▼Ndw | Dw is in this namespace, or sub namespaces of this one |
►Ncore | The core of Dw is defined in this namespace |
►Nstyle | Anything related to Dillo Widget styles is defined here |
CBox | Represents a dimension box according to the CSS box model |
CColor | |
CColorAttrs | |
CFont | |
CFontAttrs | |
CStyle | |
CStyleAttrs | |
►CStyleImage | |
CExternalImgRenderer | Useful (but not mandatory) base class for updates of areas with background images |
CExternalWidgetImgRenderer | Suitable for widgets and parts of widgets |
CStyleImgRenderer | |
CTooltip | |
CTooltipAttrs | |
►Nui | Anything related to embedded UI widgets is defined here |
CButtonResource | |
CCheckButtonResource | |
►CComplexButtonResource | |
CLayoutReceiver | |
CEmbed | A widget for embedding UI widgets |
CEntryResource | |
CLabelButtonResource | Interface for labelled buttons resources |
CListResource | |
CMultiLineTextResource | |
COptionMenuResource | |
►CRadioButtonResource | |
CGroupIterator | |
►CResource | Basic interface for all resources |
CActivateEmitter | |
CActivateReceiver | Receiver interface for the "activate" signal |
CClickedEmitter | |
CClickedReceiver | Receiver interface for the "clicked" signal |
CResourceFactory | A factory for the common resource |
CSelectionResource | Base interface for dw::core::ui::ListResource and dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource |
CTextResource | |
CToggleButtonResource | |
CAllocation | Represents the allocation, i.e |
CCharIterator | |
CCircle | Dw::core::Shape implementation for simple circles |
CContent | |
►CDeepIterator | A stack of iterators, to iterate recursively through a widget tree |
CStack | |
CDrawingContext | Set at the top when drawing |
CEmptyIterator | This implementation of dw::core::Iterator can be used by widgets with no contents |
CEvent | Base class for all events |
CEventButton | Represents a button press or release event |
CEventCrossing | Represents a enter or leave notify event |
CEventMotion | Represents a mouse motion event |
CExtremes | |
CFindtextState | |
CGettingWidgetAtPointContext | Set at the top when getting the widget at the point |
CImgbuf | The platform independent interface for image buffers |
CImgRenderer | .. |
CImgRendererDist | Implementation of ImgRenderer, which distributes all calls to a set of other implementations of ImgRenderer |
CIterator | Iterators are used to iterate through the contents of a widget |
►CLayout | The central class for managing and drawing a widget tree |
CAnchor | |
CEmitter | |
CLayoutImgRenderer | |
CLinkEmitter | |
CLinkReceiver | |
CReceiver | Receiver interface different signals |
CMouseEvent | Base class for all mouse events |
CMousePositionEvent | Base class for all mouse events related to a specific position |
CPlatform | An interface to encapsulate some platform dependencies |
CPoint | |
CPolygon | Dw::core::Shape implementation for polygons |
CRectangle | Dw::core::Shape implementation for simple rectangles |
CRegion | Implementation for a point set |
CRequisition | |
CSelectionState | This class handles selections, as well as activation of links, which is closely related |
CShape | Abstract interface for different shapes |
CSizeParams | Hold arguments passed to dw::core::Widget::sizeRequest and dw::core::Widget::getExtremes, as described in Size requisitions depending on positions |
CStackingContextMgr | See Handling stacking contexts |
CStackingProcessingContext | Base class for dw::core::DrawingContext and dw::core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext |
CTextIterator | This implementation of dw::core::Iterator can be used by widgets having one text word as contents |
CView | An interface to encapsulate platform dependent drawing |
►CWidget | The base class of all dillo widgets |
CWidgetImgRenderer | Implementation which represents the whole widget |
CWidgetReference | |
►Nfltk | This namespace contains FLTK implementations of Dw interfaces |
►Nui | FLTK implementation of dw::core::ui |
CComplexButton | |
CFltkCheckButtonResource | |
CFltkComplexButtonResource | |
CFltkEntryResource | |
CFltkLabelButtonResource | |
CFltkListResource | |
CFltkMultiLineTextResource | |
CFltkOptionMenuResource | |
►CFltkRadioButtonResource | |
►CGroup | |
CFltkGroupIterator | |
CFltkResource | .. |
CFltkSelectionResource | |
CFltkSpecificResource | |
CFltkToggleButtonResource | |
CFltkColor | |
CFltkFlatView | |
►CFltkFont | |
CFontFamily | |
►CFltkImgbuf | |
CGammaCorrectionTable | |
►CFltkPlatform | |
CFltkResourceFactory | |
CIdleFunc | |
CFltkPreview | |
CFltkPreviewButton | |
CFltkPreviewWindow | |
CFltkTooltip | |
CFltkView | This interface adds some more methods for all flkt-based views |
►CFltkViewBase | |
CBackBuffer | |
CFltkViewport | |
CFltkWidgetView | |
►Noof | Out Of Flow |
►COOFAwareWidget | Base class for widgets which can act as container and generator for widgets out of flow |
COOFAwareWidgetIterator | |
►COOFFloatsMgr | OutOfFlowMgr implementation dealing with floats |
►CFloat | |
CCompareGBAndExtIndex | |
CComparePosition | |
CCompareSideSpanningIndex | |
CSortedFloatsVector | This list is kept sorted |
►CTBInfo | |
CComparePosition | |
CWidgetInfo | |
COOFPosAbsLikeMgr | |
COOFPosAbsMgr | |
COOFPosFixedMgr | |
►COOFPositionedMgr | |
CChild | |
COOFPosRelMgr | |
COutOfFlowMgr | Represents additional data for OOF containers |
CAlignedTableCell | |
►CAlignedTextblock | Base widget for all textblocks (sub classes of dw::Textblock), which are positioned vertically and aligned horizontally |
CList | |
CBullet | Displays different kind of bullets |
CHyphenator | |
CImage | Displays an instance of dw::core::Imgbuf |
►CImageMapsList | Represents a list of client-side image maps |
►CImageMap | |
CShapeAndLink | |
CListItem | |
CRegardingBorder | Base class (rather a tag interface) for those widgets regarding borders defined by floats, and so allocated on the full width |
CRuler | Widget for drawing (horizontal) rules |
►CSimpleContainer | Simple widget used for testing concepts |
CSimpleContainerIterator | |
CSimpleTableCell | |
►CTable | A Widget for rendering tables |
CCell | |
CChild | |
CSpanSpace | |
CTableIterator | |
►CTextblock | A Widget for rendering text blocks, i.e |
CAnchor | |
CBadnessAndPenalty | |
CDivChar | |
CLine | |
CParagraph | |
CSpaceImgRenderer | |
CTextblockIterator | |
CWord | |
CWordImgRenderer | Implementation used for words |
►CTrie | |
CTrieNode | |
►CTrieBuilder | |
CDataEntry | |
CStackEntry | |
▼Nform | |
►CForm | Handles HTML form data |
CCheckButtonResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource |
CFormActivateReceiver | |
CFormClickedReceiver | |
CRadioButtonResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource |
CResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::Resource |
CSelectionResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::SelectionResource |
CTextResourceDecorator | Decorates instances of dw::core::ui::TextResource |
▼Nlout | |
►Ncontainer | This namespace contains a framework for container classes, which members are instances of object::Object |
►Ntyped | This namespace provides thin wrappers, implemented as C++ templates, to gain type-safety |
CCollection | Abstract base class template for all container objects in container::typed |
CHashSet | Typed version of container::untyped::HashSet |
CHashTable | Typed version of container::untyped::HashTable |
CIterator | Typed version of container::untyped::Iterator |
CList | Typed version of container::untyped::List |
CStack | Typed version of container::untyped::Stack |
CVector | Typed version of container::untyped::Vector |
►Nuntyped | The container classes defined here contain instances of object::Object |
CCollection | Abstract base class for all container objects in container::untyped |
►CCollection0 | .. |
CAbstractIterator | The base class for all iterators, as created by container::untyped::Collection::createIterator |
►CHashSet | A hash set |
CHashSetIterator | |
CNode | |
►CHashTable | A hash table |
CKeyValuePair | |
CIterator | This is a small wrapper for AbstractIterator, which may be used directly, not as a pointer, to makes memory management simpler |
►CList | A single-linked list |
CListIterator | |
CNode | |
►CStack | A stack (LIFO) |
CNode | |
CStackIterator | |
►CVector | Container, which is implemented by an array, which is dynamically resized |
CVectorIterator | |
►Nidentity | Some stuff to identify classes of objects at run-time |
►CIdentifiableObject | Instances of classes, which are sub classes of this class, may be identified at run-time |
CClass | |
►Nmisc | Miscellaneous stuff, which does not fit anywhere else |
CBitSet | A bit set, which automatically reallocates when needed |
CNotSoSimpleVector | Container similar to lout::misc::SimpleVector, but some cases of insertion optimized (used for hyphenation) |
CSimpleVector | Simple (simpler than container::untyped::Vector and container::typed::Vector) template based vector |
►CStringBuffer | A class for fast concatenation of a large number of strings |
CNode | |
CZoneAllocator | A simple allocator optimized to handle many small chunks of memory |
►Nobject | Here, some common classes (or interfaces) are defined, to standardize the access to other classes |
CBoolean | An object::Object wrapper for bool's |
CComparable | Instances of a sub class of may be compared (less, greater) |
CComparator | Used for other orders as the one defined by Comparable |
CConstString | An object::Object wrapper for constant strings (char*) |
CInteger | An object::Object wrapper for int's |
CObject | This is the base class for many other classes, which defines very common virtual methods |
CPair | |
CPairBase | |
CPointer | An object::Object wrapper for void pointers |
CStandardComparator | |
CString | An object::Object wrapper for strings (char*) |
CTypedPair | |
CTypedPointer | A typed version of object::Pointer |
►Nsignal | This namespace provides base classes to define signals |
CEmitter | The base class for signal emitters |
►CObservedObject | An observed object has a signal emitter, which tells the receivers, when the object is deleted |
CDeletionEmitter | |
CDeletionReceiver | |
CReceiver | The base class for signal receiver base classes |
C_DilloImage | |
C_DilloWeb | |
CAction | |
CAuthRealm_t | |
Cbitvec_t | |
CBrowserWindow | Contains the specific data for a single window |
CCacheClient | Data structure for cache clients |
CChainLink | Main data structure for CCC nodes |
CCharref_t | |
CCssBackgroundPosition | |
CCssContext | A set of CssStyleSheets |
CCssLength | |
CCssParser | |
CCssProperty | This class holds a CSS property and value pair |
CCssPropertyList | A list of CssProperty objects |
CCssPropertyValue | |
CCssRule | A CssSelector CssPropertyList pair |
▼CCssSelector | CSS selector class |
CCombinatorAndSelector | |
CCssSimpleSelector | |
▼CCssStyleSheet | A list of CssRules |
CRuleList | |
CRuleMap | |
CCustButton | A button that highlights on mouse over |
CCustGroupHorizontal | Used to reposition group's widgets when some of them are hidden |
CCustGroupVertical | |
CDataBuf | A convenience data structure for passing data chunks between nodes |
CDecode | |
CDecodeTransfer | |
CDICacheEntry | |
CDilloHost | |
▼CDilloHtml | |
CHtmlLinkReceiver | |
CDilloHtmlImage | |
CDilloHtmlState | |
CDilloPrefs | |
CDilloUrl | |
CDlist | |
CDoctree | HTML document tree interface |
CDoctreeNode | |
Cdp | |
CDsh | Dpip socket handler type |
CDstr | |
CFindbar | Searchbar to find text in page |
CKeys | |
CKlist_t | |
CKlistNode_t | |
CMatchCache | |
Cmd5_state_s | Define the state of the MD5 Algorithm |
CNSVGgradient | |
CNSVGgradientStop | |
CNSVGimage | |
CNSVGpaint | |
CNSVGpath | |
CNSVGshape | |
CPaths | |
Cservice | |
▼CStyleEngine | This class provides the glue between HTML parser and CSS subsystem |
CNode | |
CTipWin | Custom tooltip window |
CTipWinButton | A Button sharing a custom tooltip window |
CTipWinInput | An Input with custom tooltip window |
CUI | |
CXembed | |