C_DilloImage | |
C_DilloWeb | |
CAction | |
Cdw::core::Allocation | Represents the allocation, i.e |
Cdw::Textblock::Anchor | |
CAuthRealm_t | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkViewBase::BackBuffer | |
Cdw::Textblock::BadnessAndPenalty | |
Clout::misc::BitSet | A bit set, which automatically reallocates when needed |
Cbitvec_t | |
Cdw::core::style::Box | Represents a dimension box according to the CSS box model |
CBrowserWindow | Contains the specific data for a single window |
CCacheClient | Data structure for cache clients |
Cdw::Table::Cell | |
CChainLink | Main data structure for CCC nodes |
CCharref_t | |
Cdw::Table::Child | |
CCssSelector::CombinatorAndSelector | |
Cdw::core::Content | |
CCssBackgroundPosition | |
CCssContext | A set of CssStyleSheets |
CCssLength | |
CCssParser | |
CCssProperty | This class holds a CSS property and value pair |
CCssPropertyValue | |
CCssRule | A CssSelector CssPropertyList pair |
CCssSelector | CSS selector class |
CCssSimpleSelector | |
CCssStyleSheet | A list of CssRules |
CDataBuf | A convenience data structure for passing data chunks between nodes |
Cdw::TrieBuilder::DataEntry | |
CDecode | |
CDecodeTransfer | |
CDICacheEntry | |
CDilloHost | |
CDilloHtml | |
CDilloHtmlImage | |
CDilloHtmlState | |
CDilloPrefs | |
CDilloUrl | |
Cdw::Textblock::DivChar | |
CDlist | |
CDoctree | HTML document tree interface |
CDoctreeNode | |
Cdp | |
CDsh | Dpip socket handler type |
CDstr | |
Cdw::core::Extremes | |
Cdw::core::FindtextState | |
►CFl_Button | |
►CTipWinButton | A Button sharing a custom tooltip window |
CCustButton | A button that highlights on mouse over |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPreviewButton | |
►CFl_Group | |
CCustGroupHorizontal | Used to reposition group's widgets when some of them are hidden |
►CCustGroupVertical | |
CUI | |
CFindbar | Searchbar to find text in page |
►Cdw::fltk::FltkViewBase | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPreview | |
►Cdw::fltk::FltkWidgetView | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkFlatView | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkViewport | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::ComplexButton | |
►CFl_Input | |
CTipWinInput | An Input with custom tooltip window |
►CFl_Menu_Window | |
CTipWin | Custom tooltip window |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPreviewWindow | |
►CFl_Window | |
CXembed | |
Cform::Form | Handles HTML form data |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource::Group | |
►Cdw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource::GroupIterator | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource::Group::FltkGroupIterator | |
►CI | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< I > | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSelectionResource< dw::core::ui::ListResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkListResource | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSelectionResource< dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkOptionMenuResource | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkToggleButtonResource< dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkCheckButtonResource | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkToggleButtonResource< dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSelectionResource< I > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkToggleButtonResource< I > | |
Cdw::ImageMapsList | Represents a list of client-side image maps |
►Cdw::core::ImgRenderer | .. |
Cdw::Image | Displays an instance of dw::core::Imgbuf |
Cdw::core::ImgRendererDist | Implementation of ImgRenderer, which distributes all calls to a set of other implementations of ImgRenderer |
►Cdw::core::style::StyleImage::ExternalImgRenderer | Useful (but not mandatory) base class for updates of areas with background images |
Cdw::core::Layout::LayoutImgRenderer | |
►Cdw::core::style::StyleImage::ExternalWidgetImgRenderer | Suitable for widgets and parts of widgets |
►Cdw::Textblock::WordImgRenderer | Implementation used for words |
Cdw::Textblock::SpaceImgRenderer | |
Cdw::core::Widget::WidgetImgRenderer | Implementation which represents the whole widget |
Cdw::core::style::StyleImage::StyleImgRenderer | |
Clout::container::typed::Iterator< T > | Typed version of container::untyped::Iterator |
Clout::container::untyped::Iterator | This is a small wrapper for AbstractIterator, which may be used directly, not as a pointer, to makes memory management simpler |
Clout::container::typed::Iterator< dw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource > | |
CKeys | |
CKlist_t | |
CKlistNode_t | |
Cdw::Textblock::Line | |
Cdw::AlignedTextblock::List | |
Cmd5_state_s | Define the state of the MD5 Algorithm |
►Clout::container::untyped::HashSet::Node | |
Clout::container::untyped::HashTable::KeyValuePair | |
Clout::container::untyped::List::Node | |
Clout::container::untyped::Stack::Node | |
Clout::misc::StringBuffer::Node | |
CStyleEngine::Node | |
Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< T > | Container similar to lout::misc::SimpleVector, but some cases of insertion optimized (used for hyphenation) |
Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Word > | |
CNSVGgradient | |
CNSVGgradientStop | |
CNSVGimage | |
CNSVGpaint | |
CNSVGpath | |
CNSVGshape | |
►Clout::object::Object | This is the base class for many other classes, which defines very common virtual methods |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::ConstString > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< Iterator > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< Float > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< K > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::String > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::Object > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::ImageMapsList::ImageMap::ShapeAndLink > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::ImgRenderer > > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::core::Widget > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::core::Rectangle > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::Widget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::core::style::StyleAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::core::style::ColorAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::core::style::FontAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::fltk::FltkImgbuf > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::fltk::FltkImgbuf::GammaCorrectionTable > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::fltk::FltkPlatform::IdleFunc > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::fltk::ui::FltkResource > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::TypedPointer< Fl_Widget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::TBInfo > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< dw::oof::OOFPositionedMgr::Child > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< form::Form::ResourceDecorator > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< form::Form::FormClickedReceiver > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::identity::IdentifiableObject::Class > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::signal::Receiver > | |
Clout::container::typed::Collection< lout::signal::Emitter > | |
CCssStyleSheet::RuleList | |
Cdw::Hyphenator | |
Cdw::ImageMapsList::ImageMap | |
Cdw::ImageMapsList::ImageMap::ShapeAndLink | |
►Cdw::core::Event | Base class for all events |
►Cdw::core::MouseEvent | Base class for all mouse events |
Cdw::core::EventCrossing | Represents a enter or leave notify event |
►Cdw::core::MousePositionEvent | Base class for all mouse events related to a specific position |
Cdw::core::EventButton | Represents a button press or release event |
Cdw::core::EventMotion | Represents a mouse motion event |
►Cdw::core::Imgbuf | The platform independent interface for image buffers |
Cdw::fltk::FltkImgbuf | |
Cdw::core::Layout | The central class for managing and drawing a widget tree |
Cdw::core::Layout::Anchor | |
►Cdw::core::Platform | An interface to encapsulate some platform dependencies |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPlatform | |
►Cdw::core::Shape | Abstract interface for different shapes |
Cdw::core::Circle | Dw::core::Shape implementation for simple circles |
Cdw::core::Polygon | Dw::core::Shape implementation for polygons |
Cdw::core::Rectangle | Dw::core::Shape implementation for simple rectangles |
►Cdw::core::View | An interface to encapsulate platform dependent drawing |
►Cdw::fltk::FltkView | This interface adds some more methods for all flkt-based views |
Cdw::fltk::FltkViewBase | |
Cdw::core::WidgetReference | |
►Cdw::core::style::ColorAttrs | |
►Cdw::core::style::Color | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkColor | |
►Cdw::core::style::FontAttrs | |
►Cdw::core::style::Font | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkFont | |
►Cdw::core::style::StyleAttrs | |
Cdw::core::style::Style | |
►Cdw::core::ui::ResourceFactory | A factory for the common resource |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPlatform::FltkResourceFactory | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkFont::FontFamily | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkImgbuf::GammaCorrectionTable | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkPlatform::IdleFunc | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkResource | .. |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource > | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkComplexButtonResource | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::EntryResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkEntryResource | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkLabelButtonResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::ListResource > | |
►Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::MultiLineTextResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkMultiLineTextResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource > | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< I > | |
►Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::WidgetInfo | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::TBInfo | |
Cdw::oof::OOFPositionedMgr::Child | |
►Cform::Form::ResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::Resource |
Cform::Form::CheckButtonResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource |
Cform::Form::RadioButtonResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource |
Cform::Form::SelectionResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::SelectionResource |
Cform::Form::TextResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::TextResource |
►Clout::container::typed::Collection< T > | Abstract base class template for all container objects in container::typed |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::ConstString > | |
►Clout::container::typed::HashSet< K > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< K, V > | Typed version of container::untyped::HashTable |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::String > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::Object > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::ImgRenderer > > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::Widget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< dw::core::style::StyleAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< dw::core::style::ColorAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< dw::core::style::FontAttrs > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashSet< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::ImageMapsList::ImageMap::ShapeAndLink > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::core::Rectangle > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::fltk::FltkImgbuf > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::fltk::FltkPlatform::IdleFunc > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::fltk::ui::FltkResource > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< lout::object::TypedPointer< Fl_Widget > > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< dw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< form::Form::ResourceDecorator > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< form::Form::FormClickedReceiver > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< lout::signal::Receiver > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< lout::signal::Emitter > | |
►Clout::container::typed::Vector< Iterator > | |
Cdw::core::DeepIterator::Stack | |
►Clout::container::typed::Vector< Float > | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::SortedFloatsVector | This list is kept sorted |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< dw::core::Widget > | |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< dw::fltk::FltkImgbuf::GammaCorrectionTable > | |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::TBInfo > | |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float > | |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< dw::oof::OOFPositionedMgr::Child > | |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< lout::identity::IdentifiableObject::Class > | |
►Clout::container::typed::HashSet< T > | Typed version of container::untyped::HashSet |
►Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::ConstString, RuleList > | |
CCssStyleSheet::RuleMap | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::String, dw::Hyphenator > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::ConstString, lout::container::typed::Vector< lout::object::Integer > > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::Object, dw::ImageMapsList::ImageMap > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::String, dw::core::Layout::Anchor > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< dw::core::style::StyleAttrs, dw::core::style::Style > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< dw::core::style::ColorAttrs, dw::fltk::FltkColor > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::ConstString, dw::fltk::FltkFont::FontFamily > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< dw::core::style::FontAttrs, dw::fltk::FltkFont > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::Widget >, dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget >, dw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::TBInfo > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::TypedPointer< dw::core::Widget >, dw::oof::OOFPositionedMgr::Child > | |
Clout::container::typed::HashTable< lout::object::ConstString, lout::identity::IdentifiableObject::Class > | |
Clout::container::typed::List< T > | Typed version of container::untyped::List |
Clout::container::typed::Stack< T > | Typed version of container::untyped::Stack |
Clout::container::typed::Vector< T > | Typed version of container::untyped::Vector |
►Clout::container::untyped::Collection0 | .. |
►Clout::container::untyped::Collection | Abstract base class for all container objects in container::untyped |
►Clout::container::untyped::HashSet | A hash set |
Clout::container::untyped::HashTable | A hash table |
Clout::container::untyped::List | A single-linked list |
Clout::container::untyped::Stack | A stack (LIFO) |
Clout::container::untyped::Vector | Container, which is implemented by an array, which is dynamically resized |
►Clout::container::untyped::Collection0::AbstractIterator | The base class for all iterators, as created by container::untyped::Collection::createIterator |
Clout::container::untyped::HashSet::HashSetIterator | |
Clout::container::untyped::List::ListIterator | |
Clout::container::untyped::Stack::StackIterator | |
Clout::container::untyped::Vector::VectorIterator | |
►Clout::identity::IdentifiableObject | Instances of classes, which are sub classes of this class, may be identified at run-time |
►Cdw::core::Widget | The base class of all dillo widgets |
Cdw::Bullet | Displays different kind of bullets |
Cdw::Image | Displays an instance of dw::core::Imgbuf |
Cdw::SimpleContainer | Simple widget used for testing concepts |
Cdw::core::ui::Embed | A widget for embedding UI widgets |
►Cdw::oof::OOFAwareWidget | Base class for widgets which can act as container and generator for widgets out of flow |
►Cdw::RegardingBorder | Base class (rather a tag interface) for those widgets regarding borders defined by floats, and so allocated on the full width |
Cdw::Ruler | Widget for drawing (horizontal) rules |
►Cdw::Textblock | A Widget for rendering text blocks, i.e |
►Cdw::AlignedTextblock | Base widget for all textblocks (sub classes of dw::Textblock), which are positioned vertically and aligned horizontally |
Cdw::AlignedTableCell | |
Cdw::ListItem | |
Cdw::SimpleTableCell | |
Cdw::Table | A Widget for rendering tables |
Clout::identity::IdentifiableObject::Class | |
►Clout::object::Comparable | Instances of a sub class of may be compared (less, greater) |
Cdw::core::CharIterator | |
Cdw::core::DeepIterator | A stack of iterators, to iterate recursively through a widget tree |
►Cdw::core::Iterator | Iterators are used to iterate through the contents of a widget |
Cdw::SimpleContainer::SimpleContainerIterator | |
Cdw::core::EmptyIterator | This implementation of dw::core::Iterator can be used by widgets with no contents |
Cdw::core::TextIterator | This implementation of dw::core::Iterator can be used by widgets having one text word as contents |
►Cdw::oof::OOFAwareWidget::OOFAwareWidgetIterator | |
Cdw::Table::TableIterator | |
Cdw::Textblock::TextblockIterator | |
Clout::object::Boolean | An object::Object wrapper for bool's |
►Clout::object::ConstString | An object::Object wrapper for constant strings (char*) |
►Clout::object::String | An object::Object wrapper for strings (char*) |
►Cdw::core::style::TooltipAttrs | |
►Cdw::core::style::Tooltip | |
Cdw::fltk::FltkTooltip | |
Clout::object::Integer | An object::Object wrapper for int's |
►Clout::object::Comparator | Used for other orders as the one defined by Comparable |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float::CompareGBAndExtIndex | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float::ComparePosition | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::Float::CompareSideSpanningIndex | |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr::TBInfo::ComparePosition | |
Clout::object::StandardComparator | |
►Clout::object::PairBase | |
Clout::object::Pair | |
Clout::object::TypedPair< F, S > | |
►Clout::object::Pointer | An object::Object wrapper for void pointers |
Clout::object::TypedPointer< T > | A typed version of object::Pointer |
►Clout::signal::Emitter | The base class for signal emitters |
Cdw::core::Layout::Emitter | |
Cdw::core::Layout::LinkEmitter | |
Cdw::core::ui::Resource::ActivateEmitter | |
Cdw::core::ui::Resource::ClickedEmitter | |
Clout::signal::ObservedObject::DeletionEmitter | |
►Clout::signal::Receiver | The base class for signal receiver base classes |
►Cdw::core::Layout::LinkReceiver | |
CDilloHtml::HtmlLinkReceiver | |
►Cdw::core::Layout::Receiver | Receiver interface different signals |
Cdw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource::LayoutReceiver | |
►Cdw::core::ui::Resource::ActivateReceiver | Receiver interface for the "activate" signal |
Cform::Form::FormActivateReceiver | |
►Cdw::core::ui::Resource::ClickedReceiver | Receiver interface for the "clicked" signal |
Cform::Form::FormClickedReceiver | |
Clout::signal::ObservedObject::DeletionReceiver | |
►Clout::signal::ObservedObject | An observed object has a signal emitter, which tells the receivers, when the object is deleted |
Cdw::core::Imgbuf | The platform independent interface for image buffers |
Cdw::core::style::StyleImage | |
►Cdw::oof::OutOfFlowMgr | Represents additional data for OOF containers |
Cdw::oof::OOFFloatsMgr | OutOfFlowMgr implementation dealing with floats |
►Cdw::oof::OOFPositionedMgr | |
►Cdw::oof::OOFPosAbsLikeMgr | |
Cdw::oof::OOFPosAbsMgr | |
Cdw::oof::OOFPosFixedMgr | |
Cdw::oof::OOFPosRelMgr | |
Cdw::Textblock::Paragraph | |
CPaths | |
Cdw::core::Point | |
Cdw::core::Region | Implementation for a point set |
Cdw::core::Requisition | |
►Cdw::core::ui::Resource | Basic interface for all resources |
►Cdw::core::ui::ButtonResource | |
►Cdw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource | Interface for labelled buttons resources |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::SelectionResource | Base interface for dw::core::ui::ListResource and dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource |
►Cdw::core::ui::ListResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::ListResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::TextResource | |
►Cdw::core::ui::EntryResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::EntryResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::MultiLineTextResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::MultiLineTextResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::ToggleButtonResource | |
►Cdw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource > | |
►Cdw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource | |
Cdw::fltk::ui::FltkSpecificResource< dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource > | |
Cdw::core::SelectionState | This class handles selections, as well as activation of links, which is closely related |
Cservice | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< T > | Simple (simpler than container::untyped::Vector and container::typed::Vector) template based vector |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< bool > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< char * > | |
►Clout::misc::SimpleVector< CssProperty > | |
CCssPropertyList | A list of CssProperty objects |
►Clout::misc::SimpleVector< CssRule * > | |
CCssStyleSheet::RuleList | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlForm * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlImage * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlInput * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlOptbase * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloHtmlState > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< DilloUrl * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::AlignedTextblock * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::Extremes > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::Point > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::style::Style * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Table::Child * > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Anchor > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Line > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Paragraph > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Trie::TrieNode > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::DataEntry > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::StackEntry > | |
►Clout::misc::SimpleVector< int > | |
CMatchCache | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< struct CssSelector::CombinatorAndSelector > | |
Clout::misc::SimpleVector< StyleEngine::Node > | |
Cdw::core::SizeParams | Hold arguments passed to dw::core::Widget::sizeRequest and dw::core::Widget::getExtremes, as described in Size requisitions depending on positions |
Cdw::Table::SpanSpace | |
Cdw::TrieBuilder::StackEntry | |
Cdw::core::StackingContextMgr | See Handling stacking contexts |
►Cdw::core::StackingProcessingContext | Base class for dw::core::DrawingContext and dw::core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext |
Cdw::core::DrawingContext | Set at the top when drawing |
Cdw::core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext | Set at the top when getting the widget at the point |
Clout::misc::StringBuffer | A class for fast concatenation of a large number of strings |
CStyleEngine | This class provides the glue between HTML parser and CSS subsystem |
Cdw::Trie | |
Cdw::TrieBuilder | |
Cdw::Trie::TrieNode | |
Cdw::Textblock::Word | |
Clout::misc::ZoneAllocator | A simple allocator optimized to handle many small chunks of memory |