We really hope you enjoy using Dillo. Please bear in mind that
although it's very stable, it's still
Before you get started exploring
the web using this program, please take a look at the
hints and tricks
we have collected here.
Basic things:
- You can tell a link from plain content by the hand-shaped cursor.
- Besides browsing the web, Dillo also has basic file browsing
capabilities included. So, entering "file:" in your
Dillo URL window will give you the contents of your current
working directory, and "file:~" entered in the
same place will point your Dillo browser right to your home
- Dillo, at this stage of development, is not ready
to render pages that use frames.
Nevertheless, it comes with a tiny handler (lynx/w3m-like) that will
let you choose which frame to visit, one by one.
- Dillo has context
sensitive menus using the right mouse button
(available on pages, links, images, forms, the Back
and Forward buttons, and the bug meter).
- Some of the functions in Dillo are handled by independent
processes. For instance, downloads come through
If Dillo exits, the download can continue (more details
- You can scroll around your Dillo main window using
CTRL+{PgUp|PgDwn|Home|End} or using the mouse middle button
or mouse wheel. If nothing happens when keys are pressed, try
focusing your Dillo main
window first by clicking it (not on any link!:)).
- You can use the space key as PgDn, and {'b' | 'B'} as PgUp.
- Similarly, you can use "," and "." as shortcuts for
forward and backward buttons (mnemonic: those
keys are usually labeled "<" and ">").
- Configuration: If you want to change Dillo's
appearance or behaviour, look at the options in your
file (if you don't have a copy in your ~/.dillo/ directory, get it
- Clicking the "Reload" button always requests an end-to-end reload
of the page currently viewed, but it will *not* reload embedded
images during this process.
- Dialogs can be closed with the ESC key.
- If you want to try a different control panel, right-click over the
search button until you find one that suits your needs, then make
it the default in your
dillorc file.
- The whole window area can be used to display the page. Just hit
Downloads are made using
with a FLTK2-based GUI wrapper, through
the Dillo plugin (dpi) framework.
If you close the browser window, downloads will continue.
Find text:
This one is very useful;
it can be found in the right-mouse-button menu
Find text is tuned for speed so don't hesitate to use it even for minimal
- You can search for substrings, words and sentences.
- To find a substring or word, just enter its text.
- To find a left-aligned substring, prepend it with a space.
- To find a right-aligned substring, append a space to it.
- To find full words only, prepend and append spaces to them.
- To find a sentence, enter the words and remember that the above rules
apply for every word in it.
Dillo will scroll the page and highlight found text!
Default shortcut: [CTRL]+"F".
Just hold down the left mouse button and move to select the
area to copy. To paste, go to the target application and
press the middle mouse button.
If you want to select more than one screen, hold the mouse button
down and scroll with PgUp, PgDn or the arrow keys.
If you want to paste an URL into Dillo, do it on the "clear-URL"
button (the "X" next to the location bar).
Note: If it doesn't work, please try again. There's a bug lurking there.
Navigation history:
Currently, navigation history supports the navigation-stack model; just
right-click on the Back or Forward buttons and they will pop up!
- These history menus are relative to the current page.
- They show the page-title but the status bar shows the URL.
- Left-click jumps to the selected item.
- Middle-click opens the item in a new browser tab/window.
Due to privacy concerns, cookies are disabled by default.
That is, if you just compile and use dillo, it will reject
every single cookie sent to it!
If you want to enable cookies in dillo, please read
Cookies.txt. It's very easy --
just a matter of setting up a cookiesrc file).
Dillo has tabbed browsing. Just middle click to open a link or submit a
form in a new tab. It will be automatically focused. If you want to
customize this behaviour, adjust these dillorc options:
Press SHIFT to temporarily reverse the focusing behaviour.
Images-off mode:
You can browse without images now:
- There is an option in the Tools menu to disable automatic image loading.
An image's alt text (or
[IMG] placeholder) will appear in the
- If you want to load an individual image, left click on its text.
- You can set "no images" as the default mode in dillorc.
Bookmarks are handled by the Dillo plugin
(dpi) framework.
This should be transparent to the end user. Please note that:
- It is a good idea to keep a backup of your
- The server will stay alive after closing dillo.
- You can stop the server by sending it a KILL signal. Dillo
will automatically restart it when it is needed.
- If you don't have root access, install dpid and
the dpis
inside your
~/.dillo/ directory as explained
in the README file.
Bug Meter:
Dillo's Bug meter shows the
number of detected bugs inside the
page. The bugs are caught at parsing time, so the
error messages also show the line where they occur and provide a
hint of what was expected instead!
The primary purpose of the bug meter is to
help webmasters and page
authors to polish the contents of their sites with a view to making
them standards-compliant.
The Bug meter is located at the lower right corner of
Dillo. Left-click to see the messages, right-click for a menu.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Shortcut | Mnemonic | Function
Ctrl-L | Location | enter a new URL
| Ctrl-F | Find | find text
| Ctrl-S | Search | search the web
| Ctrl-R | Reload | reload current page
| Ctrl-N | New | New browser window
| Ctrl-T | Tab | New tab
| Ctrl-Q | Quit | quit tab/window
| Ctrl-O | Open | Open file
| Ctrl-B | Bookmarks | view bookmarks
| Ctrl-Space | "more space!" | Hide/show controls
| Back or "," | < | previous page
| Shift-Back or "." | > | next page
| Esc | escape | close dialog
| Alt-F | File | file menu
| Alt-Q | Quit | quit Dillo
| Shift-Right | Right | Next tab
| Shift-Left | Left | Previous tab
| Ctrl-TabKey | TabKey | Next tab
| Shift-Ctrl- TabKey | TabKey | Previous tab
You can change the bindings using a