Displays different kind of bullets.
void getExtremesSimpl(core::Extremes *extremes)
Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with extremes not depending on positions.
void containerSizeChangedForChildren()
void draw(core::View *view, core::Rectangle *area, core::DrawingContext *context)
Area is given in widget coordinates.
void sizeRequestSimpl(core::Requisition *requisition)
Simple variant, to be implemented by widgets with sizes not depending on positions.
core::Iterator * iterator(core::Content::Type mask, bool atEnd)
Return an iterator for this widget.
Set at the top when drawing.
Iterators are used to iterate through the contents of a widget.
dw::core::Shape implementation for simple rectangles.
An interface to encapsulate platform dependent drawing.
Dw is in this namespace, or sub namespaces of this one.