY, int x, int y, int width, int height, int xRef, int yRef, int widthRef, int heightRef) |
void | dw::core::style::numtostr (int num, char *buf, int buflen, ListStyleType listStyleType) |
| Convert a number into a string, in a given list style. More...