The Dillo Web Browser The Dillo Web Browser

Dillo icons

Here are some icons that users have contributed for Dillo:
128x128 pixels
16x16 32x32 48x48
by atom3000

16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48
by John Grantham

by Ben Wong.

by Arindam.

by Eric.

by Jorge.

16x16 32x32 48x48 64x64
by Jorge.

by Ken Lee
see more...

Toolbar icons

(click to enlarge)
These are the icons which Dillo currently is shipped with.
by John L. Grantham
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

SliTaz toolbar icons (as the toolbar appears using SliTaz's modified dillorc). Replace src/pixmaps.h with pixmaps.slitaz.h and recompile Dillo.

Alternative tango-like toolbar icons by Colin Jones (help button added by Christophe Lincoln). To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.tango.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=medium)

20100118 Help button added to dillo toolbar. 20090127 Tools button added to dillo toolbar. If you are using a dillo newer than this and want to try the alternative icons below, don't forget to add the appropriate pixmaps.
Traditional icon set, used by older versions of Dillo. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.trad.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative Ximian toolbar icons (under the GPL license). These icons were transformed for Dillo by ralphtheraccoon. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.ximian.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative Konqueror toolbar icons (under the GPL license). These icons were transformed for Dillo by Livio. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.konq.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative Netscape toolbar icons, which seem to be GPL'd from the Mozilla source. These icons were transformed for Dillo by Horváth Szabolcs. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.netscape.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative Cobalt toolbar icons, by Gregg 't3h GeeK' van der Sluys. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.cobalt.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative bold toolbar icons, by Trent Buck. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.bold.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)

Alternative transparent toolbar icons. To use these alternative toolbar icons, just replace src/pixmaps.h , with pixmaps.trans.h file, and recompile Dillo.
  • This is with panel_size=tiny

(Click to see with panel_size=large)