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dw::SimpleContainer Class Reference

#include <dw_simple_container.hh>


class  SimpleContainerIterator

Public Member Functions

 SimpleContainer ()
 ~SimpleContainer ()
void draw (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context)
core::Iteratoriterator (core::Content::Type mask, bool atEnd)
 Return an iterator for this widget. More...
void removeChild (Widget *child)
void setChild (core::Widget *child)
- Public Member Functions inherited from dw::core::Widget
void setDeleteCallback (DW_Callback_t func, void *data)
 Widget ()
 ~Widget ()
bool resizeQueued ()
bool extremesQueued ()
bool needsResize ()
bool needsAllocate ()
bool allocateQueued ()
bool extremesChanged ()
bool wasAllocated ()
void setParent (Widget *parent)
void setQuasiParent (Widget *quasiParent)
void setGenerator (Widget *generator)
style::StylegetStyle ()
AllocationgetAllocation ()
bool inAllocation (int x, int y)
int boxOffsetX ()
int boxRestWidth ()
int boxDiffWidth ()
int boxOffsetY ()
int boxRestHeight ()
int boxDiffHeight ()
virtual int numSizeRequestReferences ()
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). More...
virtual WidgetsizeRequestReference (int index)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). More...
virtual int numGetExtremesReferences ()
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). More...
virtual WidgetgetExtremesReference (int index)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets (or Size requisitions depending on positions). More...
void sizeRequest (Requisition *requisition, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL)
 This method is a wrapper for Widget::sizeRequestImpl(); it calls the latter only when needed. More...
void getExtremes (Extremes *extremes, int numPos=0, Widget **references=NULL, int *x=NULL, int *y=NULL)
 Wrapper for Widget::getExtremesImpl(). More...
void sizeAllocate (Allocation *allocation)
 Wrapper for Widget::sizeAllocateImpl, calls the latter only when needed. More...
void calcExtraSpace (int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y)
 Calculates dw::core::Widget::extraSpace. More...
int getAvailWidth (bool forceValue)
int getAvailHeight (bool forceValue)
virtual bool getAdjustMinWidth ()
void correctRequisition (Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight)
void correctExtremes (Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth)
int calcWidth (style::Length cssValue, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue)
void calcFinalWidth (style::Style *style, int refWidth, Widget *refWidget, int limitMinWidth, bool forceValue, int *finalWidth)
int calcHeight (style::Length cssValue, bool usePercentage, int refHeight, Widget *refWidget, bool forceValue)
virtual int applyPerWidth (int containerWidth, style::Length perWidth)
virtual int applyPerHeight (int containerHeight, style::Length perHeight)
int getMinWidth (Extremes *extremes, bool forceValue)
 Used to evaluate Widget::adjustMinWidth. More...
virtual bool isBlockLevel ()
virtual bool isPossibleContainer ()
void containerSizeChanged ()
bool intersects (Widget *refWidget, Rectangle *area, Rectangle *intersection)
 Calculates the intersection of the visible allocation (i. e. the intersection with the visible parent allocation) and "area" (in widget coordinates referring to "refWidget"), returned in intersection (in widget coordinates). More...
void drawInterruption (View *view, Rectangle *area, DrawingContext *context)
virtual WidgetgetWidgetAtPoint (int x, int y, GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context)
WidgetgetWidgetAtPointInterrupted (int x, int y, GettingWidgetAtPointContext *context)
bool buttonPress (EventButton *event)
bool buttonRelease (EventButton *event)
bool motionNotify (EventMotion *event)
void enterNotify (EventCrossing *event)
void leaveNotify (EventCrossing *event)
virtual void setStyle (style::Style *style)
 Change the style of a widget. More...
void setBgColor (style::Color *bgColor)
 Set the background "behind" the widget, if it is not the background of the parent widget, e.g. the background of a table row. More...
style::ColorgetBgColor ()
 Get the actual background of a widget. More...
void drawBox (View *view, style::Style *style, Rectangle *area, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool inverse)
 Draw borders and background of a widget part, which allocation is given by (x, y, width, height) (widget coordinates). More...
void drawWidgetBox (View *view, Rectangle *area, bool inverse)
 Draw borders and background of a widget. More...
void drawSelected (View *view, Rectangle *area)
void setButtonSensitive (bool buttonSensitive)
bool isButtonSensitive ()
WidgetgetParent ()
WidgetgetContainer ()
WidgetgetTopLevel ()
 Get the widget at the root of the tree, this widget is part from. More...
int getLevel ()
 Get the level of the widget within the tree. More...
int getGeneratorLevel ()
 Get the level of the widget within the tree, regarting the generators, not the parents. More...
WidgetgetNearestCommonAncestor (Widget *otherWidget)
 Get the widget with the highest level, which is a direct ancestor of widget1 and widget2. More...
WidgetReferencegetWidgetReference ()
void setWidgetReference (WidgetReference *widgetReference)
WidgetgetGenerator ()
LayoutgetLayout ()
void scrollTo (HPosition hpos, VPosition vpos, int x, int y, int width, int height)
void getMarginArea (int *xMar, int *yMar, int *widthMar, int *heightMar)
void getBorderArea (int *xBor, int *yBor, int *widthBor, int *heightBor)
void getPaddingArea (int *xPad, int *yPad, int *widthPad, int *heightPad)
 Return the padding area (content plus padding). More...
virtual void removeChild (Widget *child)
- Public Member Functions inherited from lout::identity::IdentifiableObject
 IdentifiableObject ()
void intoStringBuffer (misc::StringBuffer *sb)
 Store a textual representation of the object in a misc::StringBuffer. More...
int getClassId ()
 Returns the class identifier. More...
const char * getClassName ()
 Return the name, under which the class of this object was registered. More...
bool instanceOf (int otherClassId)
 Returns, whether this class is an instance of the class, given by otherClassId, or of a sub class of this class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from lout::object::Object
virtual ~Object ()
 The destructor is defined as virtual (but not abstract), so that destruction of Object's works properly. More...
virtual bool equals (Object *other)
 Returns, whether two objects are equal. More...
virtual int hashValue ()
 Return a hash value for the object. More...
virtual Objectclone ()
 Return an exact copy of the object. More...
const char * toString ()
 Use object::Object::intoStringBuffer to return a textual representation of the object. More...
virtual size_t sizeOf ()
 Return the number of bytes, this object totally uses. More...

Static Public Attributes

static int CLASS_ID = -1
- Static Public Attributes inherited from dw::core::Widget
static int CLASS_ID = -1

Protected Member Functions

void sizeRequestSimpl (core::Requisition *requisition)
 Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with sizes not depending on positions. More...
void getExtremesSimpl (core::Extremes *extremes)
 Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with extremes not depending on positions. More...
void sizeAllocateImpl (core::Allocation *allocation)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dw::core::Widget
int getHeight ()
int getContentWidth ()
int getContentHeight ()
StackingContextMgrgetNextStackingContextMgr ()
void printFlag (Flags f)
void setFlags (Flags f)
void unsetFlags (Flags f)
void queueDraw ()
void queueDrawArea (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void queueResize (int ref, bool extremesChanged)
virtual void sizeRequestImpl (Requisition *requisition, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. More...
virtual void getExtremesImpl (Extremes *extremes, int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. More...
virtual void calcExtraSpaceImpl (int numPos, Widget **references, int *x, int *y)
 The actual implementation for calculating dw::core::Widget::extraSpace. More...
virtual void resizeDrawImpl ()
 Called after sizeAllocateImpl() to redraw necessary areas. By default the whole widget is redrawn. More...
virtual void markSizeChange (int ref)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. More...
virtual void markExtremesChange (int ref)
 See Sizes of Dillo Widgets. More...
virtual int getAvailWidthOfChild (Widget *child, bool forceValue)
virtual int getAvailHeightOfChild (Widget *child, bool forceValue)
virtual void correctRequisitionOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight)
void correctReqWidthOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, bool allowDecreaseWidth)
void correctReqHeightOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseHeight)
virtual void correctExtremesOfChild (Widget *child, Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth)
virtual void containerSizeChangedForChildren ()
virtual bool affectedByContainerSizeChange ()
virtual bool affectsSizeChangeContainerChild (Widget *child)
virtual bool usesAvailWidth ()
 Must be implemengted by a method returning true, when getAvailWidth() is called. More...
virtual bool usesAvailHeight ()
 Must be implemengted by a method returning true, when getAvailHeight() is called. More...
virtual void notifySetAsTopLevel ()
 This method is called after a widget has been set as the top of a widget tree. More...
virtual void notifySetParent ()
 This method is called after a widget has been added to a parent. More...
virtual bool buttonPressImpl (EventButton *event)
virtual bool buttonReleaseImpl (EventButton *event)
virtual bool motionNotifyImpl (EventMotion *event)
virtual void enterNotifyImpl (EventCrossing *event)
virtual void leaveNotifyImpl (EventCrossing *event)
char * addAnchor (const char *name)
char * addAnchor (const char *name, int y)
void changeAnchor (char *name, int y)
void removeAnchor (char *name)
void setCursor (style::Cursor cursor)
bool selectionHandleEvent (SelectionState::EventType eventType, Iterator *it, int charPos, int linkNo, MousePositionEvent *event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from lout::identity::IdentifiableObject
void registerName (const char *className, int *classId)
 This method must be called in the constructor for the sub class. See class comment for details. More...

Private Attributes


Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from dw::core::Widget
static void setAdjustMinWidth (bool adjustMinWidth)
static void adjustHeight (int *height, bool allowDecreaseHeight, int ascent, int descent)
- Public Attributes inherited from dw::core::Widget
int parentRef
 This value is defined by the parent widget, and used for incremential resizing. More...
- Protected Types inherited from dw::core::Widget
enum  Flags {
- Protected Attributes inherited from dw::core::Widget
Allocation allocation
 The current allocation: size and position, always relative to the canvas. More...
style::Box extraSpace
 Space around the margin box. Allocation is extraSpace + margin + border + padding + contents. More...
 Set iff this widget constitutes a stacking context, as defined by CSS. More...
 The bottom-most ancestor (or this) for which stackingContextMgr is set. More...

Detailed Description

Simple widget used for testing concepts.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

dw::SimpleContainer::SimpleContainer ( )
dw::SimpleContainer::~SimpleContainer ( )

Member Function Documentation

void dw::SimpleContainer::draw ( core::View view,
core::Rectangle area,
core::DrawingContext context 

Area is given in widget coordinates.

Implements dw::core::Widget.

References dw::core::Rectangle::draw().

void dw::SimpleContainer::getExtremesSimpl ( core::Extremes extremes)

Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with extremes not depending on positions.

Reimplemented from dw::core::Widget.

References dw::core::Extremes::adjustmentWidth, dw::core::Extremes::maxWidth, dw::core::Extremes::maxWidthIntrinsic, dw::core::Extremes::minWidth, and dw::core::Extremes::minWidthIntrinsic.

Iterator * dw::SimpleContainer::iterator ( core::Content::Type  mask,
bool  atEnd 

Return an iterator for this widget.

mask can narrow the types returned by the iterator, this can enhance performance quite much, e.g. when only searching for child widgets.

With atEnd == false, the iterator starts before the beginning, i.e. the first call of dw::core::Iterator::next will let the iterator point on the first piece of contents. Likewise, With atEnd == true, the iterator starts after the last piece of contents, call dw::core::Iterator::prev in this case.

Implements dw::core::Widget.

void dw::SimpleContainer::removeChild ( Widget child)
void dw::SimpleContainer::setChild ( core::Widget child)

References dw::core::Widget::setParent().

Referenced by main().

void dw::SimpleContainer::sizeAllocateImpl ( core::Allocation allocation)
void dw::SimpleContainer::sizeRequestSimpl ( core::Requisition requisition)

Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with sizes not depending on positions.

Reimplemented from dw::core::Widget.

References dw::core::Requisition::ascent, dw::core::Requisition::descent, dw::core::splitHeightPreserveAscent(), and dw::core::Requisition::width.

Member Data Documentation

Widget* dw::SimpleContainer::child
int dw::SimpleContainer::CLASS_ID = -1

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