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The democratization of internet information access
The vast information resources available across the Web,
very often get underused because of the ficticious
hardware (HW) and software (SW)
requirements some selling companies try to impose.
On the other hand, organizations and companies that want to deliver
(or provide) informative contents, don't try to encumber them under
propietary technologies that may challenge the user.
Dillo serves as a tool for browsing all of those sites, quickly,
comfortably and efficiently, and keeping the hardware & software
constant on the user side.
That way, a person with an old computer, handheld or PDA,
and a simple dialup connection can get informed quite well.
Personal security and privacy
Monitoring of Web activities, information gathering, profiling and
specially spying web-surfer's habits has become a valuable target
pursued by some organizations with obscure methodologies.
One step further are those trying to collect emails (for SPAM),
account/passwords pairs (for impersonation), and credit
card information (for fraud).
Even more, some times the user's own web browser can act as a
"trojan horse" that happily collects information from the user's
private files, or configuration places, to later send it to
specific data-collector servers.
This is generally done by:
- Programming the browser to do it
- With hidden code inside the browser binary
- Abusing of cookies technology
Currently Dillo avoids those threats by:
- Being Free Software in the terms of the
- Anyone can study its source code, so there's no place for hidden
trojans inside.
- Not allowing browser programming from the outside.
- It is certainly very attractive to let foreign programs run on
the local computer, but that means that anyone can program your
computer. This doesn't happen with Dillo.
- Not sending any private data to the net.
- Unless explicitly commanded by the user, Dillo will not
silently send any personal data as default behaviour.
- Having a strict cookies policy and being
- Dillo denies all cookies by default, but the user can customize
this behaviour on a fine grained basis for specific sites.
As an aditional protection, dillo observes every anti-abuse
suggestion in the RFC-2965.
Note that this is only the iceberg's tip; a lot more can be said...
for instance)
High software efficiency
Efficiency in these three main areas:
- Speed
- On the construction of the graphical representation of the page
gathering of the page's components from the net (networking),
and user interface response.
- Low hardware requirements
- On CPU (processing power),
main memory (RAM),
and hard disk usage.
- Usability
- Becoming a powerful tool by doing the job well and quickly.