Dillo v3.2.0-7-gfbd719f9
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Cdw::core::AllocationRepresents the allocation, i.e
 Clout::misc::BitSetA bit set, which automatically reallocates when needed
 Cdw::core::style::BoxRepresents a dimension box according to the CSS box model
 CBrowserWindowContains the specific data for a single window
 CCacheClientData structure for cache clients
 CChainLinkMain data structure for CCC nodes
 CCssContextA set of CssStyleSheets
 CCssPropertyThis class holds a CSS property and value pair
 CCssRuleA CssSelector CssPropertyList pair
 CCssSelectorCSS selector class
 CCssStyleSheetA list of CssRules
 CDataBufA convenience data structure for passing data chunks between nodes
 CDoctreeHTML document tree interface
 CDshDpip socket handler type
 Cform::FormHandles HTML form data
 Cdw::ImageMapsListRepresents a list of client-side image maps
 Clout::container::typed::Iterator< T >Typed version of container::untyped::Iterator
 Clout::container::untyped::IteratorThis is a small wrapper for AbstractIterator, which may be used directly, not as a pointer, to makes memory management simpler
 Clout::container::typed::Iterator< dw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource >
 Cmd5_state_sDefine the state of the MD5 Algorithm
 Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< T >Container similar to lout::misc::SimpleVector, but some cases of insertion optimized (used for hyphenation)
 Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Word >
 Clout::object::ObjectThis is the base class for many other classes, which defines very common virtual methods
 Clout::signal::ObservedObjectAn observed object has a signal emitter, which tells the receivers, when the object is deleted
 Cdw::oof::OutOfFlowMgrRepresents additional data for OOF containers
 Cdw::core::RegionImplementation for a point set
 Cdw::core::ui::ResourceBasic interface for all resources
 Cdw::core::SelectionStateThis class handles selections, as well as activation of links, which is closely related
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< T >Simple (simpler than container::untyped::Vector and container::typed::Vector) template based vector
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< bool >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< char * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< CssProperty >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< CssRule * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlForm * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlImage * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlInput * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlOptbase * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlState >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloUrl * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::AlignedTextblock * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::Extremes >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::Point >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::style::Style * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Table::Child * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Anchor >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Line >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Paragraph >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Trie::TrieNode >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::DataEntry >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::StackEntry >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< int >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< struct CssSelector::CombinatorAndSelector >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< StyleEngine::Node >
 Cdw::core::SizeParamsHold arguments passed to dw::core::Widget::sizeRequest and dw::core::Widget::getExtremes, as described in Size requisitions depending on positions
 Cdw::core::StackingContextMgrSee Handling stacking contexts
 Cdw::core::StackingProcessingContextBase class for dw::core::DrawingContext and dw::core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext
 Clout::misc::StringBufferA class for fast concatenation of a large number of strings
 CStyleEngineThis class provides the glue between HTML parser and CSS subsystem
 Clout::misc::ZoneAllocatorA simple allocator optimized to handle many small chunks of memory