Dillo v3.2.0-7-gfbd719f9
#include <listitem.hh>
Public Member Functions | |
ListItem (ListItem *ref, bool limitTextWidth) | |
~ListItem () | |
bool | usesMaxGeneratorWidth () |
void | initWithWidget (core::Widget *widget, core::style::Style *style) |
void | initWithText (const char *text, core::style::Style *style) |
![]() | |
~AlignedTextblock () | |
![]() | |
Textblock (bool limitTextWidth, bool treatAsInline=false) | |
~Textblock () | |
core::Iterator * | iterator (core::Content::Type mask, bool atEnd) |
Return an iterator for this widget. | |
void | flush () |
void | addText (const char *text, size_t len, core::style::Style *style) |
Add a word to the page structure. | |
void | addText (const char *text, core::style::Style *style) |
void | addWidget (core::Widget *widget, core::style::Style *style) |
Add a widget (word type) to the page. | |
bool | addAnchor (const char *name, core::style::Style *style) |
Add an anchor to the page. | |
void | addSpace (core::style::Style *style) |
? | |
void | addBreakOption (core::style::Style *style, bool forceBreak) |
Add a break option (see setBreakOption() for details). | |
void | addParbreak (int space, core::style::Style *style) |
Cause a paragraph break. | |
void | addLinebreak (core::style::Style *style) |
void | handOverBreak (core::style::Style *style) |
This function "hands" the last break of a page "over" to a parent page. | |
void | changeLinkColor (int link, int newColor) |
void | changeWordStyle (int from, int to, core::style::Style *style, bool includeFirstSpace, bool includeLastSpace) |
void | updateReference (int ref) |
Update content in flow, down from ref . | |
void | widgetRefSizeChanged (int externalIndex) |
Called by an implementation of dw::oof::OutOfFlowMgr (actually only OOFPosRelMgr) for the generator of a widget out of flow, when the reference size has changed. | |
void | oofSizeChanged (bool extremesChanged) |
Called by an implementation of dw::oof::OutOfFlowMgr when the size of the container has changed, typically in sizeAllocateEnd. | |
int | getGeneratorX (int oofmIndex) |
Return position relative to container, not regarding margin/border/padding, Called by OOFFloatsMgr to position floats. | |
int | getGeneratorY (int oofmIndex) |
Return position relative to container, not regarding margin/border/padding, Called by OOFFloatsMgr to position floats. | |
int | getGeneratorWidth () |
Return width including margin/border/padding Called by OOFFloatsMgr to position floats. | |
int | getMaxGeneratorWidth () |
bool | usesMaxGeneratorWidth () |
bool | isPossibleOOFContainer (int oofmIndex) |
bool | isPossibleOOFContainerParent (int oofmIndex) |
![]() | |
RegardingBorder () | |
~RegardingBorder () | |
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OOFAwareWidget () | |
~OOFAwareWidget () | |
core::Requisition * | getRequisitionWithoutOOF () |
bool | doesWidgetOOFInterruptDrawing (Widget *widget) |
void | draw (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) |
Area is given in widget coordinates. | |
![]() | |
void | setDeleteCallback (DW_Callback_t func, void *data) |
Widget () | |
~Widget () | |
bool | resizeQueued () |
bool | extremesQueued () |
bool | needsResize () |
bool | needsAllocate () |
bool | allocateQueued () |
bool | extremesChanged () |
bool | wasAllocated () |
void | setParent (Widget *parent) |
void | setQuasiParent (Widget *quasiParent) |
void | setGenerator (Widget *generator) |
style::Style * | getStyle () |
Allocation * | getAllocation () |
bool | inAllocation (int x, int y) |
int | boxOffsetX () |
int | boxRestWidth () |
int | boxDiffWidth () |
int | boxOffsetY () |
int | boxRestHeight () |
int | boxDiffHeight () |
void | sizeRequest (Requisition *requisition, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL) |
This method is a wrapper for Widget::sizeRequestImpl(); it calls the latter only when needed. | |
void | getExtremes (Extremes *extremes, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL) |
Wrapper for Widget::getExtremesImpl(). | |
void | sizeAllocate (Allocation *allocation) |
Wrapper for Widget::sizeAllocateImpl, calls the latter only when needed. | |
void | calcExtraSpace (int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
Calculates dw::core::Widget::extraSpace. | |
int | getAvailWidth (bool forceValue) |
Return available width including margin/border/padding (extraSpace?), not only the content width. | |
int | getAvailHeight (bool forceValue) |
Return available height including margin/border/padding (extraSpace?), not only the content height. | |
virtual bool | getAdjustMinWidth () |
void | correctRequisition (Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) |
void | correctExtremes (Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth) |
int | calcWidth (style::Length cssValue, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue) |
Computes a width value in pixels from cssValue. | |
void | calcFinalWidth (style::Style *style, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue, int *finalWidth) |
Computes the final width if possible and constraints it by min-width and max-width. | |
int | calcHeight (style::Length cssValue, bool usePercentage, int refHeight, Widget *refWidget, bool forceValue) |
virtual int | applyPerWidth (int containerWidth, style::Length perWidth) |
virtual int | applyPerHeight (int containerHeight, style::Length perHeight) |
int | getMinWidth (Extremes *extremes, bool forceValue) |
Used to evaluate Widget::adjustMinWidth. | |
virtual bool | isPossibleContainer () |
void | containerSizeChanged () |
bool | intersects (Widget *refWidget, Rectangle *area, Rectangle *intersection) |
Calculates the intersection of the visible allocation (i. | |
void | drawInterruption (View *view, Rectangle *area, DrawingContext *context) |
See Interrupted drawing for details. | |
Widget * | getWidgetAtPointInterrupted (int x, int y, GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) |
bool | buttonPress (EventButton *event) |
bool | buttonRelease (EventButton *event) |
bool | motionNotify (EventMotion *event) |
void | enterNotify (EventCrossing *event) |
void | leaveNotify (EventCrossing *event) |
virtual void | setStyle (style::Style *style) |
Change the style of a widget. | |
void | setBgColor (style::Color *bgColor) |
Set the background "behind" the widget, if it is not the background of the parent widget, e.g. | |
style::Color * | getBgColor () |
Get the actual background of a widget. | |
style::Color * | getFgColor () |
Get the actual foreground color of a widget. | |
void | drawBox (View *view, style::Style *style, Rectangle *area, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool inverse) |
Draw borders and background of a widget part, which allocation is given by (x, y, width, height) (widget coordinates). | |
void | drawWidgetBox (View *view, Rectangle *area, bool inverse) |
Draw borders and background of a widget. | |
void | drawSelected (View *view, Rectangle *area) |
void | setButtonSensitive (bool buttonSensitive) |
bool | isButtonSensitive () |
Widget * | getParent () |
Widget * | getContainer () |
Widget * | getTopLevel () |
Get the widget at the root of the tree, this widget is part from. | |
int | getLevel () |
Get the level of the widget within the tree. | |
int | getGeneratorLevel () |
Get the level of the widget within the tree, regarding the generators, not the parents. | |
Widget * | getNearestCommonAncestor (Widget *otherWidget) |
Get the widget with the highest level, which is a direct ancestor of widget1 and widget2. | |
WidgetReference * | getWidgetReference () |
void | setWidgetReference (WidgetReference *widgetReference) |
Widget * | getGenerator () |
Layout * | getLayout () |
void | scrollTo (HPosition hpos, VPosition vpos, int x, int y, int width, int height) |
void | getMarginArea (int *xMar, int *yMar, int *widthMar, int *heightMar) |
void | getBorderArea (int *xBor, int *yBor, int *widthBor, int *heightBor) |
void | getPaddingArea (int *xPad, int *yPad, int *widthPad, int *heightPad) |
Return the padding area (content plus padding). | |
virtual void | removeChild (Widget *child) |
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IdentifiableObject () | |
void | intoStringBuffer (misc::StringBuffer *sb) |
Store a textual representation of the object in a misc::StringBuffer. | |
int | getClassId () |
Returns the class identifier. | |
const char * | getClassName () |
Return the name, under which the class of this object was registered. | |
bool | instanceOf (int otherClassId) |
Returns, whether this class is an instance of the class, given by otherClassId, or of a sub class of this class. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~Object () |
The destructor is defined as virtual (but not abstract), so that destruction of Object's works properly. | |
virtual bool | equals (Object *other) |
Returns, whether two objects are equal. | |
virtual int | hashValue () |
Return a hash value for the object. | |
virtual Object * | clone () |
Return an exact copy of the object. | |
const char * | toString () |
Use object::Object::intoStringBuffer to return a textual representation of the object. | |
virtual size_t | sizeOf () |
Return the number of bytes, this object totally uses. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
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static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
![]() | |
static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
![]() | |
static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
![]() | |
static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
![]() | |
static int | CLASS_ID = -1 |
Protected Member Functions | |
int | getValue () |
void | setMaxValue (int maxValue, int value) |
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AlignedTextblock (bool limitTextWidth) | |
void | setRefTextblock (AlignedTextblock *ref) |
void | updateValue () |
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void | queueDrawRange (int index1, int index2) |
int | calcVerticalBorder (int widgetPadding, int widgetBorder, int widgetMargin, int lineBorderTotal, int lineMarginTotal) |
void | getWordExtremes (Word *word, core::Extremes *extremes) |
Get the extremes of a word within a textblock. | |
void | justifyLine (Line *line, int diff) |
Line * | addLine (int firstWord, int lastWord, int newLastOofPos, bool temporary, int minHeight) |
void | rewrap () |
Rewrap the page from the line from which this is necessary. | |
void | fillParagraphs () |
Counter part to rewrap(), but for extremes, not size calculation. | |
void | initNewLine () |
void | calcBorders (int lastOofRef, int height) |
void | showMissingLines () |
void | removeTemporaryLines () |
void | decorateText (core::View *view, core::style::Style *style, core::style::Color::Shading shading, int x, int yBase, int width) |
void | drawText (core::View *view, core::style::Style *style, core::style::Color::Shading shading, int x, int y, const char *text, int start, int len, bool isStart, bool isEnd) |
void | drawWord (Line *line, int wordIndex1, int wordIndex2, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) |
Draw a word of text. | |
void | drawWord0 (int wordIndex1, int wordIndex2, const char *text, int totalWidth, bool drawHyphen, core::style::Style *style, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) |
TODO Comment. | |
void | drawSpace (int wordIndex, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int xWidget, int yWidgetBase) |
void | drawLine (Line *line, core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) |
int | findLineIndex (int y) |
Find the first line index that includes y, which is given in widget coordinates. | |
int | findLineIndexWhenNotAllocated (int y) |
int | findLineIndexWhenAllocated (int y) |
int | findLineIndex (int y, int ascent) |
int | findLineOfWord (int wordIndex) |
Find the line of word wordIndex. | |
int | findParagraphOfWord (int wordIndex) |
Find the paragraph of word wordIndex. | |
Word * | findWord (int x, int y, bool *inSpace) |
Find the index of the word, or -1. | |
Word * | addWord (int width, int ascent, int descent, short flags, core::style::Style *style) |
Add a new word (text, widget etc.) to a page. | |
void | breakAdded () |
Called directly after a (line or paragraph) break has been added. | |
void | initWord (int wordNo) |
Basic initialization, which is necessary before fillWord. | |
void | cleanupWord (int wordNo) |
void | removeWordImgRenderer (int wordNo) |
void | setWordImgRenderer (int wordNo) |
void | removeSpaceImgRenderer (int wordNo) |
void | setSpaceImgRenderer (int wordNo) |
void | fillWord (int wordNo, int width, int ascent, int descent, short flags, core::style::Style *style) |
void | fillSpace (int wordNo, core::style::Style *style) |
void | setBreakOption (Word *word, core::style::Style *style, int breakPenalty1, int breakPenalty2, bool forceBreak) |
Set a break option, if allowed by the style. | |
bool | isBreakAllowedInWord (Word *word) |
bool | isBreakAllowed (core::style::Style *style) |
int | textWidth (const char *text, int start, int len, core::style::Style *style, bool isStart, bool isEnd) |
void | calcTextSize (const char *text, size_t len, core::style::Style *style, core::Requisition *size, bool isStart, bool isEnd) |
Calculate the size of a text word. | |
bool | calcSizeOfWidgetInFlow (int wordIndex, Widget *widget, core::Requisition *size) |
Calculate the size of a widget, and return whether it has to be positioned at the top of the line. | |
bool | findSizeRequestReference (Widget *reference, int *xRef=NULL, int *yRef=NULL) |
bool | findSizeRequestReference (int oofmIndex, int *xRef=NULL, int *yRef=NULL) |
bool | mustBorderBeRegarded (Line *line) |
Of nested text blocks, only the most inner one must regard the borders of floats. | |
bool | mustBorderBeRegarded (int lineNo) |
int | lineYOffsetWidget (Line *line, core::Allocation *allocation) |
int | lineYOffsetWidget (Line *line) |
int | lineYOffsetCanvas (Line *line, core::Allocation *allocation) |
int | lineYOffsetCanvas (Line *line) |
int | lineYOffsetWidget (int lineIndex) |
int | lineYOffsetWidget (int lineIndex, core::Allocation *allocation) |
int | lineYOffsetCanvas (int lineIndex) |
int | calcPenaltyIndexForNewLine () |
RegardingBorder * | getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine (Line *line) |
RegardingBorder * | getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine (int lineNo) |
RegardingBorder * | getWidgetRegardingBorderForLine (int firstWord, int lastWord) |
int | yOffsetOfLineToBeCreated (int *lastMargin=NULL) |
Includes margin, border, and padding. | |
int | yOffsetOfLineCreated (Line *line) |
Includes margin, border, and padding. | |
bool | sendSelectionEvent (core::SelectionState::EventType eventType, core::MousePositionEvent *event) |
Send event to selection. | |
void | processWord (int wordIndex) |
virtual int | wordWrap (int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) |
int | wrapWordInFlow (int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) |
int | wrapWordOofRef (int wordIndex, bool wrapAll) |
void | balanceBreakPosAndHeight (int wordIndex, int firstIndex, int *searchUntil, bool tempNewLine, int penaltyIndex, bool borderIsCalculated, bool *thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool wrapAll, int *diffWords, int *wordIndexEnd, int *lastFloatPos, bool regardBorder, int *height, int *breakPos) |
int | searchBreakPos (int wordIndex, int firstIndex, int *searchUntil, bool tempNewLine, int penaltyIndex, bool thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool wrapAll, int *diffWords, int *wordIndexEnd, int *addIndex1=NULL) |
int | searchMinBap (int firstWord, int lastWordm, int penaltyIndex, bool thereWillBeMoreSpace, bool correctAtEnd) |
int | considerHyphenation (int firstIndex, int breakPos) |
Suggest a word to hyphenate, when breaking at breakPos is planned. | |
bool | isHyphenationCandidate (Word *word) |
int | calcLinePartHeight (int firstWord, int lastWord) |
void | handleWordExtremes (int wordIndex) |
Counter part to wordWrap(), but for extremes, not size calculation. | |
void | correctLastWordExtremes () |
Called when something changed for the last word (space, hyphens etc.). | |
int | getLineShrinkability (int lastWordIndex) |
int | getLineStretchability (int lastWordIndex) |
int | hyphenateWord (int wordIndex, int *addIndex1=NULL) |
void | moveWordIndices (int wordIndex, int num, int *addIndex1=NULL) |
void | accumulateWordForLine (int lineIndex, int wordIndex) |
void | accumulateWordData (int wordIndex) |
int | calcLineBreakWidth (int lineIndex) |
void | initLine1Offset (int wordIndex) |
void | alignLine (int lineIndex) |
Align the line. | |
void | calcTextOffset (int lineIndex, int totalWidth) |
void | drawLevel (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, int level, core::DrawingContext *context) |
Widget * | getWidgetAtPointLevel (int x, int y, int level, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) |
void | sizeRequestImpl (core::Requisition *requisition, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
The ascent of a textblock is the ascent of the first line, plus padding/border/margin. | |
int | numSizeRequestReferences () |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). | |
Widget * | sizeRequestReference (int index) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). | |
void | getExtremesSimpl (core::Extremes *extremes) |
Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with extremes not depending on positions. | |
int | numGetExtremesReferences () |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). | |
Widget * | getExtremesReference (int index) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). | |
void | notifySetAsTopLevel () |
This method is called after a widget has been set as the top of a widget tree. | |
void | notifySetParent () |
This method is called after a widget has been added to a parent. | |
void | sizeAllocateImpl (core::Allocation *allocation) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. | |
void | calcExtraSpaceImpl (int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
int | getAvailWidthOfChild (core::Widget *child, bool forceValue) |
Computes the content width available of a child widget. | |
int | getAvailHeightOfChild (core::Widget *child, bool forceValue) |
void | containerSizeChangedForChildren () |
bool | affectsSizeChangeContainerChild (Widget *child) |
bool | usesAvailWidth () |
Must be implemengted by a method returning true, when getAvailWidth() is called. | |
void | resizeDrawImpl () |
Called after sizeAllocateImpl() to redraw necessary areas. | |
void | markSizeChange (int ref) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. | |
void | markExtremesChange (int ref) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. | |
bool | isBlockLevel () |
bool | buttonPressImpl (core::EventButton *event) |
bool | buttonReleaseImpl (core::EventButton *event) |
bool | motionNotifyImpl (core::EventMotion *event) |
void | enterNotifyImpl (core::EventCrossing *event) |
void | leaveNotifyImpl (core::EventCrossing *event) |
void | removeChild (Widget *child) |
void | addText0 (const char *text, size_t len, short flags, core::style::Style *style, core::Requisition *size) |
Add a word (without hyphens) to the page structure. | |
void | calcTextSizes (const char *text, size_t textLen, core::style::Style *style, int numBreaks, int *breakPos, core::Requisition *wordSize) |
int | getGeneratorRest (int oofmIndex) |
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bool | isParentRefOOF (int parentRef) |
int | makeParentRefInFlow (int inFlowSubRef) |
int | getParentRefInFlowSubRef (int parentRef) |
int | makeParentRefOOF (int oofmIndex, int oofmSubRef) |
int | getParentRefOOFSubRef (int parentRef) |
int | getParentRefOOFIndex (int parentRef) |
oof::OutOfFlowMgr * | getParentRefOutOfFlowMgr (int parentRef) |
bool | isWidgetOOF (Widget *widget) |
int | getWidgetInFlowSubRef (Widget *widget) |
int | getWidgetOOFSubRef (Widget *widget) |
int | getWidgetOOFIndex (Widget *widget) |
oof::OutOfFlowMgr * | getWidgetOutOfFlowMgr (Widget *widget) |
OutOfFlowMgr * | searchOutOfFlowMgr (int oofmIndex) |
void | initOutOfFlowMgrs () |
void | correctRequisitionByOOF (core::Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *)) |
void | correctExtremesByOOF (core::Extremes *extremes) |
void | sizeAllocateStart (core::Allocation *allocation) |
void | sizeAllocateEnd () |
void | containerSizeChangedForChildrenOOF () |
void | drawOOF (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) |
Widget * | getWidgetAtPoint (int x, int y, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) |
Widget * | getWidgetOOFAtPoint (int x, int y, core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context) |
void | removeChild (Widget *child) |
virtual bool | adjustExtraSpaceWhenCorrectingRequisitionByOOF () |
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int | getHeight () |
int | getContentWidth () |
int | getContentHeight () |
StackingContextMgr * | getNextStackingContextMgr () |
void | printFlag (Flags f) |
void | setFlags (Flags f) |
void | unsetFlags (Flags f) |
void | queueDraw () |
void | queueDrawArea (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
void | queueResize (int ref, bool extremesChanged) |
virtual void | sizeRequestImpl (Requisition *requisition, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. | |
virtual void | sizeRequestSimpl (Requisition *requisition) |
Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with sizes not depending on positions. | |
virtual void | getExtremesImpl (Extremes *extremes, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. | |
virtual void | calcExtraSpaceImpl (int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y) |
The actual implementation for calculating dw::core::Widget::extraSpace. | |
virtual void | correctRequisitionOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) |
void | correctRequisitionViewport (Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) |
Corrects a requisition to fit in the viewport. | |
void | correctReqWidthOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, bool allowDecreaseWidth) |
Correct a child requisition to fit the parent. | |
void | correctReqHeightOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseHeight) |
bool | correctReqAspectRatio (int pass, Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *)) |
Correct a child requisition aspect ratio if needed. | |
virtual void | correctExtremesOfChild (Widget *child, Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth) |
virtual bool | affectedByContainerSizeChange () |
virtual bool | affectsSizeChangeContainerChild (Widget *child) |
virtual bool | usesAvailHeight () |
Must be implemengted by a method returning true, when getAvailHeight() is called. | |
char * | addAnchor (const char *name) |
char * | addAnchor (const char *name, int y) |
void | changeAnchor (char *name, int y) |
void | removeAnchor (char *name) |
void | setCursor (style::Cursor cursor) |
bool | selectionHandleEvent (SelectionState::EventType eventType, Iterator *it, int charPos, int linkNo, MousePositionEvent *event) |
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void | registerName (const char *className, int *classId) |
This method must be called in the constructor for the sub class. | |
Definition at line 9 of file listitem.hh.
dw::ListItem::ListItem | ( | ListItem * | ref, |
bool | limitTextWidth | ||
) |
Definition at line 30 of file listitem.cc.
References CLASS_ID, DBG_OBJ_CREATE, lout::identity::IdentifiableObject::registerName(), and dw::AlignedTextblock::setRefTextblock().
dw::ListItem::~ListItem | ( | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file listitem.cc.
References DBG_OBJ_DELETE.
protectedvirtual |
Implements dw::AlignedTextblock.
Definition at line 67 of file listitem.cc.
References dw::Textblock::words.
void dw::ListItem::initWithText | ( | const char * | text, |
core::style::Style * | style | ||
) |
Definition at line 58 of file listitem.cc.
References dw::Textblock::addSpace(), dw::Textblock::addText(), dw::Textblock::hasListitemValue, dw::core::style::LIST_STYLE_POSITION_OUTSIDE, dw::core::style::StyleAttrs::listStylePosition, dw::core::Widget::style, and dw::AlignedTextblock::updateValue().
Referenced by Html_display_listitem(), and main().
void dw::ListItem::initWithWidget | ( | core::Widget * | widget, |
core::style::Style * | style | ||
) |
Definition at line 48 of file listitem.cc.
References dw::Textblock::addSpace(), dw::Textblock::addWidget(), dw::Textblock::hasListitemValue, dw::core::style::LIST_STYLE_POSITION_OUTSIDE, dw::core::style::StyleAttrs::listStylePosition, dw::core::Widget::style, and dw::AlignedTextblock::updateValue().
Referenced by Html_display_listitem().
protectedvirtual |
Implements dw::AlignedTextblock.
Definition at line 75 of file listitem.cc.
References dw::Textblock::leftInnerPadding, dw::Textblock::line1Offset, dw::core::Widget::queueResize(), and dw::Textblock::redrawY.
virtual |
Reimplemented from dw::oof::OOFAwareWidget.
Definition at line 43 of file listitem.cc.
static |
Definition at line 16 of file listitem.hh.
Referenced by ListItem().