Dillo v3.2.0-4-g6cd133d2
Anything related to embedded UI widgets is defined here. More...
Classes | |
class | ButtonResource |
class | CheckButtonResource |
class | ComplexButtonResource |
class | Embed |
A widget for embedding UI widgets. More... | |
class | EntryResource |
class | LabelButtonResource |
Interface for labelled buttons resources. More... | |
class | ListResource |
class | MultiLineTextResource |
class | OptionMenuResource |
class | RadioButtonResource |
class | Resource |
Basic interface for all resources. More... | |
class | ResourceFactory |
A factory for the common resource. More... | |
class | SelectionResource |
Base interface for dw::core::ui::ListResource and dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource. More... | |
class | TextResource |
class | ToggleButtonResource |
Anything related to embedded UI widgets is defined here.
UI resources are another abstraction for Dw widgets, which are not fully implemented in a platform-independent way. Typically, they involve creating widgets, which the underlying UI toolkit provides.
As you see in this diagram:
there are several levels:
The Dw widget is dw::core::ui::Embed. It delegates most to dw::core::ui::Resource, which has similar methods like dw::core::Widget.
There are several sub interfaces of dw::core::ui::Resource, which may provide methods, as e.g. dw::core::ui::ListResource::addItem. In a platform independent context, you can cast the result of dw::core::ui::Embed::getResource to a specific sub class, if you know, which one is used. E.g., if you know, that a given instance dw::core::ui::Embed refers to a dw::core::ui::ListResource, you can write something like:
There is a factory interface, dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory, which provides methods for creating common resources. By calling dw::core::Layout::getResourceFactory, which calls dw::core::Platform::getResourceFactory, you get the factory for the used platform.
It is possible to define additional sub classes of dw::core::ui::Resource, but since they are not provided by dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory, you have to define some other abstractions, if you want to remain platform independent.
This chapter describes, how the form controls defined by HTML are implemented in Dw. Some of them do not refer to UI resources, but to other widgets, links to the respective documentations are provided here.
The HTML <INPUT> is always implemented by using UI resources. <INPUT> element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Implementation |
type | This defines the resource you have to instantiate. |
name | Not needed within Dw. |
value | The initial value is treated differently by different resources. |
checked | Parameter to dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createCheckButtonResource and dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createRadioButtonResource. |
disabled | This is provided for all resources by dw::core::ui::Resource::setEnabled. |
readonly | This is provided by dw::core::ui::TextResource::setEditable. |
size | This is handled by styles. |
maxlength | Parameter of dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createEntryResource. |
src | Handled by the caller (HTML parser). |
alt | Handled by the caller (HTML parser). |
usemap | Handled by the caller (HTML parser). |
ismap | Handled by the caller (HTML parser). |
tabindex | Not supported currently. |
accesskey | Not supported currently. |
onfocus | Not supported currently. |
onblur | Not supported currently. |
onselect | Not supported currently. |
onchange | Not supported currently. |
accept | Not supported currently. |
For the different values of type, the following resources can be used:
Type | Resource | Factory Method |
text | dw::core::ui::EntryResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createEntryResource |
password | dw::core::ui::EntryResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createEntryResource |
checkbox | dw::core::ui::CheckButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createCheckButtonResource |
radio | dw::core::ui::RadioButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createRadioButtonResource |
submit | dw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createLabelButtonResource |
image | dw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createComplexButtonResource, width a dw::Image inside and relief = false. |
reset | dw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createLabelButtonResource |
button | dw::core::ui::LabelButtonResource | dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createLabelButtonResource |
hidden | No rendering necessary. | - |
file | Not supported currently. | - |
<SELECT> is implemented either by dw::core::ui::OptionMenuResource (better suitable for size = 1 and single selection) or dw::core::ui::ListResource, which have a common base, dw::core::ui::SelectionResource. In the latter case, size must be specified via dw::core::style::Style.
Factory methods are dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createListResource and dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createOptionMenuResource.
<OPTION>'s are added via dw::core::ui::SelectionResource::addItem.
<OPTGROUP> are created by using dw::core::ui::SelectionResource::pushGroup and dw::core::ui::SelectionResource::popGroup.
For lists, the selection mode must be set in dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createListResource.
<TEXTAREA> is implemented by dw::core::ui::MultiLineTextResource, the factory method is dw::core::ui::ResourceFactory::createMultiLineTextResource. dw::core::ui::TextResource::setEditable can be used, as for entries.
For handling <BUTTON>, dw::core::ui::ComplexButtonResource should be used, with a dw::Textblock inside, and relief = true. The contents of <BUTTON> is then added to the dw::Textblock.