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dw::Textblock::SpaceImgRenderer Class Reference

#include <textblock.hh>

Public Member Functions

 SpaceImgRenderer (Textblock *textblock, int wordNo)
void getBgArea (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height)
 Return the area covered by the background image. More...
core::style::StylegetStyle ()
 Return the style this background image is part of. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from dw::Textblock::WordImgRenderer
 WordImgRenderer (Textblock *textblock, int wordNo)
 ~WordImgRenderer ()
void setData (int xWordWidget, int lineNo)
bool readyToDraw ()
 If this method returns false, nothing is done at all. More...
void getRefArea (int *xRef, int *yRef, int *widthRef, int *heightRef)
 Return the "reference area". More...
void draw (int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Draw (or queue for drawing) an area, which is given in canvas coordinates. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from dw::core::style::StyleImage::ExternalWidgetImgRenderer
void getPaddingArea (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height)
StyleImagegetBackgroundImage ()
BackgroundRepeat getBackgroundRepeat ()
BackgroundAttachment getBackgroundAttachment ()
Length getBackgroundPositionX ()
Length getBackgroundPositionY ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from dw::core::style::StyleImage::ExternalImgRenderer
void setBuffer (core::Imgbuf *buffer, bool resize)
 Called, when an image buffer is attached. More...
void drawRow (int row)
 Called, when data from a row is available and has been copied into the image buffer. More...
void finish ()
 Called, when all image data has been retrieved. More...
void fatal ()
 Called, when there are problems with the retrieval of image data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from dw::core::ImgRenderer
virtual ~ImgRenderer ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from dw::Textblock::WordImgRenderer
int wordNo
int xWordWidget
int lineNo
bool dataSet

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

dw::Textblock::SpaceImgRenderer::SpaceImgRenderer ( Textblock textblock,
int  wordNo 

Member Function Documentation

void dw::Textblock::SpaceImgRenderer::getBgArea ( int *  x,
int *  y,
int *  width,
int *  height 

Return the area covered by the background image.

Reimplemented from dw::Textblock::WordImgRenderer.

core::style::Style * dw::Textblock::SpaceImgRenderer::getStyle ( )

Return the style this background image is part of.

Reimplemented from dw::Textblock::WordImgRenderer.

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