Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Cdw::core::AllocationRepresents the allocation, i.e. actual position and size of a dw::core::Widget
 Clout::misc::BitSetA bit set, which automatically reallocates when needed
 Cdw::core::style::BoxRepresents a dimension box according to the CSS box model
 Cform::FormHandles HTML form data
 Cdw::ImageMapsListRepresents a list of client-side image maps
 Clout::container::typed::Iterator< T >Typed version of container::untyped::Iterator
 Clout::container::untyped::IteratorThis is a small wrapper for AbstractIterator, which may be used directly, not as a pointer, to makes memory management simpler
 Clout::container::typed::Iterator< dw::fltk::ui::FltkRadioButtonResource >
 Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< T >Container similar to lout::misc::SimpleVector, but some cases of insertion optimized (used for hyphenation)
 Clout::misc::NotSoSimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Word >
 Clout::object::ObjectThis is the base class for many other classes, which defines very common virtual methods
 Clout::signal::ObservedObjectAn observed object has a signal emitter, which tells the receivers, when the object is deleted
 Cdw::oof::OutOfFlowMgrRepresents additional data for OOF containers
 Cdw::core::ui::ResourceBasic interface for all resources
 Cdw::core::SelectionStateThis class handles selections, as well as activation of links, which is closely related
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< T >Simple (simpler than container::untyped::Vector and container::typed::Vector) template based vector
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< bool >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< char * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< core::Extremes >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< core::style::Style * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::AlignedTextblock * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::core::Point >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Table::Child * >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Anchor >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Line >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Textblock::Paragraph >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::Trie::TrieNode >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::DataEntry >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< dw::TrieBuilder::StackEntry >
 Clout::misc::SimpleVector< int >
 Cdw::core::SizeParamsHold arguments passed to dw::core::Widget::sizeRequest and dw::core::Widget::getExtremes, as described in Size requisitions depending on positions
 Cdw::core::StackingContextMgrSee Handling stacking contexts
 Cdw::core::StackingProcessingContextBase class for dw::core::DrawingContext and dw::core::GettingWidgetAtPointContext
 Clout::misc::StringBufferA class for fast concatenation of a large number of strings
 Clout::misc::ZoneAllocatorA simple allocator optimized to handle many small chunks of memory. The chunks can not be free'd individually. Instead the whole zone must be free'd with zoneFree()