Dillo v3.2.0-7-gfbd719f9
This is the complete list of members for dw::AlignedTextblock, including all inherited members.
accumulateWordData(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
accumulateWordForLine(int lineIndex, int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
addAnchor(const char *name, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
dw::RegardingBorder::addAnchor(const char *name) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
dw::RegardingBorder::addAnchor(const char *name, int y) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
addBreakOption(core::style::Style *style, bool forceBreak) | dw::Textblock | |
addLine(int firstWord, int lastWord, int newLastOofPos, bool temporary, int minHeight) | dw::Textblock | protected |
addLinebreak(core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
addParbreak(int space, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
addSpace(core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
addText(const char *text, size_t len, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
addText(const char *text, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | inline |
addText0(const char *text, size_t len, short flags, core::style::Style *style, core::Requisition *size) | dw::Textblock | protected |
addWidget(core::Widget *widget, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
addWord(int width, int ascent, int descent, short flags, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | protected |
adjustExtraSpaceWhenCorrectingRequisitionByOOF() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protectedvirtual |
adjustHeight(int *height, bool allowDecreaseHeight, int ascent, int descent) | dw::core::Widget | static |
adjustMinWidth | dw::core::Widget | privatestatic |
affectedByContainerSizeChange() | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
affectsSizeChangeContainerChild(Widget *child) | dw::Textblock | protected |
dw::RegardingBorder::affectsSizeChangeContainerChild(Widget *child) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
AlignedTextblock(bool limitTextWidth) | dw::AlignedTextblock | protected |
alignLine(int lineIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
ALLOCATE_QUEUED enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
allocateQueued() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
allocation | dw::core::Widget | protected |
anchors | dw::Textblock | protected |
applyPerHeight(int containerHeight, style::Length perHeight) | dw::core::Widget | virtual |
applyPerWidth(int containerWidth, style::Length perWidth) | dw::core::Widget | virtual |
balanceBreakPosAndHeight(int wordIndex, int firstIndex, int *searchUntil, bool tempNewLine, int penaltyIndex, bool borderIsCalculated, bool *thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool wrapAll, int *diffWords, int *wordIndexEnd, int *lastFloatPos, bool regardBorder, int *height, int *breakPos) | dw::Textblock | protected |
bgColor | dw::core::Widget | private |
boxDiffHeight() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
boxDiffWidth() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
boxOffsetX() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
boxOffsetY() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
boxRestHeight() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
boxRestWidth() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
breakAdded() | dw::Textblock | protected |
buttonPress(EventButton *event) | dw::core::Widget | |
buttonPressImpl(core::EventButton *event) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
buttonRelease(EventButton *event) | dw::core::Widget | |
buttonReleaseImpl(core::EventButton *event) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
buttonSensitive | dw::core::Widget | private |
buttonSensitiveSet | dw::core::Widget | private |
calcBorders(int lastOofRef, int height) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcExtraSpace(int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::core::Widget | |
calcExtraSpaceImpl(int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::Textblock | protected |
dw::RegardingBorder::calcExtraSpaceImpl(int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
calcFinalWidth(style::Style *style, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue, int *finalWidth) | dw::core::Widget | |
calcHeight(style::Length cssValue, bool usePercentage, int refHeight, Widget *refWidget, bool forceValue) | dw::core::Widget | |
calcLineBreakWidth(int lineIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcLinePartHeight(int firstWord, int lastWord) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcPenaltyIndexForNewLine() | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
calcSizeOfWidgetInFlow(int wordIndex, Widget *widget, core::Requisition *size) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcTextOffset(int lineIndex, int totalWidth) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcTextSize(const char *text, size_t len, core::style::Style *style, core::Requisition *size, bool isStart, bool isEnd) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcTextSizes(const char *text, size_t textLen, core::style::Style *style, int numBreaks, int *breakPos, core::Requisition *wordSize) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcVerticalBorder(int widgetPadding, int widgetBorder, int widgetMargin, int lineBorderTotal, int lineMarginTotal) | dw::Textblock | protected |
calcWidth(style::Length cssValue, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue) | dw::core::Widget | |
changeAnchor(char *name, int y) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
changeLinkColor(int link, int newColor) | dw::Textblock | |
changeWordStyle(int from, int to, core::style::Style *style, bool includeFirstSpace, bool includeLastSpace) | dw::Textblock | |
CLASS_ID | dw::AlignedTextblock | static |
classesById | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | privatestatic |
classesByName | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | privatestatic |
classId | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | private |
cleanupWord(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
clone() | lout::object::Object | virtual |
considerHyphenation(int firstIndex, int breakPos) | dw::Textblock | protected |
container | dw::core::Widget | private |
containerSizeChanged() | dw::core::Widget | |
containerSizeChangedForChildren() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
containerSizeChangedForChildrenOOF() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
correctExtremes(Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth) | dw::core::Widget | |
correctExtremesByOOF(core::Extremes *extremes) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
correctExtremesOfChild(Widget *child, Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
correctLastWordExtremes() | dw::Textblock | protected |
correctReqAspectRatio(int pass, Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *)) | dw::core::Widget | protected |
correctReqHeightOfChild(Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseHeight) | dw::core::Widget | protected |
correctRequisition(Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) | dw::core::Widget | |
correctRequisitionByOOF(core::Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *)) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
correctRequisitionOfChild(Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
correctRequisitionViewport(Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) | dw::core::Widget | protected |
correctReqWidthOfChild(Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, bool allowDecreaseWidth) | dw::core::Widget | protected |
currentlyConstructedClass | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | privatestatic |
decorateText(core::View *view, core::style::Style *style, core::style::Color::Shading shading, int x, int yBase, int width) | dw::Textblock | protected |
deleteCallbackData | dw::core::Widget | private |
deleteCallbackFunc | dw::core::Widget | private |
divChars | dw::Textblock | privatestatic |
doesWidgetOOFInterruptDrawing(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
draw(core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | virtual |
drawBox(View *view, style::Style *style, Rectangle *area, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool inverse) | dw::core::Widget | |
drawInterruption(View *view, Rectangle *area, DrawingContext *context) | dw::core::Widget | |
drawLevel(core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int level, core::DrawingContext *context) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
drawLine(Line *line, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) | dw::Textblock | protected |
drawOOF(core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
drawSelected(View *view, Rectangle *area) | dw::core::Widget | |
drawSpace(int wordIndex, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) | dw::Textblock | protected |
drawText(core::View *view, core::style::Style *style, core::style::Color::Shading shading, int x, int y, const char *text, int start, int len, bool isStart, bool isEnd) | dw::Textblock | protected |
drawWidgetBox(View *view, Rectangle *area, bool inverse) | dw::core::Widget | |
drawWord(Line *line, int wordIndex1, int wordIndex2, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) | dw::Textblock | protected |
drawWord0(int wordIndex1, int wordIndex2, const char *text, int totalWidth, bool drawHyphen, core::style::Style *style, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) | dw::Textblock | protected |
enterGetExtremes() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
enterNotify(EventCrossing *event) | dw::core::Widget | |
enterNotifyImpl(core::EventCrossing *event) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
enterQueueResize() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
enterSizeAllocate() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
enterSizeRequest() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
equals(Object *other) | lout::object::Object | virtual |
extraSpace | dw::core::Widget | protected |
extremes | dw::core::Widget | private |
EXTREMES_CHANGED enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
EXTREMES_QUEUED enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
extremesChanged() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
extremesParams | dw::core::Widget | private |
extremesQueued() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
fillParagraphs() | dw::Textblock | protected |
fillSpace(int wordNo, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | protected |
fillWord(int wordNo, int width, int ascent, int descent, short flags, core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findLineIndex(int y) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findLineIndex(int y, int ascent) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findLineIndexWhenAllocated(int y) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findLineIndexWhenNotAllocated(int y) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findLineOfWord(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findParagraphOfWord(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findSizeRequestReference(Widget *reference, int *xRef=NULL, int *yRef=NULL) | dw::Textblock | protected |
findSizeRequestReference(int oofmIndex, int *xRef=NULL, int *yRef=NULL) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
findWord(int x, int y, bool *inSpace) | dw::Textblock | protected |
flags | dw::core::Widget | private |
Flags enum name | dw::core::Widget | protected |
flush() | dw::Textblock | |
generator | dw::core::Widget | private |
getAdjustMinWidth() | dw::core::Widget | inlinevirtual |
getAllocation() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getAvailHeight(bool forceValue) | dw::core::Widget | |
getAvailHeightOfChild(core::Widget *child, bool forceValue) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
getAvailWidth(bool forceValue) | dw::core::Widget | |
getAvailWidthOfChild(core::Widget *child, bool forceValue) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
getBgColor() | dw::core::Widget | |
getBorderArea(int *xBor, int *yBor, int *widthBor, int *heightBor) | dw::core::Widget | |
getClassId() | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | inline |
getClassName() | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | inline |
getContainer() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getContentHeight() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
getContentWidth() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
getExtremes(Extremes *extremes, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL) | dw::core::Widget | |
getExtremesEntered() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
getExtremesImpl(Extremes *extremes, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
getExtremesReference(int index) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
getExtremesSimpl(core::Extremes *extremes) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
getFgColor() | dw::core::Widget | |
getGenerator() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getGeneratorLevel() | dw::core::Widget | |
getGeneratorRest(int oofmIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getGeneratorWidth() | dw::Textblock | virtual |
getGeneratorX(int oofmIndex) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
getGeneratorY(int oofmIndex) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
getHeight() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
getLayout() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getLevel() | dw::core::Widget | |
getLineShrinkability(int lastWordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getLineStretchability(int lastWordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getMarginArea(int *xMar, int *yMar, int *widthMar, int *heightMar) | dw::core::Widget | |
getMaxGeneratorWidth() | dw::Textblock | virtual |
getMinWidth(Extremes *extremes, bool forceValue) | dw::core::Widget | |
getNearestCommonAncestor(Widget *otherWidget) | dw::core::Widget | |
getNextStackingContextMgr() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
getOOFMIndex(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protectedstatic |
getPaddingArea(int *xPad, int *yPad, int *widthPad, int *heightPad) | dw::core::Widget | |
getParent() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getParentRefInFlowSubRef(int parentRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getParentRefOOFIndex(int parentRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getParentRefOOFSubRef(int parentRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getParentRefOutOfFlowMgr(int parentRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getRequisitionWithoutOOF() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inline |
getSpaceShrinkability(struct Word *word) | dw::Textblock | protectedstatic |
getSpaceStretchability(struct Word *word) | dw::Textblock | protectedstatic |
getStyle() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getTopLevel() | dw::core::Widget | |
getValue()=0 | dw::AlignedTextblock | protectedpure virtual |
getWidgetAtPoint(int x, int y, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protectedvirtual |
getWidgetAtPointInterrupted(int x, int y, GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) | dw::core::Widget | |
getWidgetAtPointLevel(int x, int y, int level, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
getWidgetInFlowSubRef(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getWidgetOOFAtPoint(int x, int y, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
getWidgetOOFIndex(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getWidgetOOFSubRef(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getWidgetOutOfFlowMgr(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
getWidgetReference() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine(Line *line) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine(int lineNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine(int firstWord, int lastWord) | dw::Textblock | protected |
getWordExtremes(Word *word, core::Extremes *extremes) | dw::Textblock | protected |
handleWordExtremes(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
handOverBreak(core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | |
hashValue() | lout::object::Object | virtual |
hasListitemValue | dw::Textblock | protected |
hlEnd | dw::Textblock | protected |
hlStart | dw::Textblock | protected |
hoverLink | dw::Textblock | protected |
hyphenateWord(int wordIndex, int *addIndex1=NULL) | dw::Textblock | protected |
hyphenDrawChar | dw::Textblock | privatestatic |
IdentifiableObject() | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | |
ignoreLine1OffsetSometimes | dw::Textblock | protected |
inAllocation(int x, int y) | dw::core::Widget | inline |
index | dw::Textblock | |
initLine1Offset(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
initNewLine() | dw::Textblock | protected |
initOutOfFlowMgrs() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
initWord(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
instanceOf(int otherClassId) | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | |
intersects(Widget *refWidget, Rectangle *area, Rectangle *intersection) | dw::core::Widget | |
intoStringBuffer(misc::StringBuffer *sb) | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | virtual |
isBlockLevel() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
isBreakAllowed(core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | protected |
isBreakAllowedInWord(Word *word) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
isButtonSensitive() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
isHyphenationCandidate(Word *word) | dw::Textblock | protected |
isOOFContainer(Widget *widget, int oofmIndex) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protectedstatic |
isParentRefOOF(int parentRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
isPossibleContainer() | dw::core::Widget | virtual |
isPossibleOOFContainer(int oofmIndex) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
isPossibleOOFContainerParent(int oofmIndex) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
isWidgetOOF(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
iterator(core::Content::Type mask, bool atEnd) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
justifyLine(Line *line, int diff) | dw::Textblock | protected |
lastWordDrawn | dw::Textblock | protected |
layout | dw::core::Widget | protected |
leaveGetExtremes() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
leaveNotify(EventCrossing *event) | dw::core::Widget | |
leaveNotifyImpl(core::EventCrossing *event) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
leaveQueueResize() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
leaveSizeAllocate() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
leaveSizeRequest() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
leftInnerPadding | dw::Textblock | protected |
limitTextWidth | dw::Textblock | protected |
line1Offset | dw::Textblock | protected |
line1OffsetEff | dw::Textblock | protected |
lineBreakWidth | dw::Textblock | protected |
lines | dw::Textblock | protected |
lineYOffsetCanvas(Line *line, core::Allocation *allocation) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetCanvas(Line *line) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetCanvas(int lineIndex) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetWidget(Line *line, core::Allocation *allocation) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetWidget(Line *line) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetWidget(int lineIndex) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
lineYOffsetWidget(int lineIndex, core::Allocation *allocation) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
list | dw::AlignedTextblock | private |
listPos | dw::AlignedTextblock | private |
makeParentRefInFlow(int inFlowSubRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
makeParentRefOOF(int oofmIndex, int oofmSubRef) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
markExtremesChange(int ref) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
markSizeChange(int ref) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
motionNotify(EventMotion *event) | dw::core::Widget | |
motionNotifyImpl(core::EventMotion *event) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
moveWordIndices(int wordIndex, int num, int *addIndex1=NULL) | dw::Textblock | protected |
mustAddBreaks(core::style::Style *style) | dw::Textblock | inlinestatic |
mustBorderBeRegarded(Line *line) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
mustBorderBeRegarded(int lineNo) | dw::Textblock | inlineprotected |
mustQueueResize | dw::Textblock | protected |
nChar | dw::Textblock | |
NEEDS_ALLOCATE enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
NEEDS_RESIZE enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
needsAllocate() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
needsResize() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
newLineAscent | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineDescent | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineHasFloatLeft | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineHasFloatRight | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineLeftBorder | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineLeftFloatHeight | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineRightBorder | dw::Textblock | protected |
newLineRightFloatHeight | dw::Textblock | protected |
nonTemporaryLines | dw::Textblock | protected |
notifySetAsTopLevel() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
notifySetParent() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
NUM_DIV_CHARS enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
NUM_OOFM enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
numGetExtremesReferences() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
numSizeReferences | dw::Textblock | protected |
numSizeRequestReferences() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
OOFAwareWidget() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
oofContainer | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
OOFM_ABSOLUTE enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
OOFM_FIXED enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
OOFM_FLOATS enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
OOFM_NAME | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protectedstatic |
OOFM_RELATIVE enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
oofSizeChanged(bool extremesChanged) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
outOfFlowMgr | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
paragraphs | dw::Textblock | protected |
parent | dw::core::Widget | private |
PARENT_REF_OOFM_BITS enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
PARENT_REF_OOFM_MASK enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
parentRef | dw::core::Widget | |
penalties | dw::Textblock | protectedstatic |
PENALTY_EM_DASH_LEFT enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
PENALTY_EM_DASH_RIGHT enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
PENALTY_FORCE_BREAK enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
PENALTY_HYPHEN enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
PENALTY_NUM enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
PENALTY_PROHIBIT_BREAK enum value | dw::Textblock | private |
printFlag(Flags f) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
processWord(int wordIndex) | dw::Textblock | protected |
quasiParent | dw::core::Widget | private |
queueDraw() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
queueDrawArea(int x, int y, int width, int height) | dw::core::Widget | protected |
queueDrawRange(int index1, int index2) | dw::Textblock | protected |
queueResize(int ref, bool extremesChanged, bool fast) | dw::core::Widget | private |
queueResize(int ref, bool extremesChanged) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
queueResizeEntered() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
queueResizeFast(int ref, bool extremesChanged) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
ratio | dw::core::Widget | protected |
redrawY | dw::Textblock | protected |
RegardingBorder() | dw::RegardingBorder | |
registerName(const char *className, int *classId) | lout::identity::IdentifiableObject | protected |
removeAnchor(char *name) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
removeChild(Widget *child) | dw::Textblock | protected |
dw::core::Widget::removeChild(Widget *child) | dw::core::Widget | virtual |
removeSpaceImgRenderer(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
removeTemporaryLines() | dw::Textblock | protected |
removeWordImgRenderer(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
requisition | dw::core::Widget | private |
requisitionParams | dw::core::Widget | private |
requisitionWithoutOOF | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
RESIZE_QUEUED enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
resizeDrawImpl() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
resizeIdleEntered() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
resizeQueued() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
rewrap() | dw::Textblock | protected |
scrollTo(HPosition hpos, VPosition vpos, int x, int y, int width, int height) | dw::core::Widget | |
searchBreakPos(int wordIndex, int firstIndex, int *searchUntil, bool tempNewLine, int penaltyIndex, bool thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool wrapAll, int *diffWords, int *wordIndexEnd, int *addIndex1=NULL) | dw::Textblock | protected |
searchMinBap(int firstWord, int lastWordm, int penaltyIndex, bool thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool correctAtEnd) | dw::Textblock | protected |
searchOutOfFlowMgr(int oofmIndex) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlineprotected |
selectionHandleEvent(SelectionState::EventType eventType, Iterator *it, int charPos, int linkNo, MousePositionEvent *event) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
sendSelectionEvent(core::SelectionState::EventType eventType, core::MousePositionEvent *event) | dw::Textblock | protected |
setAdjustMinWidth(bool adjustMinWidth) | dw::core::Widget | inlinestatic |
setBgColor(style::Color *bgColor) | dw::core::Widget | |
setBreakOption(Word *word, core::style::Style *style, int breakPenalty1, int breakPenalty2, bool forceBreak) | dw::Textblock | protected |
setButtonSensitive(bool buttonSensitive) | dw::core::Widget | |
setCursor(style::Cursor cursor) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
setDeleteCallback(DW_Callback_t func, void *data) | dw::core::Widget | inline |
setFlags(Flags f) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
setGenerator(Widget *generator) | dw::core::Widget | inline |
setMaxValue(int maxValue, int value)=0 | dw::AlignedTextblock | protectedpure virtual |
setParent(Widget *parent) | dw::core::Widget | |
setPenaltyEmDashLeft(int penaltyLeftEmDash) | dw::Textblock | static |
setPenaltyEmDashRight(int penaltyRightEmDash) | dw::Textblock | static |
setPenaltyEmDashRight2(int penaltyRightEmDash2) | dw::Textblock | static |
setPenaltyHyphen(int penaltyHyphen) | dw::Textblock | static |
setPenaltyHyphen2(int penaltyHyphen2) | dw::Textblock | static |
setQuasiParent(Widget *quasiParent) | dw::core::Widget | |
setRefTextblock(AlignedTextblock *ref) | dw::AlignedTextblock | protected |
setSpaceImgRenderer(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
setStretchabilityFactor(int stretchabilityFactor) | dw::Textblock | static |
setStyle(style::Style *style) | dw::core::Widget | virtual |
setWidgetReference(WidgetReference *widgetReference) | dw::core::Widget | inline |
setWordImgRenderer(int wordNo) | dw::Textblock | protected |
showMissingLines() | dw::Textblock | protected |
sizeAllocate(Allocation *allocation) | dw::core::Widget | |
sizeAllocateEnd() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
sizeAllocateEntered() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
sizeAllocateImpl(core::Allocation *allocation) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
sizeAllocateStart(core::Allocation *allocation) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | protected |
sizeOf() | lout::object::Object | virtual |
sizeReferences | dw::Textblock | protected |
sizeRequest(Requisition *requisition, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL) | dw::core::Widget | |
sizeRequestEntered() | dw::core::Widget | inlineprivate |
sizeRequestImpl(core::Requisition *requisition, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::Textblock | protected |
dw::RegardingBorder::sizeRequestImpl(Requisition *requisition, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
sizeRequestParams | dw::Textblock | protected |
sizeRequestReference(int index) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
sizeRequestSimpl(Requisition *requisition) | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
SL_BACKGROUND enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_END enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_IN_FLOW enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_OOF_CONT enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_OOF_REF enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_SC_BOTTOM enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_SC_TOP enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
SL_START enum value | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
stackingContextMgr | dw::core::Widget | protected |
stackingContextWidget | dw::core::Widget | protected |
stackingLevelText(int level) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | static |
stretchabilityFactor | dw::Textblock | protectedstatic |
style | dw::core::Widget | private |
testStyleAbsolutelyPositioned(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testStyleFixedlyPositioned(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testStyleFloat(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testStyleOutOfFlow(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testStylePositioned(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testStyleRelativelyPositioned(core::style::Style *style) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetAbsolutelyPositioned(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetFixedlyPositioned(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetFloat(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetOutOfFlow(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetPositioned(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
testWidgetRelativelyPositioned(Widget *widget) | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | inlinestatic |
Textblock(bool limitTextWidth, bool treatAsInline=false) | dw::Textblock | |
textWidth(const char *text, int start, int len, core::style::Style *style, bool isStart, bool isEnd) | dw::Textblock | protected |
toString() | lout::object::Object | |
treatAsInline | dw::Textblock | protected |
unsetFlags(Flags f) | dw::core::Widget | inlineprotected |
updateReference(int ref) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
updateValue() | dw::AlignedTextblock | protected |
usesAvailHeight() | dw::core::Widget | protectedvirtual |
usesAvailWidth() | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
usesMaxGeneratorWidth() | dw::Textblock | virtual |
WAS_ALLOCATED enum value | dw::core::Widget | protected |
wasAllocated() | dw::core::Widget | inline |
Widget() | dw::core::Widget | |
widgetImgRenderer | dw::core::Widget | protected |
widgetReference | dw::core::Widget | private |
widgetRefSizeChanged(int externalIndex) | dw::Textblock | virtual |
words | dw::Textblock | protected |
wordWrap(int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) | dw::Textblock | protectedvirtual |
wrapRefLines | dw::Textblock | protected |
wrapRefLinesFCX | dw::Textblock | protected |
wrapRefLinesFCY | dw::Textblock | protected |
wrapRefParagraphs | dw::Textblock | protected |
wrapWordInFlow(int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) | dw::Textblock | protected |
wrapWordOofRef(int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) | dw::Textblock | protected |
yOffsetOfLineCreated(Line *line) | dw::Textblock | protected |
yOffsetOfLineToBeCreated(int *lastMargin=NULL) | dw::Textblock | protected |
~AlignedTextblock() | dw::AlignedTextblock | |
~Object() | lout::object::Object | virtual |
~OOFAwareWidget() | dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | |
~RegardingBorder() | dw::RegardingBorder | |
~Textblock() | dw::Textblock | |
~Widget() | dw::core::Widget |