| FltkLabelButtonResource (FltkPlatform *platform, const char *label) |
| ~FltkLabelButtonResource () |
void | sizeRequest (core::Requisition *requisition) |
const char * | getLabel () |
void | setLabel (const char *label) |
| FltkSpecificResource (FltkPlatform *platform) |
| ~FltkSpecificResource () |
void | sizeAllocate (core::Allocation *allocation) |
void | draw (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) |
void | setStyle (core::style::Style *style) |
bool | isEnabled () |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
Iterator * | iterator (Content::Type mask, bool atEnd) |
| Resource () |
virtual | ~Resource () |
virtual void | getExtremes (Extremes *extremes) |
virtual int | getAvailWidthOfChild (Widget *child, bool forceValue) |
virtual int | getAvailHeightOfChild (Widget *child, bool forceValue) |
virtual void | correctRequisitionOfChild (Widget *child, Requisition *requisition, void(*splitHeightFun)(int, int *, int *), bool allowDecreaseWidth, bool allowDecreaseHeight) |
virtual void | correctExtremesOfChild (Widget *child, Extremes *extremes, bool useAdjustmentWidth) |
virtual void | containerSizeChangedForChildren () |
virtual void | setDisplayed (bool displayed) |
void | connectActivate (ActivateReceiver *receiver) |
void | connectClicked (ClickedReceiver *receiver) |
| ~FltkResource () |
virtual void | attachView (FltkView *view) |
virtual void | detachView (FltkView *view) |
void | sizeAllocate (core::Allocation *allocation) |
void | draw (core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context) |
void | setStyle (core::style::Style *style) |
bool | isEnabled () |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual | ~Object () |
| The destructor is defined as virtual (but not abstract), so that destruction of Object's works properly. More...
virtual bool | equals (Object *other) |
| Returns, whether two objects are equal. More...
virtual int | hashValue () |
| Return a hash value for the object. More...
virtual Object * | clone () |
| Return an exact copy of the object. More...
virtual void | intoStringBuffer (misc::StringBuffer *sb) |
| Store a textual representation of the object in a misc::StringBuffer. More...
const char * | toString () |
| Use object::Object::intoStringBuffer to return a textual representation of the object. More...
virtual size_t | sizeOf () |
| Return the number of bytes, this object totally uses. More...