Dillo v3.2.0-7-gfbd719f9
In some cases, widgets or widget content must be positioned relative to the viewport.
As in the CSS specification, these positions will be called "fixed positions". This must not be confused with "fixedly positioned elements" (see Handling Elements Out Of Flow), which are a special case of fixed positions.
Often, tables have a header, which contains information necessary to interpret the columns in the table body. For this, HTML defines the elements <thead> and <tbody> [1].
For large tables, the problem occurs that the table header gets out of the reader's view. In paged media, where a large table covers multiple pages, this is often solved by repeating the table header on each page occupied by the table. When using a viewport, a table larger than the viewport could be displayed like this:
(Some images would be nice.)
These ideas should be considered when developing a design for fixed positions.
[1] ... and also <tfoot>, which is not discussed here, for reasons of simplicity. However, it is obvious that <tfoot> should be dealt with in an analogue way as <thead>.